Chapter 265 There is no place in this world that I dare not enter!

Leaving the residence of the three princes.

Jiang Chen soon came to a vast and majestic mansion in the east of the city.

Above the gate of this mansion.

A huge bluestone plaque was engraved with the words Meng’s Mansion in dragons and phoenixes, and between the lines there was a sharp breath.

As the first Martial Dao family in the Great Xia Country.

The Meng family can be described as a crowded city, and there is an endless stream of people who come to the Meng family every day.

In order to absorb fresh blood, the Meng family will recruit a foreign surname Practitioner every once in a while.

As long as a Practitioner with a foreign surname can pass the assessment, he can become a disciple of the Meng family.

Becoming a disciple outside the Meng family, this is undoubtedly the existence that many civilian practitioners in Daxia have dreamed of.

It is precisely because of this.

Every time the Meng family recruited disciples with foreign surnames, it attracted countless civilian Practitioners.

Today is the day when the Meng family recruited foreign surname Practitioners.

The gate of Meng’s family is naturally very lively.

Jiang Chen glanced at it and found that hundreds of Practitioners were lining up at the gate of the Meng family to register, preparing to sign up for the assessment of disciples surnamed outside the Meng family.

Jiang Chen was expressionless and walked straight towards the gate of Meng’s house.

“Boy, what are you doing!”

“To participate in the assessment of a disciple surnamed outside the Meng family, just line up for me honestly!”

At the gate of the Meng’s family, a Practitioner wearing Meng’s costumes looked at Jiang Chen who was walking straight up, and couldn’t help shouting sternly.

“I’m not interested in the assessment of your disciples outside the Meng family.”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “I just came to the Meng family for someone.”


Jiang Chen’s understatement caused an uproar in the surroundings.

All the practitioners who came to Meng’s family to participate in the appraisal of disciples with foreign surnames looked at Jiang Chen in shock.

“Whhhhhhhh-trough! Who is this kid, who dares to run to the Meng’s house single-handedly to ask for someone!”

“He is Jiang Chen, the Wukui of the Jiufu Association this year!”

“Tsk tusk… a Wu Kui who is a martial artist in the nine prefectures, dare to come to Meng’s house to make trouble, isn’t this a court death!”

When everyone was talking about it.

The Meng Practitioner also sneered with disdain.

“Boy, it turns out that you are Jiang Chen, Wu Kui of the Jiufu Huiwu.”

“But… my Meng family is not a place where you can go wild, get out of here!”

Jiang Chen turned a deaf ear to Meng’s Practitioner’s disdainful sneer.

His eyes were cold, and the somewhat impatient voice rang in everyone’s ears instantly.

“I’ll say it one last time, I’m coming to my maid Meng Qingxue.”

“Give you five minutes, and immediately notify the Meng family to hand her over!”

“Otherwise… then I will go in and find someone myself!”

As soon as Jiang Chen said this, everyone around him was shocked and opened his mouth into an O shape.

Meng Qingxue.

This is a direct disciple of the Meng family, and the first genius beauty of the Meng family.

This kid actually said that Meng Qingxue was his maid, and he ran to the Meng family dignitaries in an open manner!


This kid…Would you like to be so tough!

“Haha…A guy with a bare hair, dare to speak up here!”

“If you have a seed, come and try the Meng’s house!”

“I can guarantee that today will be your death day next year!”

The Meng Practitioner laughed wildly with disdain.

“You are so nonsense!”

“It’s just a Meng family, what can I do if I break into you?”

“In this world, there is no place I dare not enter!”

Coldly’s voice fell, and Jiang Chen’s figure disappeared in a flash…

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