Chapter 587 You are too weak, I am too lazy to do it!

“Jiang Chen, you don’t even plan to do it?”

Seeing Jiang Chen sitting cross-legged across from him, Zhang Xuan’s face also didn’t look so good.

“You are too weak, I am too lazy to do it.”

Jiang Chen curled his lips: “If you can break my defense, even if I lose!”

Among the twelve disciples in the True Dragon finals, the only one who can get the eyes of Jiang Chen’s method now is Jian Chen of the Divine Sword Sect.


Although these three geniuses pose no threat to him, the strength is still passable.

How could Jiang Chen miss such an opportunity to let these three geniuses add more experience to his invincible physical training.


“Jiang Chen, don’t think that if you defeat Xu Tianming, you really think that you are invincible in the world.”

“Anyone who dares to look down upon me, I will make him pay an extremely heavy price!”

Seeing Jiang Chen despising him so much, Zhang Xuan smiled coldly, and a strange light instantly appeared in his dark eyes.

In an instant…

An invisible amount of Mental Energy enveloped the area within a radius of several meters.

As if between.

Jiang Chen only felt a big hand containing terrifying power, suppressing him invisibly.

“Huh? It turns out that this guy has cultivated a spiritual attack secret technique.”

Feeling the amount of mental energy around him that wanted to interfere with his mind, Jiang Chen’s heart suddenly became depressed.

He sits here and lets Zhang Xuan attack. The most important thing is to gain experience by resisting beating. Ascension is invincible, alright.

But this guy is good, but he has a mysterious attack. What kind of thing is this?

“Jiang Chen, even if your body’s defenses are strong, what can you do?”

“I want to see how you can resist my mysterious magic attack!”

Zhang Xuan smiled grimly, the powerful Mental Energy continuously pressed against Jiang Chen, and wanted to rely on the mysterious technique to influence Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Idiot, get out of here!”

Jiang Chen coldly shouted with an uncomfortable expression, a thunder blasted through the air, and the invisible Second Stage Thunder Dao’s true meaning spread out in an instant.


Zhang Xuan’s body trembled, and immediately the whole person was bleeding from Qiqiao, and fell to the ground with a thud.

Resolving Zhang Xuan lightly, Jiang Chen was too lazy to take a look at him, and got up and returned to the corner of the true dragon battle platform.

If this guy beats him with his fist and contributes experience points to his invincible refining technique, Jiang Chen is naturally willing to accompany him.

But this guy had to perform some mysterious technique, Jiang Chen didn’t bother to waste time with him.


“Isn’t Zhang Xuan’s mental attack secret technique very strong, why is he defeated so inexplicably?”

“Second Stage Lei Dao’s true meaning, Jiang Chen just displayed the Second Stage Lei Dao’s true meaning and instantly cracked Zhang Xuan’s mysterious technique!”

“Oh my God… this guy actually realized the true meaning of Second Stage Thunder!”


When everyone looked at the situation on the high platform, they couldn’t help but marvel again.

“It’s another Second Stage Martial Dao true meaning.”

Seeing Jiang Chen’s Second Stage Lei Dao’s true meaning easily defeated Zhang Xuan’s mysterious technique, even the heart of Jian Chen of the Divine Sword Sect couldn’t help but twitch.

Second Stage Sword intent!

The true meaning of Second Stage style!

Second Stage Thunder Real Meaning!

The strength of this guy is like a bottomless pit, giving people an unfathomable feeling.

Jian Chen took a deep breath, his expression extremely solemn.

This guy… how much strength he still hasn’t shown.

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