Chapter 375 The Legendary Seven-Rank Spirit Pill!

“Xing Xiong, stop for me!”

Seeing that Xing Xiong was about to rush into the Great Hall first, Xing Hu’s expression changed and he quickly yelled.

The most dangerous aspect of ruin exploration is to lead the battle.

But Xing Xiong, an idiot, was foolishly the first to rush into the Great Hall.

Although the formation of the Great Hall has been broken by Jiang Chen, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no other dangers in the Great Hall.

Xing Hu didn’t want to be such a bird in his early days.

“Don’t worry, since this Great Hall is guarded by the sixth rank formation, there shouldn’t be any danger in it.”

Jiang Chen glanced at Xing Hu faintly, and directly led Qiu Ruolan into the Great Hall first.

Walk into the Great Hall.

The strong vitality of the world and the colorful brilliance pounced towards the face, giving people a refreshing feeling.

Jiang Chen glanced slightly, only to realize that in addition to the spar, there was actually a bunch of rare materials in the Great Hall.

He just glanced at it casually and found several rare materials of the fifth rank Medicine Pill!

“Dage, hundreds of thousands of middle-grade spars, and so many precious materials, now we have developed.”

Xing Xiong looked at the situation in the Great Hall and couldn’t help but said with bright eyes.

With so many resources, even if it is only divided into two to three percent, they are enough to keep their brothers from having to run around for several years!

Xing Hu looked at the spar and precious materials in the Great Hall with a rare smile on his face.

He looked up at Mo Jingyun and said, “Master Mo, you can allocate the resources here.”

Mo Jingyun nodded, and fairly divided the resources in the Great Hall into several evenly.

In a short while.

Jiang Chen and the others divided up the spar and precious materials in the Great Hall.

The distribution of benefits is complete.

The whole group was still full of meaning, and continued to walk towards the Great Hall.

very quickly.

Jiang Chen and the others came to the inner hall of the Great Hall.

Compared to the wide outer hall, the inner hall is undoubtedly much smaller.

Jiang Chen’s eyes swept across the hall.

When he saw the situation in the middle of the Great Hall, his pupils shrank suddenly.

I saw a scarlet figure sitting cross-legged on a stone platform in the middle of the Great Hall!

There was no aura of life in this scarlet figure, and it had obviously been dead for many years.

But what is shocking is that his corpse is very well preserved, even the skin and flesh are no different from normal people.

“According to ancient records, this Blood Demon branch has existed for at least a thousand years.”

“The corpse in front of me can actually maintain Immortal for a thousand years, which is incredible.”

Mo Jingyun said with a look of horror.

“He should have taken the legendary Seventh Stage Spirit Pill before he died.”

Old Yuan slowly said: “As far as I know, there is a seven-stage spirit pill that can immortal the corpse for thousands of years after taking it!”

“Cut! People are dead, even if you use 7-Rank Spirit Pill to make the corpse Immortal for a thousand years, what’s the use?”

Xing Xiong curled his lips in disdain.

He glanced slightly, and fell on a palm-sized jade bottle in front of the blood corpse: “Look, what is that?”

Everyone couldn’t help but follow Xing Xiong’s gaze.

Seeing the jade bottle on the corpse, Jiang Chen’s pupils suddenly tightened.

Old Yuan Yuan couldn’t help but screamed in surprise.

“The sealed pill jade bottle, this…this is actually the sealed pill jade bottle used to store the seventh-level spirit pill!”

Hearing the words of Mr. Yuan, the eyes of the two brothers of the Xing family also instantly became fiery!

The sealed pill jade bottle that preserves the Seven-Rank Spirit Pill!

Could it be that the jade bottle on the stone platform is filled with the legendary Seventh-Rank Spirit Pill?

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