Chapter 465 Take your head back and receive the reward!

“Jiang Chen, you… you bastard, I curse you not to die!”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s indifferent words, Shen Yue and Fu Tong suddenly couldn’t help but angrily scolded.

“Blood Cloud Venerable, before I change my mind, do it now.”

“Otherwise… if I suddenly change my mind, you probably won’t have any chance.”

Jiang Chen was too lazy to pay attention to the two of Shen Yue, and the somewhat impatient voice rang directly in the courtyard.

“Huh! What an arrogant kid!”

Blood cloud Venerable’s eyes suddenly chilled.

It seems that kid really treats him as the fish on the chopping board.

He is one of the four main halls of the Blood Demon Hall, and a peerless powerhouse once famous in the Northern Wilderness.

No matter how frustrated he was, he had never been so despised by a kid who hadn’t even grown his hair.

After he absorbed the blood of these three people to restore a part of his strength, he must make that kid pay a heavy price for it!

When my thoughts flashed by.

The movement of Blood Cloud Venerable’s hand did not hesitate at all.

He stared coldly at Fu Tong, who was hit hard by the clone clone again, and immediately appeared in front of Fu Tong in a flash.

Looking at the blood cloud Venerable that appeared in front of him, Fu Tong suddenly fell into extreme fear.

He has been hit hard by the blood cloud Venerable avatar one after another. At this moment, where does he have the power to resist the blood cloud Venerable in front of him?

“Big…sir forgive me, I…I’m willing to take refuge in the lord, take refuge in the Blood Demon Hall!”

At this juncture of life and death, Fu Tong ignored nothing and kowtowed directly at the blood cloud Venerable, begging for mercy.

“Quack… the deity is not interested in your refuge, you should obediently hand over your blood to me.”

Blood Cloud Venerable smiled sorrowfully.

When he moved his palms, a dazzling bloody brilliance instantly enveloped Jiang Futong’s figure.

The next moment.

A series of screams came out from the bloody brilliance.


The screams stopped abruptly before they lasted long, and a shriveled corpse quickly fell out of the bloody brilliance.

“Tsk tut… it’s really delicious blood.”

The blood cloud Venerable licked his dry lips, and an aura that was several times stronger than before was instantly diffused.

Solved the Fu Tong.

The blood cloud Venerable appeared beside Shen Yue in a flash.

Shen Yue didn’t have any resistance at all, so he was sucked up by the blood cloud Venerable.

And the breath of Blood Cloud Venerable’s body has skyrocketed again.

“Next, it’s your turn!”

After enjoying Shen Yue’s blood.

Blood Cloud Venerable grinned at Huo Jin, and his figure instantly turned into a blood shadow, ghostly appearing beside Huo Jin.

With a wave of his hands, the bloody light with mysterious swallowing power enveloped the burning embers.

“Do not!”

Huo Jin struggled with horror and despair, trying to escape the bloody light of Venerable.


Everything is in vain.

In less than a moment, Huozhin followed in the footsteps of the Futong and became a shriveled corpse.

And just at the moment when the blood cloud Venerable solved the fire ember.

Jiang Chen also showed Lin Tianzong ghostly from the sky above the courtyard.

Blood Cloud Venerable’s eyes narrowed slightly: “Boy, I didn’t expect you to come back.”

“First, I said I would avenge them.”

“Secondly, your head is more valuable in Taixu Sect. I will naturally take your head back to receive the reward.”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth raised slightly, and a faint chuckle instantly resounded in the courtyard.

“Are you giving me your head, or do you want me to come and go in person!”

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