Chapter 485 I am a little interested in this rule!

On the arena in the center of the square.

Lin Tianzong is fighting fiercely with the young eagle eye.

However, the strength of that eagle-eyed youth was obviously much stronger than Lin Tianzong.

Even if Lin Tianzong has recently had the strength of Ascension and has broken through the Sixth Stage of Kaiyuan, he is still in danger under the thunder attack of the eagle-eyed youth.

Not a few tricks.

Lin Tianzong was shot down from the arena by the young eagle eye in embarrassment.


Lin Tianzong spouted a mouthful of blood.

Just as he was struggling to get up from the ground, the eagle-eyed youth landed in front of him in a flash.

“Lin Tianzong, this battle axe is the third rank spirit soldier I got by chance.”

“The value of the third rank spirit soldier is about 10,000 honor points. You can buy it with 100,000 honor points.”

The young eagle eye threw a battle axe in front of Lin Tianzong casually, and said lightly to Lin Tianzong.

“I… I can’t get 100,000 honor points now.”

Lin Tianzong’s face looked pale.

The last time he performed the Sect mission with Jiang Chen, he did get a lot of honor points.

But in this period of time, in exchange for the strength of Ascension resources, he has spent a lot of it. Where can he get 100,000 honor points?

“Huh! If you can’t get 100,000 honor points, then leave an arm.”

The eagle-eyed youth’s eyes were cold, and he swung his long sword against Lin Tianzong’s right arm and slashed it out with a single sword.

Jiang Chen frowned.

A third rank spirit soldier, and still a tomahawk that few people use, had to sell Lin Tianzong 100,000 honor points forcibly.

Now that he didn’t agree with him, he had to abolish one of Lin Tianzong’s arms.

This eagle-eyed youth is really not ordinary domineering.

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly.

As soon as the sole of his foot moved, a teleport appeared in front of Lin Tianzong. Two fingers unbiasedly clamped the blade of the young eagle eye, and directly fixed his long sword in the air.

“Boy, who are you, dare to take care of my nosy!”

Looking at Jiang Chen who suddenly appeared, the young Yingyan’s eyes were cold, and he sternly shouted at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen flicked his finger and shook off the young eagle eye’s long sword, and said lightly: “You will win or lose in a match. Why should you be aggressive?”

“Where did you guys come from? You don’t know the rules of this Inner Sect exchange meeting.”

“The Inner Sect exchange meeting has a rule. If both parties voluntarily compete in the arena, the winner will have absolute rights in the transaction!”

“Now I can not only buy one of his things for one-tenth the price, but also allow him to buy one of my things for ten times the price.”

The young eagle eye stared at Jiang Chen with a sneer: “What are you, do you dare to break the rules of the Inner Sect exchange meeting?”


Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows in surprise.

He tilted his head to face Lei Guangyan behind him and asked, “Inner Sect communication will really have such a rule?”


“The arena here exists because of this rule.”

Lei Guangyan nodded and walked forward.

He looked at the young eagle eye and frowned slightly and said, “Xu Ying, I don’t know if you can give me a Face. Let this deal go, how about it?”

“Lei Guangyan, what kind of green onion are you, why should I give you a face?”

Xu Ying snorted coldly: “Today he will either use 100,000 honor points to buy my axe, or he will leave an arm, and I won’t give it to anyone with a face!”

“Haha… It’s an interesting rule, I’m a little interested in this rule.”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth was slightly curved.

He raised his head to look at Xu Ying on the opposite side, and said lightly: “I paid out these 100,000 honor points for him!”

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