Chapter 2489 One Strike Suppression

Blood Thousand Flames!

This is a genius of the Blood Fiend Cult an era earlier than him.

When he just became the arrogant of the Transcends Tribulation of the Blood Fiend Sect, Xue Qianyan was already a strong man at the pinnacle of Transcends Tribulation.

Now that so many years have passed, Xue Qianyan is probably at least a quasi-Mahayana cultivator.

Although a quasi-Mahayana cultivator may not be able to help the two of them, if they are dragged by the blood thousand flames, once the blood evil sect powerhouse descends to the bloodyan state city, they may be really in danger today.

“Blood Thousand Kill, you are not brave enough, even killing the two Transcends Tribulation Tianjiao of the Blood Evil Cult, even dared to hide in the land of the city lord.”

Xue Qianyan stared at Xue Qiansha with cold eyes: “For the sake of having the same door, if you obediently do it, I can still keep you a whole body!”

Hearing the words, Blood Thousand Killing’s eyes narrowed slightly.

No wonder this guy was the first to discover their existence. He had already become the lord of Xueyanzhou City!

Because the Blood Sect Sect is located in the Bloody Flame State, all the city lords of the Blood Sword Sect are succeeded by disciples of the Blood Sect Sect.

The city lord of Xueyanzhou has a very high status in the blood evil sect, almost second only to the protector of the leader, and is no longer under the quasi-mahayana Elder.

Xue Qianyan’s ability to become the City Lord of Xueyan Prefecture is definitely not an easy role to deal with.

“Hands, a quick fight, give me the blood thousand flames, and you get rid of the others.”

Jiang Chen’s words fell, and his figure flashed out against Xue Qianyan.

“You’re the peerless sword repairer who killed my Transcends Tribulation Transcends Tribulation with one sword. I want to see how strong your sword can be!”

Xue Qianyan looked at Jiang Chen who was violently plundering, and a sneer sneered across his mouth.


When he moved his palm, a monster blood-colored giant palm, directly carrying a burning atmosphere of burning sky, came toward Jiang Chen to suppress it.

“Sorry, if you want to see my kendo, you won’t have that chance today.”

Jiang Chen’s indifferent voice fell, and the immortal monument also appeared out of thin air directly in the palm of his hand.

Regarding the current situation, Jiang Chen is naturally very clear.

Although with his current strength, he is not afraid to fight any quasi-Mahayana cultivator, but he definitely can’t delay with Xue Qianyan for too long.


Once the Mahayana cultivator of the Blood Fiend sect arrives, it will be really difficult for them to get out today.

It is precisely because of this.

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate to sacrifice the immortal monument, intending to use the power of the immortal monument to severely inflict a thousand kills with one blow!


Under Jiang Chen’s full urging, the immortal monument burst out with an extremely bright fairy light, and then turned into a monument to suppress heaven and earth, erected in the sky above Xueyanzhou City.

that moment.

All the cultivators in the entire Xueyanzhou City, under the coercion of the immortal monument, could not help but shiver!

Every time Jiang Chen Cultivation Base Ascension is used, the immortal monument will be displayed again, and the power of the immortal monument will skyrocket.

Now that Jiang Chen Cultivation Base has reached the heavenly peak of the God King’s Ninth Stage, he has fully urged the power of the immortal monument, and his power has undoubtedly reached a very terrifying point.

“This… what kind of power is this?”

Feeling the terrifying power emanating from the monument to the heavens in the void, even if it is a quasi-Mahayana cultivator blood thousand flames, at this moment, I can’t help but feel a panic!

He felt an extremely dangerous aura from the monument to the sky.

If he is a little careless today, I am afraid he will really fall here.

“Fen Xu Xue Yan Hai!”

Xue Qianyan was panicked in his heart, where he dared to be the slightest negligence, the magic power of the quasi-Mahayana cultivator broke out to the extreme in an instant.

The bloody true essence in the sky was swept away in the blood thousand flames, and finally turned into a sea of ​​blood that covered the sky and the sun, covering up the sun in the sky.

Flames billowed in this sea of ​​blood, like blood-colored magma constantly boiling.

Even if the Transcends Tribulation cultivator falls into this sea of ​​blood, it will instantly evaporate into nothingness in the sea of ​​blood.


Xue Qianyan, the fierce and mighty sea of ​​blood, was of no use to the shining monument of heaven in the sky.

Only in an instant.

The bright fairy light on the monument of Zhentian has penetrated the sea of ​​blood that obscures the sky and the sun, and has beaten the sea of ​​blood into a huge sieve.

To the end.

The sea of ​​blood was finally unable to withstand the strength of the monument to the heavens anymore, and it exploded directly above the city of Xueyanzhou.

Xue Qianyan’s body trembled abruptly, and he was immediately hit by the fairy light of the monument to the sky, and then fell like a meteorite, crashing down from the void, smashing the bloody city city below. There was a huge hole.

One blow suppressed Xue Qianyan, Jiang Chen didn’t bother to care about Xue Qianyan’s life and death, and directly urged the immortal monument to suppress the cultivator that besieged Xue Qiansha.

The heavens cried together, and the heavens and the earth shook.

Only a loud bang was heard. Hundreds of cultivators instantly turned into blood mist, and the red rain of blood also continued to scatter from the void, staining the entire Blood Yanzhou City into a fascinating red.


After urging the immortal monument twice in a row, Jiang Chen also had a pale look on his face.


He didn’t have any hesitation either, he directly turned into two streams of light with Blood Thousand Kill, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

At the time when Jiang Chen and the others left Xueyanzhou City to make an incense stick, a Daoist shadow also came ghostly in the sky above Xueyanzhou City.

The person here is the right guardian of the Blood Fiend Sect, Blood Nine Underworld.

When he saw the miserable appearance of Xueyanzhou City, his expression instantly became extremely difficult to look.

“Damn it, it’s still a step too late after all.”

After Xue Jiu Ming got the news, he rushed over from the Blood Fiend Sect almost immediately.

He originally thought.

Xueyanzhou City has Xueqianyan, a quasi-Mahayana cultivator, and the other strongmen in Xueyanzhou City, even if it is not the opponent of Xueyanzhou City, it should be able to delay one or two.

But they didn’t expect that Xue Qianyan and the others didn’t insist on their arrival at all, and the entire army would be wiped out.

Being able to kill Blood Thousand Flames in such a short period of time, even a general quasi-Mahayana cultivator cannot easily do it.

Could it be that some of the two of Blood Thousand Killers are already Mahayana cultivators?

Just when Xue Jiuming was in a state of uncertainty, several quasi-Mahayana cultivators emerged directly behind him.

“Guardian right, this…what is going on?”

Seeing the situation in Xueyanzhou City, the look of a quasi-Mahayana cultivator also instantly became frightened.

“When I came, it was already like this.”

Xue Jiu Ming said with a gloomy expression: “Xue Qian kills the two people. It seems that he has noticed in advance and directly killed the Xueyan Zhou City.”

Several quasi-Mahayana cultivators heard the words, and there was an unconcealable horror in their eyes.

Although Xueyanzhou City does not have a Mahayana cultivator, its strength is definitely not weak.

Even if it is a quasi-Mahayana cultivator, it is absolutely impossible to kill it easily.

Although they have repeatedly overestimated the strength of Blood Thousand Killing Two. But still did not expect that these two people could be so terrifying.

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