Chapter 528 Taixu Sect disciple, Jiang Chen!

Following the order of the man in black, he fell.

A group of people in black brandished their palm weapons, and violently killed Xia Donghuang.

“You have to pay a heavy price if you want my Xia Donghuang’s life!”

Looking at the group of people in black who had killed him, Xia Donghuang couldn’t help flashing a hideous look in his muddy old eyes.

Just when he was about to blew Dantian and dragged a few people in black to bury him with him.

A figure that made him a little familiar appeared in front of him ghostly.

“Jiang…Jiang Chen, why are you here?”

Xia Donghuang looked at Jiang Chen in front of him with an incredulous expression.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly and said: “I have left Daxia for half a year. I wanted to come back and have a look, so I came back.”

“Jiang Chen, you shouldn’t be back at this time.”

“The eldest prince Xia Lin took refuge in the Blood Demon Hall for the throne, and with the help of a Blood Demon Hall powerhouse, killed the old Emperor Xia, now Daxia Kingdom is almost the world of Xia Lin.”

“You immediately return to Taixu Zong, report this to Taixu Zong, I will hold them.”

Xia Donghuang quickly said with an anxious expression.

The current situation in the Great Xia Kingdom can only be solved by the powerhouse of Taixuzong.

“Boy, who are you?”

Seeing Jiang Chen who suddenly appeared, the black-clothed man who was headed across from him narrowed his eyes and shouted sharply at Jiang Chen.

“Taixuzong disciple, Jiang Chen!”

Jiang Chen said indifferently: “Taixu Sect’s territory, but it is not your turn to go wild. Give you a chance and stop by yourself.”

This kid turned out to be a disciple of Taixuzong!

Hearing Jiang Chen’s answer, the black-clothed man’s expression suddenly changed.

It is impossible for Taixuzong to know everything that happened recently in the Great Xia Kingdom. How could Taixuzong disciples suddenly appear in the Great Xia Kingdom?

“Haha… a little boy who dares to be arrogant in front of me!”

“I don’t care who you are. Since you like to be nosy, then I will send you to the funeral of this old fellow!”

The black-clothed man smiled sorrowfully: “Give me your best effort and send them to Yellow Springs as a company!”

Taixuzong is thousands of miles away from Daxia Kingdom, and the news here has been completely blocked by them, it is impossible for Taixuzong to know about Daxia Kingdom so quickly.

If this kid is a disciple of Taixuzong, in order to avoid the leakage of the news, he even wants to stay with this kid.

Although Tai Xuzong’s disciples are all peerless geniuses selected from a million, the boy in front of him is after all a hairy boy who is less than twenty years old.

He really didn’t believe that he couldn’t even deal with such a hairy boy!

“Jiang Chen, leave it to me, you go!”

Seeing the group of people in black who were killed again, Xia Donghuang’s expression suddenly changed.

He was about to reverse the Meridians and blew Dantian, but Jiang Chen pressed his shoulder.

“Xia Elder, just a few small trash fish, but you don’t need to work so hard.”

“After I solve them, I will tell you the old times again.”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and immediately disappeared in the same place in a flash.

Haven’t waited for Xia Donghuang’s reaction.

I saw one of the men in black, who was aggressive, and fell to the ground with a thud.

Immediately afterwards, there was a second and a third…

It took less than a minute.

The five black clothes had all fallen to the ground and turned into icy corpses!

This… how is this possible?

Xia Donghuang looked at this scene with a shocked face, and the whole person was petrified in an instant.

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