Chapter 333 Qi Yun’s Trump Card!

This kid wants to refine Hunyuan Gold Core!

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and all pill refining teachers around him were in an uproar!


“I…I heard that right, he actually wants to refine Hunyuan Gold Core.”

“Hunyuan Gold Core, this is the fifth rank senior Medicine Pill!”

The fifth rank senior Medicine Pill Mixed Element Gold Core, this is the Medicine Pill that can make the strength of the Pill Condensation Realm power up to a level.

This kind of Medicine Pill is among the most difficult to refine in the fifth rank Medicine Pill.

Even if there are many sixth-rank pill refining masters, they are not sure that they can be refined at once!

To know.

This second round of free pill refining, but there is only one chance of pill refining.

Although the higher the grade of refining Medicine Pill, the more hopeful it is to enter the top ten.

But then you have to refine Medicine Pill once.

Once it fails, it is tantamount to completely losing the opportunity to enter the top ten.


In order to ensure the rate of pill refining, most people choose to refine Medicine Pill that is first-level lower than their own pill refining.

Originally, they thought that Jiang Chen would choose Medicine Pill, the fifth rank intermediate.

after all.

In this pill refining conference, the only threat to Jiang Chen is Qi Yun.

And Qi Yun is just the fifth rank junior pill refining division.

Even if Jiang Chen refined the fifth-rank intermediate Medicine Pill, he almost steadily won the first place in the pill refining conference.


No one can think of it.

Jiang Chen not only chose Medicine Pill of the same grade as himself, but also the most difficult Medicine Pill of the same grade!

“Huh, really arrogant.”

“But this is also good, as long as he fails to refining, I will be the number one pill refining conference!”

Qi Yun sneered in his heart!

What kind of Medicine Pill Hunyuan Gold Core is, Qi Yun knows very well in his heart!

Even if Jiang Chen is really the fifth rank senior pill refining division.

He also didn’t believe that Jiang Chen could refine Hunyuan Gold Core in one go!

“Really a confident little guy.”

Ping Yixian’s eyes flashed, and immediately continued to register the Medicine Pill that other contestants needed to refine.

very quickly.

It was Qi Yun’s turn to make a choice.

Qi Yun chose the Heavenly Pill of Returning Origin, a fifth rank primary Medicine Pill that can quickly restore the vitality of the Practitioner’s body.

Medicine Pill is selected.

Ping Yixian directly ordered the people in the alchemy hall to prepare medicinal materials.

After about half an hour.

The Dandian handed out the medicinal materials to every contestant.

Ping Yixian also looked at everyone indifferently and said, “Now I will give you five minutes to check whether own materials are wrong.”

After hearing this, everyone checked a piece of the direct pill refining material.

Five minutes passed in a flash.

Ping Yixian saw that no one had reported an error and directly announced the start of this round of competition!


Many pill refining divisions have once again entered the pill refining state.

“Jiang Chen, you are really self-confident. You dare to choose to refine the Hunyuan Gold Core of the same level as your alchemist. Be careful and overconfident for a while!”

When everyone was preparing for pill refining, Qi Yun looked at Jiang Chen with a sneer.

Jiang Chen curled his lips and said, “Didn’t you choose to refine the fifth rank primary Huiyuan Heavenly Pill?”

“Hehe…I dare to choose the fifth rank junior Medicine Pill, that’s because I have absolute certainty that I will succeed in refining once!”

“For the first place in this pill refining conference, I am bound to win, do you think I am not prepared for it?”

Qi Yun smiled confidently.

When he moved his palm, a pill furnace with a faint cyan light appeared directly in front of him…

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