Chapter 552 You are the one who should go!

Enter the Black Dragon City.

Jiang Chen and the others began to look for an inn, preparing to take a rest in Black Dragon City.

Perhaps due to the upcoming three guilds, the flow of people in the Black Dragon City has obviously increased a lot.

Jiang Chen and the others searched for several inns, and almost all of them were full.

After a while.

Jiang Chen and the others came to an inn called Qingfenglou.

“The shopkeeper, do you still have a room?”

Jiang Chen walked straight to the counter and asked the middle-aged shopkeeper in the counter.

The middle-aged shopkeeper raised his head to Jiang Chen and the others, and said with a smile. “A few of the guest officers are lucky. We happened to have two guests withdrawing from two rooms.”

“We want these two rooms.”

Yue Muling heard what the shopkeeper said, her beautiful eyes lit up, and she said quickly.

The current Black Dragon City Inn is almost full, if they miss these two rooms, I am afraid they will really have to sleep on the street.

“Hole, please come with me four of you.”

The middle-aged shopkeeper nodded, and then he was about to take Jiang Chen and the others upstairs.

“Wait a moment!”

“The shopkeeper, we want these two rooms!”

Just when Jiang Chen and the others were about to go upstairs, a faint voice came from the inn door abruptly.

Jiang Chen frowned.

He tilted his head and looked at the sound, and saw four young people wearing white moiré robes with an inverted sword-shaped mark embroidered on their chests coming in strode through the door.

The first one is about 20 years old.

His eyebrows are like swords, his eyes are as sharp as swords, and his whole body exudes an aura that makes people afraid to look at him.

“A member of the Excalibur Sect!”

Seeing the four uninvited guests entering the inn, Liu Qin and the others couldn’t help but change their pretty faces.

“Sorry, the last two rooms of the shop have already been taken care of by them. Please ask some guest officials to find another place.”

The middle-aged shopkeeper looked at the four young people who walked in and couldn’t help but said apologetically.

“They haven’t moved in yet. Just let them give us the room. We can double the price.”

The headed Jianmei youth said indifferently, as if talking about a trivial matter.


The middle-aged shopkeeper suddenly showed a look of embarrassment.

“What the hell, don’t you hear what our senior brother Luo said, don’t you let them get out?”

Seeing the embarrassed look of the middle-aged shopkeeper, a thin young man behind Jianmei youth also stood up and shouted impatiently at the middle-aged shopkeeper.

“A few friends, we are first interested in these two. It seems that you should get out.”

Jiang Chen frowned, and an unpleasant expression appeared in his eyes.

“I think it is better for you to get out. Since I said that I want these two rooms, then these two rooms are destined to belong only to me.”

The Jianmei youth looked at Jiang Chen condescendingly, his expression extremely arrogant.


Jiang Chen smiled coldly, and said in a controversial manner: “What I am fond of is not something that a cat or a dog can get involved!”

“Boy, who are you fucking scolding.”

“Dare to be so arrogant in front of our senior brother Luo, I think you are impatient with your life, and you won’t die for me.”

The thin young man was suddenly furious.

Before Jianmei Youth could speak, he wielded a long sword and pierced Jiang Chen’s eyebrows with a sword.


Jiang Chen’s expression was cold, and a cold word came out from his mouth.

The next moment…

The thin young man trembled, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and his figure flew upside down like a broken kite.

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