Chapter 501 Peerless Treasure, Shenhai Lingye!

Under the shocking eyes of everyone.

Heipao Deacon announced the result of the challenge, and then changed the Inner Sect ranking on Jiang Chen’s identity token to 28, and immediately disappeared in front of everyone.

Watching the black robe deacon leave.

Jiang Chen glanced away and found Xu Ying who wanted to flee in a panic.

“Want to escape?”

Jiang Chen let out a cold snort, and immediately appeared in front of Xu Ying as if he was teleporting.

“Jiang…Jiang Chen, you…what do you want to do?”

Xu Ying looked at Jiang Chen in horror, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Since leaving the Inner Sect exchange meeting, Xu Ying has not taken the honor points owed to Jiang Chen into heart.

Especially when Jiang Chen came to ask for honor points when he was with Shen Le, Xu Ying was even less concerned.

Xu Ying originally thought.

With Inner Sect ranked 28th in the care of Shen Le, even if he does not admit the honor points he owes, Jiang Chen can’t help him at all.


Xu Ying’s imagination is very beautiful, but the reality is that he slapped his face with a slap in the face.

He never thought of it anyway.

Jiang Chen’s strength has become so terrifying.

Even a figure as strong as Shen Le had to voluntarily surrender in front of Jiang Chen.

Having lost the asylum of Shen Le, Xu Ying can almost imagine how miserable his next end will be.

Where did he dare to stay for half a minute, turning around to escape from the Taixu Tower.

As long as you leave here and avoid Jiang Chen cautiously in the future, Jiang Chen may not be able to do anything to him.


Xu Ying had just walked a few steps away, and Jiang Chen’s figure had already stopped him ghostly.

“What I want to do, you should know it very well!”

“Lastly, I will give you a chance, whether to pay back the honor points owed to me, or to leave an arm, you can choose for yourself.”

Jiang Chen stared at Xu Ying indifferently, his faint voice resounded directly in Xu Ying’s ears.

Xu Ying looked pale and said: “I…I can’t get so many honor points now, can I give me a few days of grace?”

“First, I can’t believe in your character.”

“Second, you are not qualified to bargain with me.”

“Since you can’t get the honor points, leave your arm behind.”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell coldly, and a sharp killing intent instantly spread from his body.

“Wait…wait a minute.”

Xu Ying’s expression instantly became terrified.

He hurriedly begged Jiang Chen for forgiveness: “Jiang Chen, I…I have treasures to give you instead of honor points.”


Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and said lightly: “Then give you one last chance. As long as you can come up with something worth 240,000 honor points, I will spare your life!”

With a move of Xu Ying’s palm, he quickly took out a transparent jade bottle from the ring.

Jiang Chen glanced slightly, and found that there was a drop of sky blue liquid the size of a thumb in the jade bottle!

“This drop of liquid is the Divine Sea Spirit Liquid that was only refined by the Divine Sea Realm powerhouse through Divine Sea. It should be able to offset the honor points I owe you?”

Xu Ying looked at the jade bottle in his hand, only feeling that his heart was dripping blood.

This drop of Divine Sea Spirit Liquid, but he finally got it.

As long as he takes this drop of Shenhai Spirit Liquid, his strength will skyrocket, and he will even have a chance to compete for the top rankings in a few months.

But now facing the evil star Jiang Chen, in order to protect himself, he had to take out this drop of Shenhai Spirit Liquid.

It turned out to be Shenhai Lingye!

Jiang Chen looked at the jade bottle in Xu Ying’s hand with a shocked look, his eyes frozen instantly…

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