Chapter 437 Outer Sect First Lin Tianzong!


With Jiang Chen’s words, everyone in the arena couldn’t help but feel an uproar!


“This kid…he really wants to challenge Outer Sect first!”

“Niu Cha, it’s really awesome!”


A new disciple who has just entered the sect has reached the top ten in the New Disciple Ranking Challenge, which has broken the historical record of Taixu Sect for thousands of years.

If this guy can really successfully challenge Outer Sect for the first place, this will definitely be unprecedented.

“Outer Sect ranked tenth, Jiang Chen, challenged Lin Tianzong, the first Outer Sect. Please come to the competition platform quickly!”

Seeing Jiang Chen accept the challenge.

Gongsunyang also sent a message directly to Lin Tianzong’s identity token.

In the New Disciple Ranking Challenge, although most of the Outer Sect disciples have already arrived in the arena, there is still a small number of people who have not appeared.

This includes most of the top-ranked people.

Among the top ten disciples of Outer Sect, almost none appeared except for Jiao Nan, who was already challenged by Jiang Chen.

These Outer Sect geniuses, most of the time, are the existence of the dragons who see their heads without seeing the ends.

They are either busy cultivating, or preparing for the appraisal of Inner Sect disciples.

And with their strength, the probability of being challenged in the New Disciple Ranking Challenge is almost zero, and it makes no difference whether they come or not.

It’s just that no one might have thought of it.

Among the new disciples of this session, Jiang Chen, an evil spirit among evil spirits, appeared.

He not only defeated the tenth ranked Jiao Nan simply and neatly, but also directly challenged Lin Tianzong, the first in Outer Sect!

at this time.

Gongsunyang can only summon Lin Tianzong through the communication function of the Taixuzong disciple identity token.

When Gongsunyang summoned Lin Tianzong for interrogation.

Taixuzong Outer Sect superior courtyard residence, in a quiet room.

A young man in blue with sword eyebrows, star eyes, Yushu facing the wind, sitting on the stone platform in the center of the room with a pale face, meditating and adjusting his breath.

After a while.

The pale face of the blue-clothed youth finally slowly recovered a trace of blood.

I saw his eyes that had been closed open suddenly.

“The appraisal of the Taixuzong Inner Sect disciple is really not easy at all.”

“Fortunately, my gun intent at the critical moment, breakthrough Second Stage Realm, finally passed the assessment of the disciple of Inner Sect.”

The blue-clothed youth murmured to himself, and there was an expression of joy that could not be concealed in his eyes.

Just when he was about to clean up and report to Inner Sect, he sensed a message from the identity token.


“Isn’t Outer Sect tenth than Jiao Nan, when did he become a guy named Jiang Chen, and he would challenge me?”

After receiving the message, the blue-clothed youth couldn’t help flashing a look of astonishment in his eyes.

Lin Tianzong entered Taixu Sect for one year, and since he won the first place in Outer Sect six months ago, he has not been challenged by anyone.

However, he did not expect to receive a message of being challenged when he passed the Inner Sect assessment and was about to enter the Inner Sect.

And the person who challenged him is still a stranger to him!

“I heard that today seems to be a ranking challenge for Taixuzong’s new disciples. Could this Jiang Chen be the one who killed him in the new disciple ranking challenge?”

“If this is the case, then I am a little interested in this guy named Jiang Chen.”

Lin Tianzong muttered to himself, and immediately disappeared into the room…

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