Chapter 428 Take the first place in the initial ranking!

“Fuck! This Jiang Chen is too awesome.”

“It’s not an average superpower. Is this guy really just a new disciple who just joined Sect?”

“Fu Yong is completely planted this time.”



Many people came back to their senses, and they all showed expressions of wonder.

At the beginning.

Jiang Chen took the earth-shattering bet that Fu Yong put forward, and they thought that this kid was kicked in the head by a donkey and became an idiot.

But now they realized that it was themselves who were idiots.

Jiang Chen dared to take a huge bet of 50,000 honor points, it was because they had this ability!

Even if Fu Yong used all his cards, or even used the not wanting face method of two-on-one, he was still abused by Jiang Chen and turned into a scum.

The situation on the arena now can be known at a glance.

As long as there are no accidents, Jiang Chen’s win of this amazing bet of 50,000 honor points is just a matter of time.

When everyone was shocked by Jiang Chen’s powerful strength.

The two Fu family brothers on the arena were supported by the two cyan halo of Liangyi.

Fu Yong panted heavily, and the big beads of sweat kept rolling down from his forehead.

The long-time use of the Liang Yi green halo has already caused his body’s vitality to run out of oil and light.

“That kid…should be dying. As long as I hold on for a while, the one who wins must be me.”

Fu Yong gritted his teeth and insisted, while hypnotizing himself in his heart.

After a while.

Fu Yong felt that he really couldn’t hold it anymore, so he couldn’t help but glanced at where Jiang Chen was.

It was just that when he saw Jiang Chen still sitting there like an old monk entering concentration, he was completely sluggish.

“This… how is this possible?”

Fu Yong’s face instantly turned pale, and there was an incredible scream in his mouth.

In order to be able to defeat Jiang Chen.

Fu Yong not only gained the strength of a small Realm, but also prepared a powerful trump card like Liangyi Cyan Halo.

I thought that with such sufficient preparation, he could easily defeat Jiang Chen this time.

But he never thought of it.

However, Jiang Chen relied on his own strength to abuse him once again!

Such a huge mental blow was like the last straw that crushed the camel, causing Fu Yong’s mind, who had already reached its limit, to completely collapse.

But at this moment.

In mid-air, another even more fierce thunder pressure instantly pressed down.

Fu Yong, who was already on the verge of collapse, trembled suddenly under the pressure of this terrifying Thunder Power.

The next moment.

I saw a mouthful of blood spurting out of his mouth, and he collapsed to the ground with a puff.

After Fu Yong fainted, Fu Teng was also alone, and soon followed in Fu Yong’s footsteps.

With the Fu family brothers out of the game, only Jiang Chen remained on the arena.

After taking a look at Jiang Chen, the thunder phantom in mid-air immediately tore the space and disappeared above the arena.

After that thunder light phantom disappeared.

Gongsunyang’s figure appeared in the center of the arena in a flash.

“Little guy, I didn’t expect you to be so old that you can understand the true meaning of Second Stage Realm’s Thunder Road, which is very good.”

Gongsunyang said to Jiang Chen with a smile on his face, and then began to announce his place in the initial ranking.

And Jiang Chen was naturally no surprise, taking the first place in this initial ranking match!

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