Chapter 292 Dare to Kill You, You Can Try!

Jiang Chen’s faint words also made the Fourth Prince’s complexion extremely difficult to look.

“Jiang Chen, the prince has accepted what happened today.”

“If you withdrew this purgatory three must, this prince will give you the emperor’s order.”

The eyes of the four princes changed uncertainly for a long time before raising his head and looking at Jiang Chen with a gloomy expression.

at this point.

Xia Yan also had to choose to hand over the emperor’s order.

But even if he handed over the emperor’s order, Xia Yan didn’t plan to leave the royal family ancestral land like this.

Xia Yan is actually very clear about own strength.

He also knew that he had gathered nine emperor orders and it was unlikely to win the throne.

The main purpose of his coming to participate in the emperor’s assessment is just to win one or two emperor orders.

By the time.

He can then use the emperor’s order to trade with the prince who is most hopeful of winning the throne, in exchange for a certain amount of benefit for himself.


Now his plan was completely destroyed because of Jiang Chen’s existence.

this moment.

Xia Yan hated Jiang Chen to the extreme.

He has secretly vowed in his heart that he must stay and let Jiang Chen pay a heavy price for it!

“Why should I remove the formation?”

“Everything here is under the control of Emperor Xia, you only need to give up the emperor’s assessment, and Emperor Xia will automatically send you out.”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly: “Don’t worry, I can’t stop Emperor Xia from taking action in my three fierce purgatory formations.”

The fourth prince Xia Yan is obviously a relatively insidious figure.

If he is allowed to stay in this royal ancestral land, maybe he will hide in the dark.

Although Jiang Chen did not put the strength of the Four Princes team in his eyes.

However, open spears are easy to hide, but hidden arrows are hard to guard.

Jiang Chen didn’t want to add unnecessary trouble to himself in this emperor’s assessment.


He must let the team of the four princes disappear from the ancestral land of the royal family!

“Jiang Chen, don’t forget, I am the fourth prince of the Great Xia Kingdom!”

The four princes looked at Jiang Chen provocatively: “You have to pay a price to kill me, do you dare to kill?”

In this test of the emperor, the members of the team of seven princes were not allowed to act on other princes.

He really didn’t believe that Jiang Chen had the guts to kill him under his father’s eyelids.

“Dare to kill you, you can try!”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “You still have time to think about a stick of incense. Whether to leave the royal family ancestral land alive or die in the Three Definite Array of Purgatory, you choose for yourself.”

“Hmph, this prince doesn’t believe that you really dare to let me die in this three great array of purgatory.”

The fourth prince sneered in his heart, and simply stalemate with Jiang Chen.

One minute.

Two minutes.

Five minutes passed quickly.

But Jiang Chenyi outside was still indifferent, and didn’t mean to remove the formation and let them out.

Feeling the more and more suffocating air in the formation, the four princes suddenly panicked.

“Jiang Chen, count you as ruthless!”

“This prince has taken note of today’s affairs, you will wait for me!”

The four princes spoke to Jiang Chen in anger, and finally had to announce the abandonment of the emperor’s assessment.

And at the moment when the four princes announced their abandonment of the emperor’s assessment.

A violent spatial fluctuation suddenly appeared all around.

The next moment…

The four princes and the four members of his team disappeared out of thin air in the royal ancestral land.

at the same time.

A piece of golden emperor’s order also fell from the place where the four princes disappeared…

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