Chapter 580: A Nightmare Level Opponent!

Xiahoujian’s sword pointed directly at Jiang Chen’s eyebrows.


It’s just that when his long sword touched the golden aperture in front of Jiang Chen, it was blocked with a ding, and it was hard to get in anymore.

And the Second Stage Sword intent contained in his long sword was also dissolved into the invisible in an instant!

Seeing that his sword containing the Second Stage Sword intent returned to no avail, Xia Houjian was going crazy.

“Do not!”

“How can I be defeated by a disciple of Tai Xuzong who has no reputation?”

“I must beat him, I must beat him!”

Xiahou’s sword was crazy.

He wielded his long sword frantically to attack Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen’s invincible physical training has broken through the fourth stage.

And with the attack of Xiahoujian, Jiang Chen’s invincible physical training experience has grown rapidly, and his body has become more powerful.

One goes down and the other goes up.

It was even more impossible for Xiahoujian to break Jiang Chen’s defense.


Xia Houjian was exhausted because of the exhaustion of his body’s vitality, so exhausted, he fell on the arena with a puff and passed out directly.


“This is incredible, I’m not dreaming.”


The scene in front of me also made countless people on the square uncontrollably swallowing their saliva.

From the beginning, they thought that Xiahoujian would definitely win in this competition.

But the reality is that they slapped them in the face.

Xiahoujian not only lost, but also lost to Jiang Chen in a very sad way.

Xiahoujian, the genius of the dignified Divine Sword Sect, even after exhausting the last trace of strength, even Jiang Chen’s defense could not be broken.

The most shocking thing is.

During the entire battle, Jiang Chen just sat there quietly, without even moving his body!

“Unexpectedly, this time the three martial arts, Tai Xuzong still hides such a genius.”

“The strength of this son is not inferior to any true student of the Three Sects, and I am afraid that he is even qualified to compete with the first true student of the Three Sects.”

“Tsk tusk… It seems that this time the Three Sects’ Meeting of Martial Arts is interesting.”


When everyone looked at Jiang Chen floating down from the arena, they couldn’t help but be amazed.

When Jiang Chen stepped down.

Jian Chen also quickly flashed his body and picked up the unconscious Xiahou Jian.

When he passed by Jiang Chen, his coldly voice instantly rang in Jiang Chen’s ears.

“Jiang Chen, you dare to humiliate my disciple of the Divine Sword Sect like this.”

“When the finals start, I will definitely get back from you twice!”

“I’m waiting for you.” Jiang Chen said lightly, and turned back to Taixuzong’s camp.

Next, the game continues.

Meng Qingxue also quickly played, defeated the first opponent and scored the first points.

With such fierce confrontation, one round of battle quickly ended, and the game entered the second round.

This time, Jiang Chen’s opponent was not too strong, but a disciple of the Kaiyuan Ninth Stage late stage of the Tianyue Sect.

Jiang Chen still sat cross-legged on the arena, letting the Tianyuezong disciple attack.

After the Tianyuezong disciple tried several times but failed to break Jiang Chen’s defense, he finally reluctantly chose to surrender directly.

In the next few rounds.

Without exception, Jiang Chen’s opponents failed to break his defense and chose to admit defeat.

Facing Jiang Chen’s invincible defense, all the contestants on the second stage were helpless.

The surrounding audience couldn’t help but mourn for Jiang Chen’s opponent.

This guy is simply a nightmare opponent to the contestants on the second stage.

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