Chapter 610 Join the Liu Family!

Under Liu Lingzhu’s introduction, Jiang Chen quickly got a general understanding of his current position.

Cang Island.

A piece of island on the outskirts of the northern part of the Central State mainland.

However, this island covers an extremely large area, even much larger than the Northern Wilderness Continent.

There are four territories in Cangdao Island.

And Jiang Chen is now located in Qingluan, one of the four territories.

The young girl named Liu Lingzhu in front of her is the first family of Qingluan, Miss, the daughter of the Liu family.

“Miss Liu, have you heard of Yandi City in the Zhongzhou Continent? How far is it from Yandi City?”

After understanding where he was, Jiang Chen asked Liu Zhuling directly.

“You… are you going to Yandi City?”

When Liu Zhuling heard Jiang Chen’s words, he couldn’t help but exclaim.

Jiang Chen was startled slightly: “What’s the matter?”

“Yandi City, one of the five holy cities in the legend of Zhongzhou Continent. It is almost impossible for you to travel from Cangdao Island to Yandi City.”

At this moment, the faint voice of the girl with the sword on the side also rang.

Jiang Chen frowned, turned his head to look at the girl holding the sword and said, “Why?”

“First, Yandi City is located in the south of the Zhongzhou mainland, hundreds of thousands of miles away. Even if the Shenhai Realm Practitioner goes all out, it will probably take a year or a half.”

“Second, this is only the outer area of ​​the Central State Continent. It is not easy for you to enter the true Central State Continent, let alone go to Yandi City, one of the five holy cities.”

The girl holding the sword curled her lips and said.

“Liu Ying, don’t be rude to Young Master Jiang.”

Liu Lingzhu scolded the girl with the sword.

She raised her head and explained to Jiang Chen softly.


Peripheral areas like Cangdao Island are separated from the Zhongzhou mainland by a natural barrier.

Only Divine Soul Realm Kings above Divine Sea Realm can enter and leave at will.

It is precisely because of this.

It is undoubtedly a very difficult thing for the people of Canghai Island to enter the Central State Continent.

“Young Master Jiang, although it is not easy to enter the Zhongzhou mainland from Cangdao Island, it is not without the opportunity.”

“The Canglan League to the north of the Central State Continent recruits some talented disciples in nearby peripheral areas every three years. Now it is less than a month before the Canglan League’s next recruitment.”

“Young Master Jiang might as well join my Liu family temporarily. At that time, our Liu family will give you a place to participate in the assessment of the Canglan League.”

Liu Zhuling smiled lightly: “Moreover, the Canglan League has a teleportation formation to other parts of the Zhongzhou Continent. As long as Young Master Jiang can enter the Canglan League, he can be teleported to a place closer to Yandi City.”

“Okay, I am willing to join the Liu family.”

Jiang Chen nodded, and said without thinking.

He has just arrived and needs a place to stay anyway.


If you can leave Cangdao Island through Liu’s family and go to the mainland of Zhongzhou, it is naturally the best.

“Miss, let’s go get the moiré Lei Jing first.”

Seeing that Liu Zhuling invited Jiang Chen to join the Liu family, and promised a quota for the Canglan League assessment, the girl with the sword had no choice but to shook her head.

Now the Liu family is unable to protect themselves, and Miss, his own, still has the mind to help others.

“Yes, Liu Ying, let’s go get moire Lei Jing.”

Liu Zhuling also thought of his purpose of secretly coming out, and quickly nodded.

“and many more!”

Just when Liu Zhuling was about to leave, Jiang Chen’s expression changed, and his coldly voice instantly resounded in midair.

“Sir, do you come out by yourself, or do you want me to get you out?”

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