Chapter 358 You are the one who should go!

Shenhuang Ancient Town is located on the edge of Shenhuang Ancient Land.

This is also the closest town to the ancient land of the gods, and one of the only entrances to the ancient land of the gods.

Although Shenhuang Ancient Town is just a humble town.

However, this small town has a special geographical location, no different from Leishi City outside the Thunder Cloud Mountains in the Great Xia Kingdom.

Almost every day, many practitioners from the True Dragon Kingdom come to the ancient town of Shenhuang, wanting to enter the ancient land of Shenhuang.

after all.

Although the Divine Wilderness Ancient Land is extremely dangerous, it also has great opportunities.

There are not only the Heavenly and Mortal Treasures that are extremely difficult to find from the outside world, but also many Cultivation Technique Martial Skills left behind by peerless powerhouses.

There is even a lifelong inheritance of ancient power.

In the history of True Dragon Kingdom.

Among them, there are also figures who have the great opportunity to gain great opportunities in the gods and wilds, and have soared into the sky since then, becoming the most famous and powerful figures in the real Dragon Kingdom.

It is precisely because of this.

Even though the divine and wild ancient land is full of crises, it still attracts countless practitioners from the True Dragon Kingdom.

“Sister Ruolan, I’m tired after rushing for a few days.”

“Let’s take a rest in Shenhuang Ancient Town first, and then enter the Shenhuang Ancient Land tomorrow.”

Jiang Chen looked at the Shenhuang Ancient Town in front of him and couldn’t help but said to Qiu Ruolan.


Qiu Ruolan nodded, and three days of rushing on the road made her feel a little tired.

Entering the ancient town of Shenhuang, the two found an inn to rest for a night.

No words for a night.

Early the next morning.

The two simply prepared a flip, and then headed towards the godless ancient land.

Enter the ancient land of the gods.

Jiang Chen clearly felt that the vitality of the world here was at least twice as strong as the outside world.

“Sister Ruolan, do you know where your teacher is in the ancient land?”

After the two walked for a while in the ancient land.

Jiang Chen directly opened the map given to him by Yue Yangcheng and asked Qiu Ruolan.

The ancient land is huge.

And there are crises in some places.

Even if it is a strong person in the Condensation Pill Realm, some places dare not easily set foot in it.

If Qiu Ruolan’s teacher, Gu Qinghe, went to a forbidden area that the condensed pill experts would not dare to set foot in, it would be a little troublesome.

Qiu Ruolan scanned the map slightly, then pointed to a place on the map and said, “It should be here.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes narrowed: “This… seems to be a relic left by an ancient powerful man.”

“Yes, it is said that this is a relic left by an ancient strong man who awakened the Xiantian Guiyuan body.”

Qiu Ruolan nodded and said, “Qi Jing only asked the teacher to go to this place when he knew the news.”

“It turns out that’s the case, then let’s go to this place to have a look.”

Looking at the place Qiu Ruolan was referring to, Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

The place Qiu Ruolan was referring to was exactly the direction he was going to Taixuzong.

And it is not a dangerous forbidden area marked on the map.

Jiang Chen put away the map. Then start moving in the direction marked on the map.

After walking along the map for about an hour, the two finally came to an ancient forest enclosed by towering ancient trees.



A sharp shout suddenly came from a large tree with dense foliage in front.

Jiang Chen looked up and saw a middle-aged Practitioner squatting on the tree.

The middle-aged Practitioner looked at the two of Jiang Chen who came by, and his eyes revealed a fierce murderous intent: “Get out of here, don’t blame me if you take a step forward!”

Jiang Chen’s expression was cold: “A good dog doesn’t stand in the way, I think it’s you who should get out of here!”

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