Chapter 441 The first person in the ages!


Seeing that Lin Tianzong’s Second Stage gun intent was defeated once again, the huge arena fell into deathly silence at this moment.

the first time.

Lin Tianzong showed the true meaning of Fire Dao of First Stage Xiaocheng, but Jiang Chen showed the true meaning of Fire Dao of First Stage Dacheng.

the second time.

Lin Tianzong displayed the first stage’s real meaning of Thunder, and Jiang Chen used Second Stage to kill him in seconds!

And this time.

Lin Tianzong displayed Second Stage to grab his attention, and Jiang Chen once again displayed Second Stage Xiaocheng’s Sword intent to completely defeat him!

In the three Martial Dao true intentions duel, three different Martial Dao true intentions, Lin Tianzong was almost completely crushed by Jiang Chen!


Jiang Chen, this kid is too powerful!

“Second Stage Xiaocheng’s Sword intent, you…how many kinds of Martial Dao true meanings have you realized?”

Lin Tianzong wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

In his eyes looking at Jiang Chen, there was also an incredible horror.

Lin Tianzong has always been very confident about his ability to comprehend the true meaning of Martial Dao.


Now he knows what it means to be someone outside a person, there is a heaven outside the sky!

He thought that with the three kinds of Martial Dao true intent, especially the gun intent that had reached the Second Stage Realm, he could easily kill Jiang Chen in a second.

But I didn’t expect that Jiang Chen’s understanding of Martial Dao’s true meaning was even more enchanting than him!

His three kinds of Martial Dao true intentions, almost none of them can get a bargain in Jiang Chen’s hands.

“I have said that I have realized the true meaning of Martial Dao more than you think.”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth raised slightly: “Next, do you want to compare the fourth Martial Dao true meaning with me, or do you want to do it with me?”

This guy… actually wants to compare the fourth Martial Dao true meaning with Lin Tian!

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, the hearts of everyone in the arena couldn’t help but twitch fiercely.

“Since I said not to fight with you, I won’t do it.”

“Your understanding of Martial Dao’s true meaning is indeed the most powerful person I have ever met in my life.”

“I surrendered in this duel, and we will fight again in Inner Sect in the future.”

Lin Tianzong stared at Jiang Chen for a while, then disappeared into the arena in a flash.


“I didn’t expect… Lin Tianzong, the number one Outer Sect, would lose!”

“This… this is incredible.”

Everyone looked at Lin Tianzong’s leaving back, and it was a long time to recover from the shock.

Almost no one can think of it.

Lin Tianzong, the invincible king of Outer Sect, would surrender in front of Jiang Chen.

Although the match just now was just a true match made by Martial Dao.

It might be that Lin Tianzong was completely overwhelmed by Martial Dao’s true meaning, which is not something ordinary people can do.

not to mention.

With the powerful combat power shown by Jiang Chen and Jiao Nan duel, plus two kinds of Martial Dao true intentions that reached the Second Stage Realm.

Even if he really fights Lin Tianzong, he definitely has the power to fight!

A new disciple who has just entered the outside world has actually reached the top of Outer Sect in the New Disciple Ranking Challenge!


This is too enchanting!

“This kid’s Martial Dao talent is really the only thing I have seen in my life.”

It took a long time for Gongsunyang to recover from the shock.

He has been in Taixu Sect Outer Sect for so many years, and he has never seen such an enchanting character.

Climbed to the top of Outer Sect as a new disciple.

Such a situation has never happened even in the thousands of years of Taixuzong’s history.

This kid is simply the first person in Taixuzong Outer Sect through the ages!

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