Chapter 308 You are not qualified to be my opponent!

First Stage is fistful!

Seeing Mu Feng’s sudden punch, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but lift up a ghostly arc.

He clenched his fist, and First Stage’s fist suddenly exploded, directly and neatly banging with Mu Feng’s fist.


The two punches with fist intent collided in mid-air, and the invisible air wave instantly swept away.

Unprepared, Mu Feng was directly shocked by the air wave and retreated a few steps away.

He looked at Jiang Chen standing still, and finally a touch of horror appeared in his eyes.


“Mufeng was actually retreated by Jiang Chen with a punch, this…what the hell is going on!”

Watching the weird scene on the competition stage.

Everyone was so startled that their eyes almost fell out.

You know, Mu Feng is the top genius on the Dragon List, and he understands the powerful existence of Quan Yi.

In Yanhuang Wuyuan, almost no one could stop Mu Feng’s punch.

But Jiang Chen not only blocked it, but also forced Mu Feng back!

If Jiang Chen displayed his Second Stage Sword intent, they might not be so surprised.

But Jiang Chen actually had the upper hand with Mu Feng with his fist just now.

This… this is incredible.

“Fist! Jiang Chen also understood the fist, not weaker than Mufeng’s fist!”

At this time, a Long Bang student with good eyesight screamed out loud.


Jiang Chen even realized his fist!

Hearing the exclamation of the Longbang student, all the surrounding students were shocked and speechless.

They remember clearly.

Jiang Chen had already displayed the two true meanings of Sword intent and the true meaning of wind on this martial arts stage.

Now Jiang Chen even showed his fist!

One person insight into the three true meanings of Martial Dao.

This… this f*ck is a bit too enchanting.

“It’s worthy of being a peerless genius who is rare in the Yanhuang Wuyuan in thousands of years.”

“Unexpectedly, you have realized Dacheng’s First Stage fist.”

Mu Feng came back to his senses, and the gaze that looked at Jiang Chen finally became a lot more dignified.

He stared at Jiang Chen slowly and said, “Since I entered the Yanhuang Martial Arts Academy, you are still the first opponent worthy of my face.”


Jiang Chen curled his lips and said, “But in my eyes, you are probably not qualified to be my opponent!”

“Hmph, don’t you want to be arrogant in front of me!”

“If it wasn’t for my carelessness just now, how could you take advantage of my hands!”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words that didn’t put him in his eyes, Mu Feng’s face couldn’t help showing an expression of anger and anger.

“Jiang Chen, taste the power of my true meaning of thunder!”

Mu Feng yelled, and the real meaning of the thunder of First Stage Xiaocheng also rose to the sky in an instant.

In an instant…

I saw Feng Yuan discoloring within a few feet of Mu Feng’s head.

A silver lightning two to three feet long, with a terrifying thunder power, slammed down at Jiang Chen angrily.

“Hehe… isn’t it the true meaning of Xiaocheng’s First Stage Thunder.”

“I have just been able to defeat you in the spirit of fist, and now I can defeat you in the true meaning of thunder!”

Jiang Chen smiled proudly, and the first stage Dacheng’s Lei Zhi’s true meaning was directly displayed.

The next moment…

A silver lightning that was twice as thick as the silver lightning of Mufeng condensed on the top of Jiang Chen’s head.


With a move of Jiang Chen’s mind, the extremely thick silver lightning above his head also instantly cut through the space.

Just blink of an eye.

Two silver lightning bolts blasted together in mid-air…

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