Chapter 556 I have never seen you so weak!

The sudden faint snort made the evil-charming youth stunned for a while.

He tilted his head slightly, his gaze fell on Jiang Chen’s body in an instant.

“Boy, what are you?”

“I’m talking here with my junior sister, when will it be your turn to interrupt?”

The evil spirit youth looked cold, and sternly shouted at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen glanced at the evil charm youth lightly: “I don’t care who you are, as long as the three of them don’t want to go with you, no one can force them in front of me.”

“Be nosy, and die!”

A sharp cold light shot out of the evil charm youth’s eyes, and a terrifying elemental force was directly brought up in his fist, rushing out toward Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, his invincible refining technique worked instantly, and he raised his hand with a blow to the evil youth.


The muffled explosion resounded instantly, and the invisible air wave swept away centered on the two of them.

Ding Ding Ding!

The evil-charming youth trembled, and the whole was retreated staggeringly for a few steps.

“You…who are you?”

The right hand of the evil charm young man trembled slightly, and the gaze looking at Jiang Chen also showed incredible horror.

As the top three true disciples of the Tianyue Sect, the evil spirit youth is still very confident of own strength.

Even in the entire Northern Wilderness Three Sects, there are only a handful of young geniuses who can defeat him.

But the boy in front of him, without even using True Yuan just now, shook him back with a punch.

Such a terrifying body cultivator strength.

I’m afraid that even the true disciple of Taixuzong, Ao Tiankui, who is famous for his body cultivator, is far from being able to compare with this kid.

“Yuan Li is imaginary and chaotic. When I look at your Cultivation Base at the peak of Kaiyuan Ninth Stage, it was through external force Ascension.”

“To be honest, I have seen a lot of geniuses at the top of the Ninth Stage of the Northern Wilderness Three Sects Kaiyuan, but I have never seen you so weak.”

“It’s like you, but you don’t have the right to be wild in front of me!”

Jiang Chen condescendingly looked down at the evil charm young man: “Are you going to roll by yourself, or do you want me to make you roll?”

The evil young man looked gloomy.

He glanced at Jiang Chen coldly, and then walked towards the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce without a word.

Heroes don’t suffer from immediate losses.

Now his strength is at the peak of Kaiyuan Ninth Stage, and he will soon be able to break through the Ninth Stage through secret methods.

By the time.

He must make this kid pay a heavy price!

“Brother Jiang, thank you just now.”

Watching the evil charm youth leave, the three women of Yue Mu Ling couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, and said to Jiang Chen with gratitude.

If Jiang Chen were not here today, I’m afraid they would really be unable to escape the clutches.

Jiang Chen looked at the back of the evil charm youth leaving, and asked curiously: “Who is this guy? You seem to be afraid of him?”

“He is Leng Yao, our true disciple of Tianyue Sect, who has cultivated a secret method of dual cultivation.”

“Leng Yao relied on his status as a disciple of Sect Leader and harmed many female disciples of Tianyue Sect.”

“Not long ago, Leng Yao even secretly wanted to attack Senior Sister Qingxue. Master almost fought Sect Leader because of this.”

Yue Mu Ling said angrily.

“Huh! It turned out to be a rubbish cultivated by this secret technique!”

When Jiang Chen heard Yue Muling’s words, a sharp light burst into his eyes.

This guy dared to hit his maid Meng Qingxue’s idea!

It would be fine if this Leng Yao be honest in the future.

If he dared to fight Meng Qingxue’s idea, Jiang Chen wouldn’t mind letting him disappear completely from this world.

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