Chapter 303 Kill Your Dog’s Head With One Sword!


Facing the pressure of the young Practitioner Kaiyuan realm.

Jiang Chen just gave a faint cold snort, and a fierce Sword intent dissolved the youth Practitioner’s aura to invisible.

“The momentum of the Kaiyuan Realm Practitioner, you can use it to scare other Xiantian Realm Practitioners.”

Resolve the pressure of the youth Practitioner in an understatement.

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth raised slightly: “But in front of me, this thing is not worth mentioning at all!”

Martial Dao really means.

This is an artistic conception that overrides any martial arts.

Anyone who understands the true meaning of Martial Dao can easily resolve the aura and oppression brought on by Realm.

This is also an important reason why people who understand the true meaning of Martial Dao have superior combat power and can even surpass Realm combat.

“It is rumored that two Martial Dao’s true geniuses can not be suppressed by Realm, and they are indeed well-deserved.”

The young Practitioner’s eyes narrowed slightly.

His whole body exudes a fierce fighting intent: “Today…I Leng Bin wants to see how powerful your Sword intent is.”

“I advise you better not to see.”

“If I were you, I would leave the royal ancestral land immediately.”

Jiang Chen glanced at the young man Practitioner lightly, and said domineeringly: “My Sword intent…slashing your dog’s head with one sword is not a problem!”


“I… I didn’t make a mistake, did I?”

“A Xiantian Practitioner who dares to be so arrogant in front of the Kaiyuan Realm Practitioner, Jiang Chen is definitely the first in history.”

Outside the royal family’s ancestral land.

Everyone was shocked by Jiang Chen’s words once again.

Kill Kaiyuan Realm Practitioner with one sword!

This… Is this Tamar really something that Xiantian Practitioner can do?

“The kid is arrogant!”

The young Practitioner Leng Bin smiled angrily: “I want to see, how do you kill me with one sword!”

Although the genius who understands the true meaning of Martial Dao has superb combat power, it only has the ability to fight at higher levels.

Killing him with a single sword is nothing short of talk!

“I gave you a chance to survive, but you didn’t cherish it.”

“If this is the case, then you can keep your eyes open and see how I cut you with one sword!”

Jiang Chen’s words fell coldly, the secret of rising dragon, the true meaning of the wind, and the Second Stage Sword intent broke out almost at the same time.

I saw the swords of others unite, as if piercing through the void, flashing past Leng Bin’s side.

The next moment…

Jiang Chen’s figure changed from extremely fast to still, and he settled directly three meters away behind Leng Bin.

The Yanlong Sword in his hand pointed diagonally to the ground, and drops of red blood dripped down the tip of the sword to the ground…

at the same time.

A popping sound also came directly from behind Jiang Chen.

Everyone looked for their reputation, only to find that Leng Bin had become a headless corpse and fell in a pool of blood.


Seeing the shocking scene in front of them, everyone couldn’t help taking a breath.

Their gazes towards Jiang Chen all showed incredible horror!

Although they also knew that Jiang Chen understood the Sword intent, they did not expect that Jiang Chen’s combat power had reached such a terrifying level.

One sword!

This guy really only shot a sword and completely beheaded an Kaiyuan Realm Practitioner!


It is terrible!

Kill Leng Bin with one sword.

Jiang Chen’s gaze fell directly on the seventh prince with an unbelievable face, and his faint voice instantly resounded across the sky.

“The Seventh Prince, I said long ago that you don’t have the ability to sit in front of me to reap the benefits of the fisherman.”

“Are you out now, or do you want me to get you out myself?”

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