The 2510th chapter of blood is not hurt

At the same time as Li Xiao secretly guessed the identity of the two Jiang Chen.

On the other side, the eyes of Xue Wushang and others also fell on Jiang Chen.

“Old Yin, I asked you to find out the details of these two people, how did you find out?”

Xue Wuhuo’s eyes narrowed and looked at Jiang Chen and the two, could not help but softly asked a gloomy and thin old man beside him.

“The origins of these two people are extremely mysterious. They seem to have emerged out of thin air. I have used all the relationships, and I haven’t found out their origins.”

The skinny old man shook his head, and then slowly said: “But one thing is certain, these two guys should come from our bloodless universe.”


Xue Wushang heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly.

On the third floor of the free trading market that day, the mysterious young man on the opposite side was able to confront Li Xiao head-on and gain the upper hand.

Although there may be reasons for Li Xiao’s carelessness, even so, it is enough to prove that the mysterious young man’s talent is extremely extraordinary.

Even if it is compared with them, I am afraid it will not be inferior in the slightest.

Xue Wuhuo couldn’t believe it, in addition to their blood evil sect, there are such enchanting geniuses in the JieXue Tianyu.

“I didn’t expect that this genius would be hidden in the Silent Blood Territory. Could it be that the people of the Blood Sword Immortal Sect cannot succeed?”

A sharp light flashed in Xue Wushang’s eyes.

The Blood Sword Immortal Sect, the top ten immortal gates of the Broken Universe, were much stronger at their peak than the current Blood Fiend Sect.

Although the current Blood Sword Immortal Sect has fallen, the lean camel is bigger than the horse, and it is not impossible that they secretly cultivated such a genius.

“Is this impossible?”

The thin old man said with an incredulous expression: “Under the pressure of our Blood Sword Immortal Sect over the years, it has been extremely difficult to recruit disciples every year. How can it be possible to cultivate such a Transcends Tribulation Tianjiao?”

The blood sword fairy sect has a long inheritance history, and its background is unfathomable.

The thin old man has no doubt that the Blood Sword Immortal Sect has the ability to cultivate the Transcends Tribulation Tianjiao, but the premise is that the Blood Sword Immortal Sect can find a genius disciple with the ultimate talent.

Now that the Silent Blood Territory is controlled by their Blood Fiend Sect, under their blockade, it is impossible for a genius disciple to join the Blood Sword Immortal Sect.

Even though the Blood Sword Immortal Sect has a profound background and there are no genius disciples for them to train, it is also difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Xue Wushang frowned and said: “If these two were not from the Blood Sword Immortal Sect, who would they be?”

The Territory of Silent Blood is the territory controlled by their blood evil sect.

Now there was an enchanting genius who was not inferior to him in the JieXue Tianyu, but their blood evil sect did not even notice it.

This is not good news for their blood evil sect.

“The son seems to be looking at one thing. Not long ago, the Blood Fiend Sect had two Transcends Tribulation arrogances, which fell into the hands of Blood Thousand Kills and a young man in black.”

At this moment, the other blood-haired old man who had not spoken suddenly said slowly.

As the blood-haired old man said this, the bloodless pupils suddenly shrank.

The Blood Sect has controlled the Silent Blood Territory for many years. If there is such a Transcends Tribulation arrogant in the Silent Blood Heaven, it is impossible for the Blood God Sect to be unconscious.


In the recent Silent Blood Territory, there is indeed an enchanting character who can kill the Transcends Tribulation Tianjiao, and that is an accomplice of the Blood Thousand Kills.

The Blood Thousand Killers deliberately targeted the Blood Demon Sect. They even killed the two Transcends Tribulation arrogances of the Blood Demon Sect, and made a big fuss in the bloody inflammation state city. Hands.

This time, in addition to fighting for the Pill of Transformation, he came to Qingyuan Tianyu for another important purpose, which was to bring out the two people of Blood Thousand Killing.

It’s just that the two people of Blood Thousand Killing are obviously also vigilant, and have never taken any action against him.


The fact that the two of Blood Thousand Kills did not make a move does not mean that they gave up making a move on themselves.

Those two guys, it’s really possible that they have already come to Qingyuanzhou City.

Since the two mysterious guys on the opposite side came from the Realm of Silent Blood, they might really be the two changed-faced Blood Thousand Killers.

“My son Wuhuan, I also think they are very likely to kill two people with a thousand blood, do you want to test it?”

The thin old man’s eyes flashed, and he couldn’t help whispering.

Xue Wuhuan’s eyes flickered slightly: “Don’t startle, pay attention to them in secret, and wait until the auction ends.”

This is the headquarters of the Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce, even if the two people are really the two people, they can’t kill the two people.

not to mention……

The auction of the Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce is about to begin, and now the most important thing for him is to obtain the legendary Pill of Tribulation.

after all.

This tribulation pill is the key to help him break through the Mahayana period.

“Master, Li Xiao of the Nine Li Immortal Sect and the bloodlessness of the Blood Fiend Sect, seem to be paying attention to us.”

Feeling the opposite gaze, the Blood Thousand Kill couldn’t help but whispered: “Especially the people of the Blood Fiend Sect, I suspect they may know our identity.”

Jiang Chen didn’t care about it: “It’s okay, this is the Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce, and they can’t do anything to us.”

The Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce is affiliated to the Ten Great Immortal Sect Qingyuanzong. Whether it is the Nine Li Immortal Sect or the Blood Fiend Sect, you have to give the Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce some Face.

not to mention……

He has now mastered the breakthrough half step, unless the real Mahayana cultivator takes the shot, almost no one can help him.


There are fairy crystal fragments in his body, and the power of dominance has been continuously increasing.

After the auction is over, he only needs to stay in the Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce and cultivate for ten and a half days, and he should be able to successfully break through Martial Dao’s dominance.

By the time.

Even if the Mahayana cultivator of the Blood Fiend Sect or the Nine Li Immortal Sect visits in person, he will not have the slightest fear!

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn’t seem to care much about the exposure of his identity, and the Blood Thousand Killing stopped saying much, he closed his eyes and cultivated.

After swallowing the Weeping Blood Demon Fruit, Blood Thousand Killing has been refining and absorbing the power of the Weeping Blood Demon Fruit for several days, and has already touched the power of the Mahayana.

Just give him some more time, and he should be able to enter the Realm of the quasi-Mahayana period!

Under such waiting, half an hour passed in a flash.

At a certain moment.

A crisp bell rang finally slowly sounded in the auction house.

Hearing the ringing of the bell, the originally noisy auction hall quickly quieted down at this moment.

Everyone looked at the crystal platform in the center of the auction hall.

I saw an old white-haired old man on the crystal stage, standing on it with a smile at some unknown time.

“Is it finally going to start…”

Jiang Chen opened his eyes and looked at the white-haired old man on the crystal stone platform. He couldn’t help but let out a low whisper, and an expression of expectation appeared in his eyes.

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