Chapter 493: Trade your life for it!

“Haha…I don’t know what to say!”

Shen Le laughed disdainfully.

He folded his hands on his chest and looked at Jiang Chen with a playful look: “I want to see, what else do you have to compete with me for the inner alchemy of this fire beast!”

Shen Le really didn’t believe it.

Leng Tianhan would put the finished too pure pill without trading, but would trade the too pure pill that Jiang Chen hadn’t refined yet.

Jiang Chen was too lazy to pay attention to Shen Le.

He turned his gaze and smiled directly at Leng Tianhan and said: “Brother Leng, this fire beast inner alchemy is very important to me, you should trade it to me.”

“I have already made it very clear that I will trade to anyone who has a too pure pill.”

Leng Tianhan said with an indifferent expression: “If you can’t take out the pure essence, then let me go immediately.”

“I really can’t get a too pure essence pill now, but I think Brother Leng’s life should be more valuable than a too pure essence pill.”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth raised a slight arc: “I am willing to use Brother Leng’s life in exchange for the Fire Lin Beast Inner Pill.”

Leng Tianhan’s eyes froze, and the murderous intent was instantly filled with him.

“Are you owed? Give you ten seconds and immediately disappear from me. Don’t force me to do it!”

Facing the outbreak of Leng Tianhan, Jiang Chen’s expression did not change at all.

He still looked at Leng Tianhan with a smile on his face: “I don’t want to fight, but I really want to trade with you…”


Before Jiang Chen could finish speaking, Leng Tianhan, who was already on the verge of an outbreak, finally broke out completely.

He suddenly squeezed his fist, directly bringing up a cold energy that almost condensed the surrounding air, and blasted towards Jiang Chen unceremoniously.

Seeing Leng Tianhan’s oncoming fierce punch, Jiang Chen’s expression still seemed unusually calm.

He stood still on the spot, with no intention of resisting at all, his flat voice resounded directly in Leng Tianhan’s ears.

“If I guessed correctly, there is a black line at the Daling point on your wrist.”

“As time goes by, this black line is spreading to your arm. Once the black line spreads along your arm to your Dantian, you will probably die.”


Following Jiang Chen’s words, Leng Tianhan’s Senhan boxing strength, which was less than a foot away from Jiang Chen, dissipated in vain.

“You… how did you know?”

Leng Tianhan stared at Jiang Chen tightly, and on that face that had always been extremely indifferent, there was an unconcealable shock at this moment!

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, without answering Leng Tianhan.

He pointed at Shen Le who was aside, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly: “If Brother Leng wants to know, let him go.”

Leng Tianhan took a deep breath.

He didn’t hesitate at all, and directly confronted Shen Le coldly and said: “Shen Le, you are not welcome here, you can get out now!”

Leng Tianhan has been tortured since his body was upgraded two years ago.

In the past two years, he has tried his best, and he has not found a way to solve the abnormal changes in his body.

Now this kid not only saw through his situation at a glance, he even had a way to solve his body abnormality in his words.

Leng Tianhan has had enough of this condition of his body.

It is precisely because of this.

After Leng Tianhan heard Jiang Chen’s words, he did not hesitate at all, and directly ordered Shen Le to chase away guests!

Although Leng Tianhan didn’t know, whether Jiang Chen really had the ability to solve the abnormal changes in his body.


Even if there is a chance for a solution, Leng Tianhan will pay any price at all costs!

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