Chapter 262: Ninth on the Dragon List!


“Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen not only comprehended Sword intent, but also comprehended the true meaning of the wind, actually not under Meng Yan!”

“This kid… hides too deeply, I am afraid that Meng Yan is really going to be planted.”

It was seen that Jiang Chen exploded with a stronger wind than Meng Yan’s true meaning.

on the square.

The shocked eyes of countless people almost stared out.

And in the competition stage.

Meng Yan looked at Jiang Chen who had disappeared out of thin air, his expression suddenly changed drastically.

He only felt an inexplicable chill, which spread from the bottom of his heart in an instant.

Meng Yan never thought of it anyway.

Jiang Chen actually understood the true meaning of the wind, and Realm was a lot higher than him.

His true meaning of wind was completely suppressed by Jiang Chen!

He couldn’t feel the existence of Jiang Chen at all now!

Just when Meng Yan was horrified in his heart.

A fierce punch came from behind him strangely.

Meng Yan turned his head abruptly and saw Jiang Chen’s fists widening rapidly in his pupils.


Jiang Chen’s sudden punch did not give Meng Yan any chance to react, and it hit him heavily.

Meng Yan’s figure trembled, and the whole person was retreated several feet by Jiang Chen’s punch.

Before he could stabilize his figure.

Jiang Chen appeared beside him like a shadow, and then he blasted out a punch!

Jiang Chen merged with the true meaning of the wind to move the universe, almost at the extreme speed.

Even though Meng Yan, who was at the pinnacle of Xiantian Ninth Stage at the moment, had no power to fight back in front of Jiang Chen’s terrifying speed.

every time.

Before Meng Yan was relieved in Jiang Chen’s last punch, Jiang Chen’s next attack had already struck again.

the whole process.

Meng Yan seemed to have become a sandbag, beaten by Jiang Chen on the martial arts stage, without any resistance at all.


This situation did not last long.

Under Jiang Chen’s continuous thunder attacks, Meng Yan’s state has also become worse and worse.

After about ten moves.

Jiang Chen directly displayed the advanced Martial Skill of the Profound Grade Shenlong Potian Fist, and blasted Meng Yan from the competition stage with one punch.

“Meng Yan… lost!”

“It’s incredible, Jiang Chen really defeated Meng Yan without a sword!”

“This kid… is really the first evildoer in the history of Yanhuang Wuyuan.”

Seeing Meng Yan falling from the competition platform, the whole person fell into a coma.

On the huge square, there was a deadly silence.

It took them a long time to recover from the shock, and bursts of incredible exclamation came from their mouths.

No one can think of it.

Jiang Chen not only reached the Second Stage of Sword Intent, but also overwhelmed Meng Yan on the true meaning of the wind.

No one could even think of it.

Jiang Chen really defeated Meng Yan without a sword, and ranked ninth in the dragon list!

“This… how is this possible!”

Seeing this shocking scene in front of him, Zhang Tao also let out an unbelievable roar.

Zhang Tao is very clear about Meng Yan’s strength.

When he challenged Meng Yan, even if he tried his best, he was easily defeated by Meng Yan.

He thought that Jiang Chen couldn’t even hold ten moves in the palm of Meng Yan.

But he didn’t expect Jiang Chen to be so perverted.

Even without a sword, he still abused Meng Yan into a dog!

Thinking of the bottle of Bailing Sacred Spring he had previously bet on with Lei Haokong, Zhang Tao only felt that his heart was bleeding…

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