Chapter 353: Playing with the Pill Condensation Realm Powerhouse!


“Since you don’t want to hand in someone, I really searched the Moonmark Chamber of Commerce today!”

Qi Tianrui snorted coldly, and shouted directly at the group of Qijia Practitioners: “What are you still doing in a daze, search for me!”

Today’s matter is very important, and Qi Tianrui can’t stop there.

Although the honor of Jiang Chen Dandian, the dual identities of Elder and Tai Xuzong disciple did make him a little jealous.


Today he came to the Yuehen Chamber of Commerce not to find Jiang Chen to settle accounts.

The most important thing for him now is to find Qi Jing and prevent Qi Jing from awakening Xiantian’s return to the original body!

He only needs to control Jiang Chen and others, so as not to hurt Jiang Chen’s life.

At that time, neither Taixuzong nor Pill Hall would be able to do anything to him.


“No one can run wild in my Moon-scarred Chamber of Commerce, even if you are in the same family!”

“If anyone dares to take a step forward, don’t blame me for being ruthless under the sword!”

Jiang Chen’s expression became cold, the Flame Dragon Sword flashed out of thin air in his hand, and the Sword intent of Second Stage Realm also burst out in an instant!

“I want to search your Moonmark Chamber of Commerce today, and you can’t stop me with your Second Stage Sword intent!”

Qi Tianrui smiled contemptuously.

With the movement of his palm, the terrifying elemental power directly turned into several energy chains and burst out at Jiang Chen and the others.

In an instant…

The figures of Jiang Chen and others were all imprisoned by this strange energy chain.

Including Yan Qingxuan, failed to break free from the shackles of Qi Tianrui’s energy chain.

One move imprisoned Jiang Chen and others, and Qi Tianrui waved his hand: “Search for me!”

Following Qi Tianrui’s order fell.

I saw that group of Qijia Practitioners rushed into the Moonscar Chamber of Commerce once again.

“Haha… Do you think this will allow them to do whatever they want in the Moonscar Chamber of Commerce!”

“I said, the Moonscar Chamber of Commerce is not a place where you can go wild!”

“Second Stage Sword intent, cut it for me!”

Jiang Chen sneered, and the Second Stage Sword intent instantly condensed into an illusory giant sword in mid-air.

With a shocking momentum, the giant sword slashed down at the first Qijia Xiantian Practitioner who rushed up first.


Several Qijia Xiantian Practitioners can’t resist Jiang Chen’s Second Stage Sword intent at all.

I saw a mouthful of blood spurting out of their mouths, and then all of them flew upside down like a kite with a broken line.

Seeing this shocking scene in front of me.

The expressions of the rest of the Qijia Practitioner turned into panic in an instant.

“Damn, I forgot this kid’s Sword intent!”

Qi Tianrui cursed secretly in his heart, his face also looked extremely difficult to look.

Although the move he had just confined Jiang Chen’s actions, he couldn’t confine Jiang Chen’s Sword intent at all.

Sword intent of Second Stage Realm.

This is not something that the Qijia Practitioners he brought can withstand.

Qi Tianrui’s eyes were cold.

As soon as his figure flashed, he appeared three feet away from Jiang Chen.

“Jiang Chen, I was careless just now!”

“Next, I want to see how you still use Sword intent to hurt my people!”

Qi Tianrui’s eyes locked on Jiang Chen firmly.

He really didn’t believe that he was a strong man in the Dan realm, and he couldn’t handle a Maotou boy in the Xiantian realm!


“Then you can look forward to it with your eyes wide open!”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth lifted up a slightly playful smile.

His eyes condensed, and the true meaning of First Stage’s wind exploded in an instant, and he easily broke free from the shackles of Qi Tianrui’s energy chain.

Before Qi Tianrui could react.

Jiang Chen’s figure had disappeared in place like a ghost.

The next moment.

A sorrowful scream rang behind Qi Tianrui…

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