Chapter 495 Fire Lin Beast, Awaken!

After the Fire Lin Beast’s inner alchemy was obtained, Jiang Chen did not stay too much in the Inner Sect communication meeting.

Back to the Taixu Tower.

Jiang Chen directly entered the Closed Door Training state again.

He released the fire beast from the beast taming bag, and then used the secret method in the ancient beast control technique to inject the energy of the sixth rank fire beast’s inner alchemy into the body of the fire beast little by little. middle.

And as the fire attribute energy of the fire monster inner alchemy is injected.

I saw the faint crimson light all over the fire beast’s body, which became a bit rich in an instant.

“Really effective!”

“It seems that Xiaohuo’s awakening does require a lot of fire attribute energy.”

“And this sixth rank fire beast inner alchemy, which is the same as Xiaohuo, is undoubtedly the best tonic for its awakening.”

Jiang Chen was overjoyed.

He no longer hesitated, and focused on manipulating the secret method, continuously injecting the energy in the inner alchemy into Xiao Huo’s body.

Time goes by little by little.

I don’t know how long it took.

With the assistance of Jiang Chen, the energy in the sixth-rank Fire Lin beast’s inner alchemy was absorbed by the small fire.

After Xiaohuo absorbed the energy of the sixth rank inner alchemy.

Jiang Chen also clearly felt that a breath that resembled a dragon’s resurrection was gradually radiating from Xiaohuo.


“With the helper of this sixth rank Fire Lin Beast inner alchemy, it seems that it won’t take long for Xiao Huo to complete this awakening!”

Feeling the breath of the Fire Lin beast about to wake up, Jiang Chen was also very happy.

He observed for a while, and found that the fire beast had begun to awaken steadily, and only then did he meditate and cultivate.

Three days later.

An unusually powerful energy wave finally awakened Jiang Chen in the cultivation.

Jiang Chen opened his eyes, and his gaze fell directly on the Huo Lin beast on the side.


The Fire Lin Beast, who had been lying on the ground, trembled, and his eyes suddenly opened.


The Fire Lin beast raised his eyes to the sky and let out a long howl, and the entire body was doubled in vain, and a powerful pressure that was like the presence of a beast king instantly radiated from its body.

“Yes, one awakening can directly reach the pinnacle of the fourth rank Demonic Beasts. Coupled with the more powerful bloodline power, I am afraid that Kaiyuan is already invincible.”

Looking at the awakened Fire Lin Beast, the corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth could not help but set up a slight arc.

Now that the Fire Lin beast awakens, he will definitely have his place in the battle for the rankings in half a year.

Not to mention anything else.

Based on the strength that the Fire Lin Beast possesses now, I am afraid that only the five true disciples can pose a threat to it.

After the fire monster is awakened.

When it swept its eyes, it found Jiang Chen on the side, who was extremely shrunken, and turned into a fiery red kitten to make affection with Jiang Chen.

Have fun with the fire beast for a while.

Jiang Chen then Jiang Huolin beasts tossed out the animal training bag, then got up and walked outside.

Although the awakening of the Fire Lin Beast gave Jiang Chen the strength to compete for the top ranking, Jiang Chen did not slack in the slightest.

after all.

Jiang Chen didn’t plan to rely on Fire Lin Beast for everything.

not to mention……

He wants to challenge the five true disciples of Taixu Sect, and then compete with the geniuses of the entire Northern Wilderness Sect. The most important thing is to build up his own strength Ascension.


Jiang Chen decided to go back to the Dantang in exchange for some medicinal materials.

He wants to use all the resources in his hand to try his best to let his own strength reach a new level before the battle of the sky stick arrives!

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