Chapter 518 Do you have any means, just use it!

It was seen that Jiang Chen once again fought with Ao Tiankui, who had burst of bleeding power.

There was a dead silence in the huge square.

Everyone opened their mouths in shock and looked at Jiang Chen with monster eyes.

this moment.

They finally understand.

Jiang Chen occupies the position of the five true school disciples in full view. He is not seeking his own death at all, but he really has the strength to challenge the five true school disciples.

A disciple who has entered Inner Sect for less than half a year has grown to the point where he can challenge the five true disciples.


This kid is really terrifying!

“Ok… so strong!”

Lin Tianzong looked at Jiang Chen who was banging with Ao Tiankui again and again, and it took him a long time before he recovered from the shock.

Lei Guangyan also looked at the situation on the high platform with shock.

Although he had already understood the level of Jiang Chen’s enchantment for a long time, he didn’t expect Jiang Chen to be able to compete with his true brother Ao Tiankui.

This guy… is really heaven-defying.

“I didn’t expect his strength to be so strong. It seems that even if I didn’t make a move last time, Dongfang Hao was not his opponent at all.”

Leng Tianhan watched the battle between Jiang Chen and Jiang Chen, and a look of surprise flashed in his cold eyes.

Originally, he was ready to save Jiang Chen from defeat, but he didn’t expect Jiang Chen’s strength to be so strong!

He even has a feeling.

Ao Tiankui, the five true disciple of Taixu Sect, might really be planted in Jiang Chen’s hands this time.

“Ao Tiankui, it seems that you, the five true disciples of Taixu Sect, are nothing more than that.”

“Do you have any means, just show it.”

“Otherwise… today you will really be removed from the five true disciples of Taixu Sect!”

When everyone was overwhelmed by the scene in front of them, Jiang Chen’s faint chuckle also rang in the air.


“It’s just taking two moves from me. Do you really think you are invincible?”

“If you want me to be removed from the true disciple, I’m afraid you still don’t have the ability!”

Ao Tiankui’s expression was cold, and his figure burst out to Jiang Chen again.

boom! boom! boom!

The bodies of the two collided again, and two fists, as hard as steel, fought continuously in mid-air.

The sound of metal crashing in the air was endless, shaking everyone’s hearts.

Ao Tiankui banged more than ten punches against Jiang Chen, and realized that he had not been able to get the slightest bargain in Jiang Chen’s hands, and his face instantly became extremely difficult to look at.

“Too virtual war shadow!”

Ao Tiankui shouted angrily, and the ninety-nine Taixu war shadows swept out in an instant.

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, and he also showed the Taixu Zhanying collided with Ao Tiankui.

“Jiang Chen, I underestimated you. I didn’t expect you to fight with me to such a degree.”

“But… this battle is also time to end.”

Ao Tiankui stared at Jiang Chen coldly.

Seeing his palms closed together, nearly half of Taixu Zhanying instantly sank into his body.

In an instant…

Ao Tiankui’s figure soared three feet again, like a golden giant standing proudly in front of Jiang Chen.

at the same time.

His extremely cold voice also spread in midair in an instant!

“Jiang Chen, you can push me to such a point, it’s enough to be proud!”

“Next, let you see the power of the celestial martial arts Taixu combat body!”

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