Chapter 331 Break the fastest record of the pill palace!

Refining Xiantian spirit pills, ten minutes is enough!

With Jiang Chen’s words, the huge square fell into a momentary silence for an instant.

After a while.

When everyone came back to their senses, they couldn’t help but mock Jiang Chen with disdain.

“Fuck! This guy is crazy.”

“I have seen a lot of people who pretend to be forceful these years, but this is the first time I have seen someone who can pretend like him.”

“Yes, ten minutes to refine the third-rank high-level Xiantian spirit pill, he can also tell!”

“Haha…I really laughed at me.”

“Jiang Chen, just pretend to be vigorous. I see when you can pretend to be in a while.”

Qi Yun almost didn’t get mad at Jiang Chen’s words.

Refining Xiantian spirit pills in ten minutes.

In this True Dragon Kingdom, apart from the seventh pill refining Great Master Ping Yixian, I am afraid that no other person can do it.

I really don’t know who gave him the courage to speak up here!

“Okay, stop talking nonsense!”

“Now I announce that the first round of the game will officially start now!”

Ping Yixian said lightly, a loud bell rang in the midair of the square.

And at the moment the bell rang.

All the pill refining divisions in the square took out the pill furnace and quickly entered the pill refining state.

Jiang Chen didn’t list it either.

He quickly took out the pill furnace from Na Jie, then lit the furnace with one hand, and started fiddling with the medicinal materials with the other.

It took less than three minutes.

Jiang Chen directly put all the medicinal materials for refining Xiantian Spirit Pill into the pill furnace for refining.

The process of pill refining is a gradual process.

Generally speaking.

Master pill refining When pill refining is used for refining medicine, the same materials are put in the pill furnace.


Even if the medicine is used in such a gradual and orderly manner, it has to be carried out carefully.

Otherwise, a little carelessness will result in a fryer.

But this kid actually put all the pill refining materials into the pill furnace at one time.

Almost no one would have imagined that the extraction of medicines could be done like this!

This method of refining medicine has completely subverted their understanding of pill refining!

Jiang Chen naturally ignored the shock of everyone around him.

After adding the medicinal materials to the pill furnace for five or six minutes for refining, he finally displayed the Pill Condensation Technique and began to condense the pill.

About a minute later.

A Xiantian spirit pill was successfully refined by Jiang Chen.

ten minutes!

They never thought of it.

Jiang Chen really took only ten minutes to refine the Xiantian Spirit Pill!

Such a terrifying speed has completely broken the record of the fastest Dandian.

What’s more frightening is that Jiang Chen’s refining is still a first-level third-rank senior Medicine Pill that is higher than the Dandian record.

this moment.

The countless pill refining divisions in the square took a breath.

In their eyes looking at Jiang Chen, apart from shock, they were shocked!

This guy… deserves to be a monster with the talent of nine-star pill refining!

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