Chapter 618 From now on, I am its master!

“Ha ha……”

“Boy, don’t be too self-righteous!”

Xin Qi smiled furiously: “I was just a polite sentence to you, do you really think you are qualified to point me?”

His Golden-winged Great Peng bird, but he went crazy under his instruction.

This kid wants to calm down the Golden-winged Great Peng bird, unless the trainer’s level is higher than him.

Xin Qi would not believe it anyway.

The boy who is almost the same age as him, the level of the trainer can reach the fifth rank!

“I have the right to point you, open your eyes and show it to me.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and then strode towards the Golden-winged Great Peng Bird.

The golden-winged Great Peng bird’s huge golden wings set off gusts of wind, and stared at Jiang Chen fiercely, in a posture of wanting to tear Jiang Chen to pieces!

Jiang Chen stared at the Golden-winged Great Peng bird with a smile.

He quickly waved his hands in mid-air, and a strange energy mudra quickly condensed in his palm.

Under the urging of Jiang Chen, the energy handprint directly turned into a stream of light and printed it on the head of the Golden-winged Great Peng bird.

Ancient imprint of controlling the beast!

This is a method of enslaving Demonic Beasts in ancient beast control.

Since this guy deliberately released the Golden-winged Great Peng bird to make things difficult for him, then he used the ancient beast control seal to forcibly turn this Golden-winged Great Peng bird into own.

He wants this kid to know what it means to lose Demonic Beasts again!

Following Jiang Chen’s imprint of the ancient beast controlling the Golden-winged Great Peng bird’s head.

I saw the Golden-winged Great Peng bird, who had been extremely manic, instantly became quiet.

Looking at the quiet Golden-winged Great Peng bird, Jiang Chen’s mouth raised slightly, and he beckoned directly: “Come here!”

After receiving Jiang Chen’s order, the Golden-winged Great Peng Bird actually walked towards Jiang Chen obediently, and finally stopped beside Jiang Chen motionless.


Seeing this weird scene, the hall suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Everyone’s gazes at Jiang Chen showed unbelievable horror.

They never thought that Jiang Chen’s understatement of a handprint could calm the Golden-winged Great Peng bird and obey his orders.

Could it be that this kid’s ability in beast taming is really stronger than Xin Qi?

“Impossible, this is impossible!”

Xin Qi’s eyes were dull, and there was an incredible growl in his mouth.

With a move of his mind, he urged the animal control technique to control the Golden-winged Great Peng bird back to him.


Xin Qi soon discovered to his horror that the animal control technique he planted in the Golden-winged Great Peng bird body had disappeared somehow!

No matter how he urged the control of beasts, there was no way to establish contact with the Golden-winged Great Peng Bird!

“You…what did you do to my Golden-winged Great Peng bird?”

Xin Qi suddenly looked at Jiang Chen in anger.

He thought that Jiang Chen could not comfort the Golden-winged Great Peng bird under his control.


In reality, he slapped him severely.

Jiang Chen not only subdued the Golden-winged Great Peng bird, but also unconsciously took away his control of the Golden-winged Great Peng bird!

How could this kid’s accomplishments in beast taming be so terrifying!

“I did not do anything.”

“Your Golden-winged Great Peng bird is smarter and knows current affairs. It thinks that your former owner is too rubbish to be worthy of following, so it abandons you.”

Jiang Chen grinned at Xin Qi, and a faint chuckle sounded slowly in the hall.

“So… from now on, I will be its owner!”

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