Chapter 603 Long Li’s Request!

“President Long is polite.”

Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

He didn’t talk nonsense with Long Li, and said straightforwardly: “I don’t know what will be the case with President Long looking for me.”

“Little friend Jiang Chen, Martial Dao, is extremely talented. He is already the first genius of the Three Northern Wilderness Sects when he is less than twenty years old. I have something to ask Little Friend Jiang Chen for help.”

Long Li smiled and made a please gesture to Jiang Chen: “Please also ask little friend Jiang Chen to come in and chat with me.”

Jiang Chen didn’t mean to leave at all.

He looked at Long Li with a chuckle and said, “President Long, I don’t like roundabouts, so let’s talk about it here.”

“Since little friend Jiang Chen is so refreshing, then I won’t talk nonsense.”

Long Li took a deep breath and slowly said, “I want to invite my little friend Jiang Chen to the ancient land of my Long Family inheritance and unlock the secrets of my Long Family!”

“The Long Family in your mouth, is that the one that disappeared in the Black Dragon City failed?”

Jiang Chen’s eyes narrowed slightly: “It is rumored that the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce has a very close relationship with the Long Family. It seems that it is so.”

“It’s true that we, the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, are actually members of the Long Family…”

Long Li gave a wry smile, and soon talked about the affairs of the Long Family.

The Long Family disappeared from the Black Dragon City overnight, but only a small part of the Long Family disciples who were not in the Black Dragon City were left behind.

And Long Li’s father was one of the disciples of the Long Family who was left behind.

After a search, Long Li’s father found that the disappearance of the Long Family had a lot to do with the ancient land inherited by the Long Family.

Only after the disappearance of the Long Family, the ancient land of the Long Family inheritance was sealed by a mysterious force.

Even if Long Li’s father had the strength of the peak of Shenhai Ninth Stage, he could not do anything about the seal of the ancient land inherited by the Long family.


The Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce passed to Long Li’s hands.

Long Li had already failed to express his extravagant hopes of opening up the ancient land of inheritance and tracing the cause of the disappearance of the Long Family.


Just a few decades ago, the seal of the Long Family’s inheritance of the land unexpectedly disappeared.

Long Li was overjoyed and hurriedly sent the Long Family disciples to the ancient land of inheritance to find out.

But who expected the Long Family Heritage Ancient Land to have a mysterious assessment, and this assessment was very difficult, and their Long Family disciples couldn’t even pass the first stage of the assessment!

In recent years, the ancient land of the Long Family Heritage has been opened almost every ten years.

Every time Long Li sent the Long Family disciples to participate in the assessment, but no one passed.

It is only two years since the ancient underground of the Long Family Inheritance was opened once.

Long Li had no choice but to find geniuses from the outside to participate in the Long Family Inheritance Ancient Land Examination.

“Little friend Jiang Chen, I invite you to come this time because I hope you can participate in the assessment of the ancient land of the Long Family Heritage.”

Long Li said in a deep voice, “If you have any requirements, Mr. Jiang Chen can just ask them.”

“Father, our Long Family inherited ancient land has always been forbidden to enter by outsiders.”

“Do you really want to break the rules of your ancestors and let people who are not of the dragon family blood enter the ancient land of inheritance?”

At this moment, the somewhat unhappy voice of the young man in Jin Yi also rang.

“Long Ling, it’s a big event in my Long family, but now it’s not your turn to interfere.”

“I’ve decided on this, you have to talk more!”

A sharp light burst into Long Li’s eyes.

The assessment of the ancient land of the Long Family inheritance is extremely difficult, but the disciples of the Long Family are inferior to one generation.

If you don’t invite outsiders to come to participate in the assessment, I am afraid that the secrets in the ancient land passed down by their Long Family will never be solved.

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