Chapter 2497 One Trick To Kill


The low explosion sound resounded in mid-air instantly.

He only heard a muffled hum from the bloodthirsty Snake Demon King’s mouth, a huge force exploded in his chest, and the fierce force directly exploded the scales on his skin to blood.

And his body shape was also embarrassed and flew upside down in mid-air by a distance of hundreds of feet.

“Good… terrifying strength!”

Seeing that the Bloodthirsty Snake Demon King was defeated miserably with just one blow, Xu Fei also set off a huge wave at this moment.

Bloodthirsty Snake Demon King, this is the famous Transcends Tribulation Snake Demon in the Silent Blood Plain.

Now he was seriously injured by the punch in front of him!

Although Xu Fei had already guessed that the one in front of him was most likely a Transcends Tribulation cultivator, he did not expect that his strength had reached such a terrifying level.

Such strength, even in their Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce, can be compared with it, I am afraid it is one of the few.

“Cross… the peak of Transcends Tribulation, you…who are you?”

The Bloodthirsty Snake Demon King forcefully suppressed the churning aura in his body, and in the eyes that looked towards the blood thousand killings, a touch of unprecedented horror finally appeared.

Although there are many Universe Transcends Tribulation cultivators, the cultivators at the peak of Transcends Tribulation are rare.

The cultivator at the pinnacle of Transcends Tribulation, even in the top ten immortal gates of the Broken Universe, is extremely rare.

The Bloodthirsty Snake Demon King never thought that this guy in front of him turned out to be a powerful existence whose Cultivation Base had reached the pinnacle of Transcends Tribulation.


Bloodthirsty Snake Demon King’s screams were completely ignored by Blood Thousand Killers. He only heard a cold word from his mouth. Immediately after he waved his palm, a blood-colored palm prints fiercely at the bloodthirsty snake with the momentum of thunder. The Demon King shot away.

Feeling the more terrifying blow of Blood Thousand Killing, the bloodthirsty Snake Demon King’s scales were slightly erected, and the color of horror on his face became more and more intense.

Where did he dare to hesitate at all, he screamed directly, and with the startled gaze of Xu Fei and others, he turned and fled towards the depths of Wansheling.

“You can’t escape.”

The sneer of Blood Thousand Killers’ contempt fell, and immediately stretched out his hand directly at the Bloodthirsty Snake Demon King and grabbed it in the air.


A blood-colored force instantly sealed the world, making the bloodthirsty snake demon king’s figure instantly solidified, making it difficult to move at all.

“Do not!”

The bloodthirsty Snake Demon King let out a terrifying roar, and immediately exploded with blood all over his body, turning into a blood-colored giant snake that stretched to thousands of feet, and forcibly broke through the banned power between the heavens and the earth.


At the moment the Bloodthirsty Snake Demon King recovered his body and forcibly broke through the shackles, a blood blade radiating a strange light came directly through the void.

The Bloodthirsty Snake Demon King who had just broken free from the forbidden space was hit by the blood blade before he could even react.


Hearing a soft sound, the bloodthirsty Snake Demon King’s body covered in hard scale armor was directly broken open by the blood blade.

To the end.

I saw that the huge body of the Bloodthirsty Snake Demon King was split into two pieces by the blood blade, and then crashed down from mid-air, smashing two huge holes in the ground, and there was no more Breath of life.

Looking at the bloodthirsty Snake Demon King on the ground that couldn’t die anymore, Xu Fei and the others all looked dull, it was difficult to recover from the shock for a long time.

They never thought of it.

The bloodthirsty Snake Demon King of the dignified Transcends Tribulation period, the overlord figure who dominated the side in this Silent Blood Plain, died in this way.

Just an understatement, the bloodthirsty Snake Demon King was completely destroyed.

Such strength is really terrifying.

this moment.

Xu Fei finally understood why Jiang Chen didn’t pay attention to the Bloodthirsty Snake Demon King from beginning to end.

With the strength of the two of them, this bloodthirsty snake demon king is no different from the ants.

“Let’s go.”

Solving the Bloodthirsty Snake Demon King lightly, Blood Thousand Killing said to Xu Fei indifferently, and then returned to the front of the caravan once again, turning into a common cultivator with Cultivation Base staying in the Gold Core stage.

Xu Fei took a deep breath and couldn’t help taking a deep look at the carriage where Jiang Chen was in.

Taking the cultivator at the pinnacle of Transcends Tribulation as a servant, such a character, even if you look at the entire universe, is extremely rare.

In this world of silent blood, I am afraid that only the Transcends Tribulation Tianjiao, one of the top ten immortals, can have this qualification.

Could this one in the carriage be the top arrogant of the Blood Fiend Sect?

After shaking his head, Xu Fei stopped thinking about it.

No matter what, this time he was able to get the help of Jiang Chen and it was a thing to be thankful for.

He didn’t have any hesitation at the moment, and directly gave an order to lead the caravan forward.

And at the same time Xu Fei’s caravan crossed Wansheling.

In another place in the Silent Blood Plain, after Zhao Guang left Xu Fei’s caravan with a dozen cultivators, he also joined a man in black who was shrouded in a faint black glow.

The man in black looked at Zhao Guang and the others in front of him, and his brows couldn’t help but frowned: “Zhao Guang, why are there only you, Xu Fei’s caravan?”

“Xu Fei temporarily changed his mind and directly led the caravan to Wansheling. I had to report to my master as soon as possible.”

Zhao Guang quickly explained respectfully.

The black-clothed man’s complexion changed slightly: “How could that guy suddenly change his course? Could it be that he found something wrong?”

“It should not be.”

Zhao Guang sneered and said: “That guy met two people on the road, and he thought that those two people could help him pass through Wansheling. I think it was a wishful thinking!”

The black-clothed man’s eyes narrowed slightly: “Are those two strong?”

“The specific strength is not clear, but it will definitely not exceed the period of harmony.”

Zhao Guang curled his lips and sneered with disdain: “Wansheling, this is a place that Transcends Tribulation cultivator dare not get into easily. Xu Fei and the others will enter Wansheling without any doubt!”

The black-clothed man’s eyes flickered slightly, and then he said in a deep voice: “I am going to Wansheling for a trip. You immediately take my token to the Qingyuan Tianyu and let my people intercept Xu Fei and them. Let them return to Qingyuan Tianyu alive!”

Although Wansheling is very dangerous, since Xu Fei dared to walk Wansheling, he might be able to pass through Wansheling safe and sound.

Just in case, he had to make arrangements in advance.

And he himself was going to take a trip to Wansheling in person.

If Xu Fei and the others passed through Wansheling, it would be fine.

If Xu Fei and the others were to die in Wan Snake Ridge, he would have to personally take back what Xu Fei and the others had obtained in the Plain of Silent Blood!

After the man in black ordered Zhao Guang and others, his figure flashed up into the sky, and disappeared into the sky directly into a black glow…

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