Chapter 259 Jiang Chen, come and fight with me!

Comprehending the true meaning of the wind, Jiang Chen left the Valley of True Meaning in a flash.

“You… why did you come out?”

The black-robed old man was shocked by Jiang Chen who flashed out.

This kid turned out to be the same as the Insight Sword intent last time, after only a few minutes in True Meaning Valley, he ran out.

Could it be that this kid’s comprehension of the true meaning of the wind can be as enchanting as the comprehension of Sword intent!

“Hehe…Although I haven’t stayed in it for long, I still have a little understanding of the true meaning of the wind!”

Jiang Chen chuckled, and then an inexplicable artistic conception radiated from his body.

at the same time.

Jiang Chen’s body seemed to melt into the wind.

I saw him take a step at will, and the whole distance was several feet.

The true meaning of the wind!

And it’s still very complete, the true meaning of First Stage wind!

Looking at the true meaning of the wind displayed by Jiang Chen.

The black robe old man’s mouth twitched, and the whole person was shocked and speechless.

It is extremely difficult for others to comprehend the true meaning of Martial Dao.

But what is this kid, Martial Dao’s true meaning seems to be understood by just reading it once.


This Tamar is simply a freak that is rare in thousands of years!

“Okay, in the future, you can insight into the five true meanings of True Meaning Valley.”

The black-robed old man waved his hand and directly ordered Jiang Chen to chase away his guests: “You can get out of here now!”

This kid… is too shocking.

“Thank you senior.”

Jiang Chen smiled and thanked the black-robed old man, and then left True Meaning Valley contentedly.

No words for a night.

Early the next morning.

Jiang Chen simply ate breakfast and headed directly to the central square of Yanhuang Wuyuan.

When he came to the square, it was already crowded with people.

after all.

The top ten students of the Yanhuang Martial Arts Academy’s Dragon Ranking are almost extremely powerful monsters, and they are rarely challenged.

And this time challenging Meng Yan was a freshman who had just entered the Yanhuang Wuyuan.

It is precisely because of this.

Today’s challenge almost attracted most of Yanhuang Wuya’s attention.

Even many of the top-ranked Longbang students came to the square to watch the battle.

“Look at it, Jiang Chen is here.”

With the appearance of Jiang Chen, countless eyes on the square focused on Jiang Chen.

“He is Jiang Chen? It seems nothing more than that. To even try to challenge Meng Yan in vain, it’s just death.”

Looking at Jiang Chen who appeared in the square.

Zhang Tao, who was ranked 13th on the Long List, couldn’t help but mocked contemptuously.

“Zhang Tao, don’t think that you have lost to Meng Yan, just think that others will be like you.”

“Half a month ago, everyone thought that Jiang Chen was inevitable, but as a result, he hadn’t easily secured his position on the dragon list.”

Lei Haokong on the side smiled faintly: “Why don’t we make a bet, if Jiang Chen wins, you will give me the Bailing Holy Spring. If Jiang Chen loses, I will give you my share!”

“Hmph, how can Mengbei Xu Ze and his ilk compare with Meng Yan.”

Zhang Tao coldly snorted disdainfully: “If he can insist on ten moves in Meng Yan’s hands, even if I lose!”

Just when Lei Haokong was betting with Zhang Tao.

Meng Yan’s figure appeared directly on the martial arts stage in the center of the square like a ghost.

He stared sharply at Jiang Chen below, and his coldly voice echoed over the square.

“Jiang Chen, you finally came.”

“I’m waiting for this day, but I’ve been waiting for a long time.”

“Stop talking nonsense, get out and fight me!”

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