Chapter 2505 Nine Li Immortal Sect, Li Xiao

The gray-robed old man’s unreliable answer also caused most of the people in the field to lose interest in the copper piece.

The water in the free trading market is already very deep. Naturally, they will not believe that this piece of copper is really related to the Daoist of Tianyu because of the words of the old man in the gray robe.

not to mention……

The asking price of this gray-robed old man is ridiculously high, enough to make most of the cultivators in the field stop.

Even if there are people who can afford it, such as Xue Wuhuan, no one is willing to take this risk when they are not sure of the true purpose of the copper sheet.

after all.

The main purpose of their visit to the Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce this time was the Pill of Calamity that the Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce is about to auction.

One million stone is not a small sum for them.

If one million yuan of stone were spent on this piece of copper, it would have a huge impact on their next auction of the Pill of Tribulation.

Seeing that many cultivators in the field are retreating, Jiang Chen is also slightly relieved.

He couldn’t help but spread the voice to the Blood Thousand Kills: “The Blood Thousand Kills, do you have a million stones?”


Blood Thousand Kill was slightly taken aback, but still replied.

He was once the Transcends Tribulation Heavenly Cult of the Blood Fiend Sect, and now he is a cultivator at the pinnacle of Transcends Tribulation.

These primordial stones were originally intended to be used by him to purchase the breakthrough treasure.

Now that Jiang Chen bought him the Weeping Blood Demon Fruit, he didn’t need to buy other treasures for the time being.

“Old sir, I bought this piece of copper.”

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and immediately said directly to Xueqian: “Give this old gentleman a million yuan stone.”


As Jiang Chen said this, the eyes of many cultivators all around gathered on Jiang Chen’s body.

Many people even looked at Jiang Chen with foolish eyes.

They obviously did not expect that someone would actually buy this humble piece of copper for one million yuan!

Although Blood Thousand Kill had some doubts in his heart, he still took out a million yuan stone and handed it to the gray-robed old man according to Jiang Chen’s instructions.

Seeing that Jiang Chen really took out one million yuan to buy copper pieces, the gray-robed old man couldn’t help but a look of confusion appeared in his eyes.

This piece of copper was indeed obtained when he was exploring ancient ruins in a place where Daoist was suspected of practicing Tianyu.


Over the years, he has done detailed research on this piece of copper, but he has never found anything special.

He bid the price of the copper piece so high, and he wanted to test it out to see if anyone could see the mystery of the copper piece.

The boy in front of him did not hesitate to spend one million yuan on the purchase of copper pieces. Could it be that he found some clues?

“Take it, this copper piece belongs to you.”

A dark glow flashed in the gray-robed old man’s eyes, and with a wave of his palm, the copper piece flew towards Jiang Chen directly from the jade platform.

Jiang Chen was overjoyed, and he reached out and grabbed the copper piece.

At the moment when Jiang Chen’s palm was about to touch the copper sheet, a ghostly black shadow appeared out of thin air in front of Jiang Chen, and grabbed the copper sheet in his hand.

At the same time, a faint chuckle sounded slowly in Jiang Chen’s ears.

“Haha, this fellow daoist, I also took a fancy to this copper piece. I wonder if the fellow daoist can cut love and give it to me?”

Seeing this black shadow appearing out of thin air, Jiang Chen’s complexion instantly became extremely gloomy.

What appeared in front of him was a young man in a black dragon-print robe. The young man had handsome features and a gentle smile on his face, but this smile gave people a hairy feeling no matter how they looked.

Behind the young man in black, two Daoist shadows followed closely.

The auras of these two are extremely deep, and Cultivation Base are both strong men who have reached the Quasi-Mahayana stage.

One of them, a middle-aged black-clothed man of quasi-Mahayana period, had a breath on his body that made Jiang Chen feel very familiar.

“This black-clothed middle-aged… turns out to be the black Qilin of the Nine Li Immortal Sect.”

Jiang Chen’s pupils suddenly shrank involuntarily.

Since the black-clothed middle-aged person is the black Qilin of the Nine Li Immortal Sect, the identity of the young man who grabbed the copper piece is also ready to be revealed.

This guy is not Li Xiao, the first arrogant of the Nine Li Immortal Sect, but who else can he be?

Li Xiao’s sudden shot also caused many people in the field to show a look of surprise.

Many people in the field are very clear about Li Xiao’s identity.

They obviously didn’t expect that this Tianjiao figure of the Nine Li Immortal Sect would actually fight for this mysterious copper piece?

Is this piece of copper really a stunning treasure?

this moment.

Even the bloodless eyes could not help but show a look of surprise.

Naturally, he knew very well that Li Xiao came to Qingyuan Tianyu this time for the same purpose as him, but to come to the Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce auction.

Now that the auction has not been held, Li Xiao is willing to spend a million yuan to buy this mysterious copper piece.

Could it be that in the eyes of this guy, the value of this piece of copper is still higher than that of the Pill of Tribulation?

“My son, do we have to plug in?”

At this moment, a quasi-Mahayana cultivator behind Xue Wuhuan couldn’t help whispering.

If the kid was only interested in the piece of copper before, they might not care about it. Now even Li Xiao of the Nine Li Immortal Sect seems to be interested in the piece of copper.

It can be seen that this copper piece is really not simple.

“No, when I came to Qingyuan Tianyu on this trip, I had only one purpose from the beginning to the end, and that was to obtain the Pill of Transformation.”

Xue Wushang faintly smiled and said: “Since Li Xiao is willing to fight with that kid, let him fight. If he spends one million yuan to buy this piece of copper, it will be more beneficial for us to take the Pill of Destruction in the future. .”

After coming to Qingyuanzhou City, Xue Wuhuan almost found out the main opponent who came to compete for the Pill of Transformation this time.

And Li Xiao of the Nine Li Immortal Sect is undoubtedly one of his biggest competitors.

Now that Li Xiao is willing to spend one million yuan to compete for this mysterious copper piece, he is naturally very happy.

“Your Excellency is Li Xiao of the Nine Li Immortal Sect.”

Jiang Chen stared at Li Xiao coldly: “But…I bought this piece of copper. I don’t know what you mean?”

“Haha… I am also more interested in this piece of copper, and I hope that fellow daoist can give Li a face, and let this piece of copper to me. Li is grateful!”

Li Xiao looked at Jiang Chen with a smile.

As the number one arrogant of the Nine Li Immortal Sect, Li Xiao is still very confident of his own identity, even in the entire Poxian Universe, few people dare not give him a face.

“Li Xiao, you can’t help but value yourself too much. I’m not familiar with you, so why should I give you a Face?”

Jiang Chen snorted faintly, and a sharp chill filled his body: “Return the copper sheet to me immediately!”

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