Chapter 566 One man crushes the four forces!


Jiang Chen suddenly bid 50 million, which immediately caused an uproar in the auction house.

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen at this moment.


“Who is this kid, who is so awesome.”

“It’s crazy to dare to compete with the Three Sects of the Northern Wilderness and the Shenfeng Mercenary Corps for the martial arts of the heavenly rank.”


When everyone in the auction room was amazed, Jian Chen and the others couldn’t help but condensed slightly.

They thought that this volume of heavenly sword skills was a struggle between the four of them, but they didn’t expect Jiang Chen to come out on the way.


“No matter who it is, I don’t want to stop my Divine Sword Sect from taking this heavenly sword skill today!”

Jian Chen snorted coldly: “51 million!”

“Sixty million!”

Jiang Chen’s face was expressionless, and his faint voice sounded again. As if the spar is like a stone, no matter how much you throw it out, you won’t care.

Jiang Chen’s re-quotation also silenced the Leng Yao of Tianyue Sect and Ling Zong of Taixu Sect for an instant.

Regarding this volume of broken-product heavenly sword skills, neither Tianyuezong nor Taixuzong had to photograph them.

It’s just that the competition between the three cases is fierce.

The biggest reason for their presence here is that they don’t want this dilapidated heavenly sword skill to fall into the hands of other Sects.

Especially the Excalibur Sect!

Once the Divine Sword Sect possesses this dilapidated Heavenly Sword Skill, with the Divine Sword Sect’s background in the sword, it will be possible to perfect it into a true Heavenly Sword Skill. ”

By the time.

The Divine Sword Sect is bound to rise in strength, and it may also affect the structure of the Three Sects.

Now that Jiang Chen is competing with Jian Chen, they are naturally happy.

As long as this volume of Heavenly Grade Sword Skill did not fall into Jian Chen’s hands, they were not in a hurry to make a move.

Especially Tai Xuzong’s Ling Zong is even less worried.

According to Jiang Chen, he is still a disciple of their Taixu Sect.

If he was able to press Jian Chen to photograph this volume of remnant Heavenly Grade sword skills, it would not be a bad thing to them Tai Xuzong.

the other side.

The mysterious black-clothed youth of the Kamikaze mercenary group also chose to watch with cold eyes.

Although their Shenfeng mercenary group is not inferior to the Northern Wilderness Three Sects, their background is far inferior.

Sixty million spars, this is the limit their kamikaze mercenary group can bear.

“Sixty-one million!”

Jian Chen’s expression was a bit ugly.

The news of the broken Heavenly Sword Skills at the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce auction was a bit sudden, and their Divine Sword Sect had collected 70 million spars in total.

If Jiang Chen directly added 70 million next time, he would probably have a hard time photographing this volume of heavenly sword skills.

“Seventy million!”

Just when Jian Chen prayed in his heart that Jiang Chen did not have that polycrystalline stone, Jiang Chen’s calm bidding instantly broke his illusion.

“Seven thousand and five million!”

Jian Chen gritted his teeth and pressed all the spars on his body.

He looked at the opposite Jiang Chen and said solemnly: “This friend, I wonder if I can give me a face to the Divine Sword Sect and give me the Heavenly Sword Skills?”

“In my eyes, the face of your Divine Sword Sect is not as valuable as this volume of heavenly martial arts.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “Seven thousand and six hundred thousand!”

“good very good!”

“My son took note of today’s affairs!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen is so not giving face, Jian Chen’s eyes also flashed a cold look.

As Jian Chen gave up the bidding, the Martial Skill Slashing Heaven Sword of the Remnant Rank Heavenly Grade fell into Jiang Chen’s hands without accident.

The scene before him also caused everyone in the auction house to take a breath.

No one can think of it.

Jiang Chen was able to defeat the Three Sects of the Northern Wilderness and the Shenfeng Mercenary Corps with his own power, and finally acquired this volume of heavenly sword skills.

This… This is too awesome!

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