Chapter 319 What a pill refining genius in front of me!

“Second Stage Sword intent, you…you actually realized the Second Stage Sword intent!”

Qi Yun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

He raised his head to look at Jiang Chen on the opposite side, and his eyes also showed unconcealed horror!

Qi Yun has a deep understanding of how hard Martial Dao’s true meaning is.

Especially the true meaning of Martial Dao of Second Stage Realm is unfathomable and elusive.

Since I cultivated the gun spirit to the peak of First Stage three years ago.

Qi Yun has been shooting intent in the Insight Second Stage environment.


Even if it was Insight for three years, his spear intent was still stuck at the top of the First Stage, and he didn’t have any breakthrough clues at all.

Qi Yun couldn’t believe it anyway.

The boy who is less than twenty years old in front of him has actually realized the Second Stage Sword intent!

Force Qi Yun back with Second Stage Sword intent.

Jiang Chen ignored Qi Yun’s exclamation.

The Yanlong Sword in his hand turned into a flash of red light, and a lightning-fast sword wiped Qi Liang’s neck.

Before Qi Liang even had time to scream, his body fell weakly towards the ground.


Seeing this sudden scene in front of me.

The gate of the entire Dandian fell into deathly silence at this moment.

All of them were Jiang Chen looking at Aojian standing with shocked faces, and it has been a long time for him to come back to his senses!

Almost no one can think of it.

Jiang Chen was able to force Qi Yun back in the blink of an eye, and then used Qi Yun’s face to kill Qi Liang!


This is too powerful!

“Ah…you little bastard, you dare to kill me Little Brother!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen’s relentless sword resulted in Qi Liang’s life, Qi Yun suddenly couldn’t help but let out an angry roar.

He stared at Jiang Chen with a deadly gaze: “No matter who I am, if I dare to kill my Little Brother, I will make you pay a heavy price!”

“It’s just a trash that’s not worthy of death. If you kill it, you will kill it.”

“I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you, if you want to avenge him, just do it.”

“Otherwise, get out of here, don’t hinder me from signing up for the pill refining conference!”

Jiang Chen said lightly.

Hearing Jiang Chen’s contemptuous words, Qi Yun’s expression was also ugly to the extreme.

Just out of fear of Jiang Chen’s Second Stage Sword intent, Qi Yun really didn’t dare to shoot Jiang Chen easily.

He directly shouted to Han Deacon, who was in charge of registration, “Han Deacon, don’t take down this kid who is wild in the Dandian!”

Han Deacon listened to Qi Yun’s order, and directly led several Dandian guards beside him to surround Jiang Chen.

“Boy, dare to kill someone at the door of my Dandian, I think you are living impatiently.”

Han Deacon stared at Jiang Chen coldly: “If you are more acquainted, just give me your hand and catch it!”

“Han Deacon, you have to figure out your identity. You are the deacon of the Dandian, not a dog raised by the Qi family!”

Yan Qingxuan also stepped forward and snorted coldly at that Han Deacon: “With me, I see who of you dares to touch his hair!”

“Master, please be careful when you speak.”

“Qi Yun is the pill refining genius of our pill refining hall, and one of the candidates for the future pill refining hall. Even if I execute his orders, there is nothing wrong.”

“If the master doesn’t want to cause trouble to the upper body, don’t come to this muddy water.”

Han Deacon looked at Yan Qingxuan with a sneer.

“Haha…I’m just a fifth rank pill refining teacher in his twenties, and you are embarrassed to regard him as a pill refining genius!”

“In front of me, what kind of pill refining genius is he!”

Jiang Chen chuckled disdainfully.

He flipped over his palm, and another silver badge appeared in his palm…

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