Chapter 489 The sixth rank fire beast inner alchemy!

Xu Ying’s expression was ugly to the extreme.

The Inner Sect exchange meeting of Taixu Zong was jointly organized by the five true disciples.

Xu Ying did not have the guts to break the rules of the Inner Sect exchange meeting.

He had to take a deep breath to suppress the anger in his heart, and then said to Jiang Chen: “I can’t get half a million honor points now. I don’t know if I can relax and give me some time?”

For the present, he can only use delaying tactics.

As long as he left the Inner Sect exchange meeting, Jiang Chen would never want to get these 500,000 honor points from him.

“Yes, I’m not the kind of unkind person.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “Hand over the honor points you have, and I will give you three days to prepare for the rest.”

Xu Ying had to take out the identity token with a sullen expression, and transferred all the more than 200,000 honor points to Jiang Chen.

“According to you two hundred and sixty thousand honor points, you still owe me two hundred and forty thousand.”

“Remember to send me home in three days, otherwise you will be at your own risk.”

After receiving Xu Ying’s honor points, Jiang Chen grinned at Xu Ying, then turned and left.

Solved Xu Ying.

Jiang Chen and Lei Guangyan wandered around the pavilions around the square.

Among these pavilions, there are many Inner Sect disciples gathering here to buy and sell things

Jiang Chen and the others could still hear shouts coming into their ears from time to time.

“The price of buying a Bingpa grass is easy to say!”

“A volume of the primary Movement Technique is sold. If you need it, you can come and have a look!”


Jiang Chen wandered around for a while, and found that this Inner Sect exchange meeting was buying and selling some very ordinary resources, and there was nothing he dared to be interested in.

Just when he was about to leave.

A faint voice came from the front abruptly.

“The sixth rank Fire Lin beast inner pill, in exchange for the fifth rank Medicine Pill too pure pill!”

There is actually the sixth rank Fire Lin Beast inner alchemy!

Jiang Chen was startled slightly, and then a look of joy passed in his eyes.

Since leaving the Great Xia Kingdom, the Fire Beast in the Taming Bag has fallen into a deep sleep state, and has not woken up until now.

Jiang Chen vaguely felt that the Daohulin beast should be evolving and awakening.

Once awakened, the Fire Lin beast will have a qualitative leap in terms of bloodline and strength.

Jiang Chen has always wanted to help the fire beast, but he has not found a fire Heavenly and Mortal Treasures suitable for the awakening of the fire beast.

Now the inner alchemy of the sixth rank fire beast is undoubtedly a very suitable existence to help the fire beast awaken.

Jiang Chen’s thoughts flashed.

He did not hesitate in his footsteps, and walked directly towards a pavilion in front of him.

very quickly.

Jiang Chen came to the pavilion.

His gaze swept slightly, and fell on one of the black-clothed youths with a grim complexion.

In front of the black-clothed youth, there was a red sandalwood box with a fist-sized fiery red inner alchemy inside.

“Sure enough, it is the inner alchemy of the sixth rank Fire Lin beast.”

Jiang Chen was overjoyed.

He walked straight to the face of the black-clothed youth, and smiled at the black-clothed youth: “Brother, I am very interested in your sixth rank fire beast inner alchemy. I wonder if you can trade it to me?”

The black-clothed youth raised his head and glanced at Jiang Chen, with an indifferent expression on his face: “I only exchange too pure Yuan Dan.”

Jiang Chen nodded, and was about to speak, but an unkind voice came from behind him abruptly.

“Boy, get out of my way, I want this sixth rank fire beast inner alchemy!”

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