Chapter 458 Blood Cloud Venerable!

“Blood cloud Venerable, you…you turned out to be the blood cloud Venerable of the cholera cloud night country a hundred years ago!”

Huo Jin was horrified.

As for the Shen Yue Shanren beside him, an inconceivable shock also appeared in his eyes!

Huo Jin took a deep breath.

He looked incredulously and said: “This…how is this possible? Didn’t you get beheaded by my Taixuzong power a hundred years ago?”

Blood Cloud Venerable!

This is one of the four hall masters of the Blood Demon Hall, and was once famous in the Northern Wilderness of the Divine Sea Realm powerhouse!

Since the Blood Demon Hall was defeated by the North Wilderness Three Sects.

The strong in the Blood Demon Hall suffered countless deaths and injuries, and almost disappeared in the Northern Wilderness.

Only this blood cloud, Venerable, will appear in the Northern Wild Continent almost every once in a while.

And the most recent appearance of the blood cloud Venerable was that it appeared in Yunxiao Country for a hundred years!

At that time, with his own power, he turned the entire Yunxiao Country upside down.

Finally, Tai Xuzong dispatched two Divine Sea Realm powerhouses before killing the Blood Cloud Venerable!

Huo Jin never thought of it anyway.

Now the blood cloud Venerable appeared in front of him again.

“Hey… the deity is not so easy to die.”

“The deity’s attainments in the blood path are at its peak, even if there is only a drop of Blood Essence, it can still be reborn with a drop of blood!”

“You Taixu Sect wants to behead the deity, it’s just a matter of days and nights!”

Blood Cloud Venerable smiled, his tone seemed to be full of disdain for Taixu Sect.

“Blood Cloud Venerable, I didn’t expect you to still live in this world.”

“But you are no longer the blood cloud Venerable that is famous in the Northern Wilderness.”

“Dare to run wild in my Taixuzong site, I think you are looking for death!”

Huo Jin sneered at the blood cloud Venerable.

Although the blood cloud Venerable in front of him was reborn with the help of Xu He’s body, his strength was less than one-tenth of his heyday, only the strength of Kaiyuan Second Stage.

With such strength, Huo Jin naturally won’t have the slightest fear.

“Quack…find death?”

“The deity deliberately showed clues in this great desert mansion, in order to lead you Taixuzong disciples to come.”

“Because the Blood Essence of you Taixuzong Inner Sect genius disciples is the best tonic for the deity to restore strength.”

“So… obediently dedicate all your blood to the deity.”

The blood cloud Venerable looked down at Huo Cing and the others condescendingly, and the grinning laughter instantly resounded in the courtyard.

“Huh! Do you really think you are still the blood cloud Venerable that is famous in the Northern Wilderness?”

“The things that the Taixu Zong powerhouse did not do a hundred years ago, it is up to Huo Jin to do it today. Let me die.”

Huo Jin’s eyes flashed with cold light, and the palm power that integrated the true meaning of Huo Dao directly slapped the blood cloud Venerable.

Watching the oncoming blow of Hu Jin.

The corner of Blood Cloud Venerable’s mouth lifted up a playful smile in vain.

When he moved his palms, a sharp, bloody sword light cut through the space in an instant, and violently collided with Huo Jin’s palm.


Huo Jin’s figure trembled suddenly, and immediately the whole person was shaken by the sword light and flew back several feet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

“This… how is this possible?”

Huo Jin looked at the blood cloud Venerable in horror, and also let out an unbelievable roar in his mouth!

The expressions of the three people behind Huo Jin also became terrified.

Huo Jin has the strength of Kaiyuan Eighth Stage.

The breath of this blood cloud Venerable clearly stays in the Kaiyuan Second Stage, how could it have the terrifying power that would severely damage the flames?

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