Chapter 324 You Can’t Kill Me If I Stand Still!

“Tianrui Elder, you said Qi Liang was killed by Brother Jiang Chen, how is this possible?”

“Brother Jiang Chen, they just came to Zulong City today. Is there any misunderstanding in this?”

Qi Jing was startled, and quickly said to Qi Tianrui in mid-air.

“Qi Jing, this matter has nothing to do with you, you leave me alone.”

“I gave you a face because you are the only son of the owner of the house. Don’t toast or eat fine wine!”

“If you dare to be nosy, don’t blame the old man for being rude to you!”

Qi Tianrui snorted coldly.

He stared at Jiang Chen sharply: “Boy, let me ask you something, are you deaf?”

“When Qi Yun brought Qi Liang’s corpse back to Qi’s house and gave it to you, I’m afraid he has already told you everything!”

“Since you already know, why ask such an idiot question.”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “I gave Qi Liang a chance, but he wanted to send him to the door to find his death. Who could blame him?”


This guy also killed Qi Liang from the Qi family!

It was seen that Jiang Chen personally admitted that everyone around him was speechless to the extreme.

As one of the three ancient tribes of the True Dragon Kingdom, the Qi family’s strength can be described as extremely powerful, and there are even three or four strong in the Pill Condensation Stage.

There are even rumors that the three ancient tribes all had heaven-defying means to counter the mighty power of the Divine Sea Realm!

Facing such a powerful Qi family.

Even the royal family of the True Dragon Kingdom had to be afraid of the Qi family.

And the goods in front of him dare to blatantly slaughter Qi Liang in this Ancestral Dragon City!

This guy…I’m afraid I don’t even know how to write dead words, right?

“good very good!”

“Boy, you kill my grandson Qi Liang, and today the old man will make you pay for it!”

Qi Tianrui laughed extremely angrily, and the surging weather breath of the Pill Condensation Realm powerhouse also instantly filled the sky with a radius of a hundred miles.

The terrible breath directly made the faces of many Practitioners around them pale.

“Old guy, if you want to move a piece of Jiang Chen’s hair, you have to ask me if I agree!”

Yan Qingxuan let out a cold snort and stood in front of Jiang Chen.

“Master of sixth rank pill refining!”

Qi Tianrui looked at Yan Qingxuan who stood in front of Jiang Chen, his eyes condensed slightly.

“Hmph, Jiang Chen killed my grandson, I will kill him today, you let me go!”

A cold light flashed in his turbid old eyes, and coldly said: “If you really don’t know what is good or bad, I will kill you together!”

A sixth-rank pill refining master, but he has not yet the qualifications to make him, an Elder of the same family, fearful!

If it is on weekdays, Qi Tianrui may also consider giving Yan Qingxuan a bit of Face.

But now that the sixth rank pill refining master wants to shelter the murderer who killed his grandson, how can he be polite?

Yan Qingxuan’s expression turned cold.

Just when he was about to speak, Jiang Chen’s voice came from behind him.

“Brother Yan, get out of the way, I’ll take care of this by myself.”

Yan Qingxuan was slightly startled.

He turned his head and looked at Jiang Chen with a puzzled expression: “Brother Jiang Chen…”

“Brother Yan, don’t you still understand my character?”

“Since I dare to kill Qi Liang, I am not afraid of the troubles of the Qi family.”

Jiang Chen smiled confidently.

He looked up at Qi Tianrui in midair, and his proud voice resounded.

“Old guy, don’t you want to avenge your grandson Qi Liang, then do it!”

“But… even if I stand here today, you may not kill me!”

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