Chapter 384 I want to enter the Taixu ladder, you can’t stop me!

“I’m so overbearing, so what can you do!”

“Today I, Duan Xing, came to climb the Taixu ladder, just to stay on the ladder list.”

“If anyone dares to influence me, don’t blame me for being rude to him.”

The young man in the golden robe looked at Jiang Chen condescendingly, his faint voice seemed domineering!

“Whhhhhhhh, this guy turned out to be Duan Xing!”

“Could it be that Duan Xing, a genius of the Duan family, one of the three ancient tribes of the True Dragon Kingdom, how did he climb the Taixu Ladder?”

On the stone platform.

Many people heard the domineering voice of the Jinpao youth, and there were incredible expressions in their eyes.

As the supreme genius of the three ancient tribes of the True Dragon Kingdom.

Duan Xing is fully qualified to enter Taixu Sect through the recommended quota of Zhenlong Wuyuan.

“Didn’t you hear, Duan Xing wants to be on the ladder list!”

“It is said that as long as you stay on the ladder list, you can directly be promoted to the Inner Sect disciple. There is even a possibility that Elder of Taixu Zong will look at him and become a direct disciple in one fell swoop!”

“Hi… It seems that this ambition is not small.”


Hearing the talking voices around him, Jiang Chen couldn’t help narrowing his eyes.

This Duan Xing!

He even gave up the opportunity to directly enter the Taixu Sect and ran to climb the Taixu ladder.

It seems that this guy is very confident!

Jiang Chen didn’t understand this so-called ladder list.

But according to Jiang Chen’s estimation.

This ranking list should be almost the same as the Lingyun list assessed by the inner courtyard of the Lingyun Martial Arts Academy.


Tai Xuzong’s ranking list, its gold content is obviously not comparable to the Lingyun list of Lingyun Wuyuan.

As one of the three Sects of the Northern Wilderness, Taixu Sect has been passed down for thousands of years.

Every year the Taixu Ladder opens, attracting countless young talents from the Three Kingdoms to climb.

And in this thousands of years of history.

Is it possible for ordinary people to stand out from generations of geniuses and leave their own name on the ladder list?

Duan Xing can have the courage to challenge the ladder list, Jiang Chen admires this guy’s courage a little!


Admire it.

It’s just that Jiang Chen has always been the master of eating soft but not hard.

If this guy is friendly, he might not mind waiting a little longer.

But this guy’s attitude is so bad, Jiang Chen naturally didn’t intend to be polite.

He looked at Duan Xing and said lightly: “What do you want to do, it has nothing to do with me. I am going to climb the Taixu ladder now, you are not qualified to stop me, let me go.”


“Who is this kid, I’m afraid that there is a problem with his brain, and he dares to fight Duan Xing.”

“Tsk tusk… a little-known Maotou boy who dares to stray in front of Duan Xing. What’s the difference between this and death?”

It was seen that Jiang Chen dared to be so arrogant in front of Duan Xing.

Many people on the stone platform couldn’t help but mock with disdain.

“Hey…boy, you’re crazy!”

“In this real dragon country, you are the first one among your peers who dare to be so arrogant in front of me!”

Duan Xing laughed angrily.

He stared at Jiang Chen provocatively: “I won’t let you enter the Taixu ladder today, so how can you do me!”

“I want to enter the Taixu ladder, but you can’t stop me!”

Jiang Chen smiled proudly.

He directly displayed the true meaning of the wind, bypassing Duan Xing, and flashed towards the Taixu ladder.


He had just bypassed Duan Xing, and Duan Xing’s figure appeared in front of him like a ghost, and stopped him again.

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