Chapter 336 How can you help me!


This will definitely be impossible!

Qi Yun stared at this scene blankly, and the whole person was going crazy.

This kid!

He actually pill refining while enjoying barbecue!

Is this Tamar really refining the fifth rank advanced Medicine Pill Mixed Element Gold Core?

I am afraid that even if it is the seventh pill refining Great Master Ping Yixian, in the process of refining the Hunyuan Gold Core, I am afraid I would not dare to play like this!

Qi Yun couldn’t believe his own eyes.

He gave him a hard pinch on his leg, and a sharp pain instantly poured into his mind.

this moment.

Qi Yun had to believe that all of this was true in front of him.

He looked at Jiang Chen with horror, his expression was also ugly to the extreme in an instant.

For this pill refining conference, Qi Yun is very well prepared.

He even took out the psychic pill furnace.


Qi Yun never expected that he would meet Jiang Chen such a pervert at this pill refining conference.

He relied on the psychic pill furnace to refine the fifth rank junior Medicine Pill.

But Jiang Chen relied on his own ability to easily refine the fifth rank high-level Medicine Pill.

And looking at Jiang Chen’s calm appearance, it was almost a matter of time before the Hunyuan Gold Core was refined.

If Jiang Chen really refines the Hunyuan Gold Core, doesn’t this mean that his plan to win the pill refining conference will fail?

“Do not!”

“I must get the first place in the pill refining conference and become the heir of the pill refining hall master!”

A cold light flashed in Qi Yun’s eyes.

Although his talents in Martial Dao and Alchemy are very good.

But the power of Qi is not that strong.


If Qi Yun wants to compete for the position of the young master of the Qi family, he must obtain a powerful force to support him.

For him, Dandian was undoubtedly the best choice.

“Jiang Chen, I have to admit that I really underestimated your pill refining book.”

“But… this time the first place in the pill refining conference is very important to me.”

“As long as you give up refining the Hunyuan Gold Core and give me the first place in the pill refining conference, I promise that the Qi family will not pursue you for killing Qi Yun, how about it?”

Qi Yun took a deep breath and directly spoke to Jiang Chen with a voice transmission method.

No matter how.

He has to do everything possible to get the first place in the pill refining conference!

Hear Qi Yun’s transmission.

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth raised a slight sneer of disdain.

He didn’t even bother to look at Qi Yun, and directly added the last medicinal material of Hunyuan Gold Core to the pill furnace.

“Jiang Chen, don’t toast or eat fine wine. Do you really want to be an enemy of my family?”

Seeing that Jiang Chen ignored his existence and continued pill refining, Qi Yun’s face also became extremely gloomy.

He heard Qi Yun’s voice again.

An impatient look flashed in Jiang Chen’s eyes, and his faint sneer also resounded directly in the air.

“Tsk tusk… Qi Yun, your cheeks are really not so thick.”

“I don’t have the ability to get the first place in the pill refining conference, so I am ashamed to let me give you the first place in the pill refining conference.”

“I wouldn’t let it to you today, so what can you do to me?”


With Jiang Chen’s words, the eyes of countless people around him fell on Qi Yun’s body.

Ping Yixian, the host of the Pill Palace, also turned a bit unpleasant.

He stared at Qi Yun sharply, and his cold voice resounded instantly.

“Qi Yun, if you dare to speak out to interfere with the normal progress of the pill refining conference, then get out of the pill hall!”

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