Chapter 594 Blood Shadow Venerable Blood Shadowless!

The three powerhouses never thought of it.

This time, there is a mysterious Blood Demon hall powerhouse hidden in the void in the Three Sects.

And they were unaware of this mysterious Blood Demon hall powerhouse!

this moment.

The expressions of the three powerhouses are extremely solemn.

The Blood Demon hall powerhouse has come openly, and the Northern Wild Continent is probably about to set off another bloody storm.


“Who is it? It turns out to be a remnants of the Blood Demon Hall!”

“A blood demon temple remnants in a mere gulf, dare to show up publicly in the three sects of Huiwu, do you really think that I have no one in the three sects of the Northern Wilderness?”

Shen Xinghai looked at the mysterious blood shadow in the void, and his eyes instantly became sharp.


Blood Demon Hall remnants frequently appeared in various parts of the Northern Wilderness, and the Blood Demon Hall that had been silent for a long time seemed to show signs of recovery.

This time the three powerhouses gathered at Longxi Mountain. In addition to the three martial arts meeting held every five years, the most important thing was to discuss how to deal with the Blood Demon Hall remnants.


Shen Haixing didn’t expect it.

Before they had time to discuss the matter, the powerhouse of the Blood Demon Hall had already appeared on their own initiative.

“You are the Sect Leader of the Excalibur Sect today?”

The mysterious blood shadow looked at the sea of ​​stars below, and couldn’t help but smile contemptuously: “Compared to the gods of the past, you are far behind.”

When Shen Xinghai heard this, his expression suddenly changed drastically: “You…who are you?”

This mysterious blood shadow is actually a person of the same age as their Sect Leader who took the post of Sect Leader!

“Who I am, you don’t need to know.”

Mysterious Blood Shadow looked at Shen Xinghai, and said lightly: “You just need to know that the deity was ordered by the Lord of the Palace to discuss matters with Sanzong.”


“We, the Three Sects of the Northern Wilderness, have nothing to discuss with you in the Blood Demon Hall!”

“Since you are here, leave me forever.”

Shen Xinghai’s expression turned cold, and immediately pointed out the mysterious blood shadow in the void with a reference sword.

In an instant…

A ten-foot long sword finger struck Shattering Void in an instant, and shot away at the mysterious blood shadow.

“Haha… that’s ridiculous!”

“A trash in the third stage of the Divine Sea, what right does it have to be wild in front of my bloodless shadows!”

“Even if your Divine Sword Sect was the last Sect Leader God, you can’t help the deity back then. What kind of thing are you, you dare to speak wild words in front of me!”

The mysterious blood shadow laughed loudly, and the bloody palm shook the finger of Shen Xinghai’s sword abruptly!


I saw that the huge sword fingers of Shen Xinghai exploded without warning, and the violent energy explosion instantly resounded through the world.


Shen Xinghai’s figure trembled, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and the whole person flew back ten feet away in embarrassment.

He looked up at the mysterious blood shadow in the void, and his pale face also showed unconcealed horror.

“One of the two great guardians of the Blood Demon Hall, Venerable, you…you are still alive!”

He turned out to be a blood shadow Venerable blood without shadow!

This… how is this possible?

The three powerhouses looked at the mysterious blood shadow in the void in amazement, and there was an unbelievable look in their eyes.

Blood shadow Venerable blood without shadow!

This is the peerless and powerful man in the Hall of Blood Demon thousands of years ago.

Generally speaking.

The life span of a Shenhai First Stage powerhouse is about 300 years.

The strength of the power of the god sea realm, each Ascension First Stage, can increase the life span of decades!

But even so, even the peerless powerhouse of Shenhai Ninth Stage has a life span of at most a thousand years.

They never thought of it anyway.

Blood Shadow Venerable Blood without Shadow, this old monster who had been known to shake the Northern Wilderness thousands of years ago, is still alive in this world!

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