Chapter 399 Whose fist is big makes sense!

“You got 1,310 honor points for picking medicine this time!”

“The reward for breaking the first-day medicine collection record is 10,000, and the reward for breaking the single-day medicine collection record is 10,000, which is a total of 21,310 honor points.”

“Take out the identity token, I will transfer the honor points to you.”

The person in charge of the handyman task looked at Jiang Chen in front of him, and some inexplicable meaning appeared in his eyes.

In fact, from the bottom of his heart, he didn’t believe that Jiang Chen was just lucky.

How can a guy who is confident enough to look down on low-grade medicinal materials and only picks medicinal materials above the third rank can do it by luck?

To know.

The current three record holders of Taixuzong’s medicine collection are a pill refining genius who reached the fifth rank pill refining division at the age of less than twenty!

On the first day, Jiang Chen broke two records.

This is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

Maybe this son’s accomplishments in Alchemy are even better than the Alchemy genius back then!

Watching Jiang Chen take out the identity token, the person in charge of the handyman task also took out a mysterious golden token.

He quickly urged the golden token, and a string of golden numbers instantly flew into Jiang Chen’s identity token.

21,310 honor points!

Seeing that Jiang Chen had obtained so many honor points within a long time after picking medicine, everyone around couldn’t help showing an expression of envy, jealousy and hatred.

In Taixuzong.

It is very difficult for new disciples to earn honor points.

The average new disciple can earn thousands of honor points a month by relying on handy duties.

And Jiang Chen only collected medicine for half a day and won more than 20,000 honor points.

With so many honor points, even if they spend a year, they may not earn it back!

After receiving honor points.

Jiang Chen left directly under countless eyes of envy, jealousy and hatred.

After leaving the Zongwu Hall, Jiang Chen went straight back to the residence of the new disciple.

The residence of the new disciple of Taixuzong is really not very good.

Now that he has honor points, Jiang Chen plans to take Lei Haokong and the others to a better place.


When Jiang Chen returned to the place where the new disciple lived, he found that a large group of people had already gathered here.

Among these people, they have been clearly divided into two camps.

One of them is naturally a new disciple who has just entered Taixu Sect.

Including Lei Haokong, whom Jiang Chen was familiar with, and others were among them.

But at this moment.

Lei Haokong and the others were almost pale and adorned with color, and even some of them were already embarrassed on the ground.

Opposite them from Lei Haokong.

There was a scared young man with several subordinates looking down at them condescendingly.

“New boys, this Taixu Sect is not that easy to mess with!”

“Just now it’s a lesson for you!”

“If you want to live a safer life in Taixu Sect, then pay the protection fee of ten honor points every day!”

Lei Haokong stared at the Scar Youth with an angry look: “Don’t think about it, this honor point is earned by our hard work, so why should I give it to you!”

“Why? Just rely on my strength to be better than you!”

“In this Taixu Sect, whoever has the big fist makes sense, even if you refuse to accept it, you have to hold back!”

Scar young man smiled coldly, and the a little impatient voice rang directly.

“I will give you five minutes at the end. If anyone dares not to hand over is an honor point, then don’t blame me for being polite!”

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