Chapter 294 You want to show off for three matches, I will accompany you!

“What did you say?”

The eldest prince Xia Lin seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world.

He smiled incredulously: “You asked this prince to hand over the emperor’s order to you?”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “I want to help the three princes seize the status and let you hand over all the emperor’s orders. Is there a problem?”

“Huh! Jiang Chen, don’t you want to be arrogant in front of this prince!”

“Do you think that you can really help the youngest to win the throne?”

“This time the emperor’s assessment, only the prince can win in the end!”

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the eldest prince: “I think it is you who should hand over the emperor’s order!”

“If that’s the case, then everyone will see the real chapter under your hand.”

Jiang Chen proudly said: “I can snatch the first emperor’s order from under your nose, and I can take all the emperor’s orders from you.”

“Haha…I’m really ashamed!”

“If the prince didn’t give in intentionally, you thought you could get the first emperor’s order?”

The eldest prince laughed disdainfully and said: “Well, anyway, the only people who have the emperor’s order are me and the youngest. It’s time for a showdown.”

Now the nine emperor’s orders have gathered here.

Except for the five that he already had and the one that he hadn’t obtained in the valley, there were only three of Jiang Chen and the others.

In other words.

As long as he can get the three emperor orders from Jiang Chen and the others, he can become the final winner of this emperor assessment.

At that time, he will be able to inherit the throne of the Great Xia Kingdom as he wishes!

Thinking that he was only one step away from the emperor of the Great Xia Kingdom, the heart of the Great Prince Xia Lin also became extremely hot.

“You are a lot of nonsense, if you want to do it, do it quickly.”

Jiang Chen glanced at the eldest prince and several people, and said indifferently: “Are you here to die together, or one by one?”

“Boy, I think you are the one looking for death, right?”

“Huh! Dare to be so arrogant when you die!”

“The prince, let me take action, I will definitely help you get rid of this kid and win the remaining three emperor orders!”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words that didn’t put them in his eyes, the eyes of the few people beside the prince were about to burst into flames.

“Jiang Chen, you are really arrogant and arrogant!”

The prince stared at Jiang Chen coldly: “You are the only one in the youngest team. The prince doesn’t want to bully the less with more. How about a fair matchup?”


The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth raised slightly: “How do you want to fight?”

“We played against each other on Martial Dao, Formation, and Taming Animals, and we won two games in three games.”

“If anyone wins two wins, the opponent must unconditionally hand over the emperor’s order, what do you think?”

When the big prince spoke, a subtle glow flashed through his eyes.

Jiang Chen is a very enchanting Martial Dao genius, and he also comprehends the legendary Sword intent!

If he does it directly, he is really not sure to defeat Jiang Chen.

And once the duel is divided into three games, even if Martial Dao loses, he can still win back from Formation and Tamer!

This time he entered the royal family ancestral land, he prepared very powerful hole cards on both the formation and the beast Tamer!

As long as the duel is separated, no matter how strong Jiang Chen is in the formation and the beast Tamer, he will definitely lose!

It was heard that the prince had to be divided into three matches to face off.

Jiang Chen’s mouth couldn’t help but a playful smile appeared.

He looked at the eldest prince faintly, and his proud voice resounded instantly.

“The prince, you want to show off for three matches, I will accompany you!”

“Stop talking nonsense, whoever of you will come first!”

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