Chapter 560 I want to auction a Condensed Sword Pill!

Under the leadership of the maid.

Jiang Chen soon came to a separate room behind the auction house.

in the room.

A middle-aged man in a gorgeous, fat-eared brocade robe sits on a chair and closes his eyes.

“Sir, the supreme guest of the auction is looking for you for something.”

The maid knocked on the door and said respectfully to the middle-aged man in the brocade robe in the room.

The middle-aged Jinpao suddenly opened his eyes when he heard the words.

He looked at Jiang Chen beside the maid, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

As the person in charge of the auction of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, he knows better than anyone how difficult it is to receive the supreme guest order from the auction.

“Little brother, please come in quickly.”

The middle-aged Jinpao quickly stood up and greeted Jiang Chen in with a smile.

Enter the room.

Jiang Chen sat down with Jinpao’s middle-aged guest and host.

The middle-aged Jin Pao asked with a smile, “How do you call this little brother? I am the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce auction in charge of Shang An. I don’t know why the little brother is looking for me?”

Jiang Chen said indifferently: “Next Jiang Chen, I want to auction something at the auction.”

“Generally, when the auction is about to be held, we will not add items to the auction at will.”

“But… Young Master Jiang is the most distinguished guest of this auction, and Shang is willing to make an exception.”

“As long as the things Mr. Jiang brought out meet the auction conditions, Mr. Shang will immediately arrange the auction for Mr. Jiang.”

Shang An said with a smile on his face.

“Then there is Mr. Labor and Merchant.”

As Jiang Chen said, he directly took out ten kinds of sixth-rank materials from Na Jie.

These materials were all obtained at the Blood Demon Hall ruins last time. Because of the relatively high grade, Jiang Chen never used them.

“This is……”

Shang An looked at the materials that Jiang Chen had taken out, his pupils couldn’t help but shrink slightly.

With Shang’an’s eyesight, it is not difficult to see that the grades of these materials have all reached the sixth rank.

There are two materials of the sixth rank Medicine Pill, which are extremely rare, even if he has seen it the number of times!

“Young Master Jiang wait a moment, I’ll let someone come to appraise the materials.”

Shang An took a deep breath, and then said to the maid at the door: “You immediately let Master Shen come over.”


The maid respectfully responded, and quickly turned and left.

After a while, she brought an old man with white hair to Jiang Chen and the others.

“Huh? There are a lot of sixth-rank materials, and there are even Yin & Yang flowers of sixth-rank senior materials!”

The white-haired old man looked at the material in front of Jiang Chen, his eyes lit up slightly.

Shang An smiled and said, “Master Shen, this Young Master Jiang is going to auction these materials. Could you please appraise it for him.”

Master Shen didn’t talk nonsense when he heard the words, and soon completed the identification of more than ten kinds of Jiang Chen’s medicinal materials.

After Master Shen’s appraisal is completed.

Jiang Chen worried that the spar auctioned for these medicinal materials would not be enough to capture the final Heavenly Martial Arts, and he couldn’t help but said to Shang An, “Commercial management, I also want to auction a Medicine Pill.”

Shang An was taken aback for a moment, and then asked with a smile on his face: “I don’t know what Medicine Pill Jiang is going to auction?”

Jiang Chen said indifferently: “I want to auction a Condensed Sword Pill!”

Condensing sword pill?

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, Shang An obviously stunned for a moment, and couldn’t help looking at Master Shen who was aside.

And Master Shen on the side was shocked.

His gaze towards Jiang Chen instantly became extremely excited: “Sword Condensation Pill! You…Do you really own the legendary Sword Condensation Pill?”

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