Chapter 2473 Mingyuexin’s Trump Card

Poxian Universe, for the mysterious celestial monument in his hand, it can be said to be inevitable.

As long as the immortal monument still exists in the realm of gods, the invasion of the immortal universe to the realm of gods will never stop.

Even if this time they defeated the expeditionary army of Poxian Universe, Poxian Universe will probably send a stronger lineup to come to God’s Domain again.

If you have been accumulating power in God’s Domain and waiting for the Poxian Universe to invade again, it is obviously not a wise move.

Now that he has the Star Battleship, he might as well go to the Poxian Universe to cause some trouble to the Poxian Universe and not give them a chance to invade God’s Domain.

Especially after seeing these people in the Sky Star Universe, Jiang Chen’s thoughts became even stronger.

By the time.

He may also consider teaming up with the people of the Sky Star Universe to fight the Poxian Universe together!

Jiang Wuya said in a deep voice: “Poxian Universe is powerful, and we don’t know anything about Poxian Universe. Isn’t it too dangerous to go rashly like this?”

“Father, don’t worry, I have my own plans for this.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, then raised his head and looked into the depths of the starry sky, frowning slightly, “I don’t know what happened to the battle between Mingyue senior and that Mahayana cultivator?”

Hearing this, Jiang Wuya couldn’t help but shift his eyes towards the depths of the starry sky.

Although they have destroyed the expeditionary army of the Poxian Universe, Mingyuexin and the Mahayana cultivator named Blood Demon are the key to this victory.

If Mingyuexin could not stop the Mahayana cultivator, even if only the Mahayana cultivator was left alone, it would be enough to make God’s Domain irresistible.


Just when Jiang Chen and their eyes were locked tightly in the depths of the starry sky where Mingyuexin and Mingyuexin were fighting, the starry sky that had already turned into chaos suddenly burst out with a loud noise.


Two Daoist shadows burst out of the chaotic starry sky almost at the same time.

“Haha… Mingyuexin, relying on your strength at the beginning of the dominance realm, you want to compete with me, but you are still a little tender.”

In the starry sky, the blood demon gave a triumphant laugh, and directly turned into a radiant glow of blood, chasing up, and slapped Mingyue’s heart with it.

Although his palm seems ordinary, it fills the world, like an immortal’s hand probing into the mortal world, and instantly freezes the starry sky of thousands of miles.


Mingyue’s eyes were cold, and a cold word came out from her mouth.

As soon as this broken word came out, the dazzling Yuehua divine light rose from Mingyuexin’s body and turned into a full moon behind it, literally propping up the power of the solidified starry sky around it.

“Blood demon, your expedition army of the Immortal-Breaking Universe has been destroyed by my God Realm. Now you are the only one left in your own family. Why don’t you catch it quickly?”

Seeing that Mingyuexin seemed to be at a disadvantage in the battle with the blood demon, Jiang Chen’s expression changed, and his cold voice pierced the starry sky, sounding in the blood demon’s ears.

Jiang Chen’s sudden voice also caused the blood demon’s complexion to change.

When he sensed that this piece of starry sky no longer had the aura of any immortal cultivator, and even the starry sky battleship had been occupied by Jiang Chen and the others, his expression instantly became frightened.

Although the strength of God’s Domain was more than twice as powerful as the information they had obtained a few years ago.

But their expedition force this time is still above the realm of God.

But the blood demon never thought of it.

During the time he was fighting against Mingyuexin, God’s Domain actually wiped out all the expedition forces he had brought.

Three quasi-Mahayana cultivators, hundreds of Transcends Tribulation cultivators, thousands of cultivators, almost none of them survived!

This… how is this possible?

With the power of God’s Domain alone, how could it be possible to completely kill the expedition army he brought in such a short period of time?

“Blood demon, it seems that your invasion this time is doomed to fail!”

Mingyuexin looked up at the blood demon and couldn’t help but sneer.

This time, although the army of the Poxian Universe expedition to God’s Domain is very strong, it is also limited in strength compared to the God’s Domain.

Although it shows that Yue Xin also believes that with Jiang Chen’s abilities, it should be able to withstand the attacks of these immortal cultivators.

But Mingyuexin still didn’t expect it.

Jiang Chen and the others were able to completely annihilate the expeditionary force of the Poxian Universe in such a short time!

“Mingyuexin, you don’t want to be happy too early. What if I am the only one left, and when I kill you, you can also destroy your God’s Domain!”

The blood demon’s voice fell, and the palm of the frozen starry sky pressed against Mingyue’s heart again.


Endless pressure, oppressing Mingyuexin from all directions.

I saw that the bright moon behind Mingyue’s heart was constantly distorting and changing under the terrifying pressure, and gradually shrinking.

Mingyue’s eyes were cold, and the Mingyue behind her instantly melted into her body, making her whole body powerful to the extreme, and then pointed a finger at the blood demon.

“Lunar broken sky finger!”

Following Mingyuexin’s pointing out, the terrifying power of the dominion of the yin directly turned into a finger that cuts off the heavens and the earth, and shot away at the blood demon.

“Blood Fiend Heavenly Demon!”

The blood demon was full of killing intent, and his hands quickly changed into a blood mark.


A blood shadow that shot up to the sky in a Killing intent, directly condensed in front of the blood demon.

Xueying stared at Mingyuexin indifferently, and then brought a terrifying force of blood evil, and fisted Mingyuexin with a detonation.


The sound of the sky and the earth burst into the starry sky instantly.

Mingyuexin’s finger that was enough to cut the sky and the earth also shattered under the punch of the blood shadow.

Mingyue’s heart groaned, and the whole person flew thousands of miles in the starry sky before barely stabilizing her figure.

A trace of red blood also slowly spilled from the corner of Mingyuexin’s mouth.

“Mingyue senior!”

Seeing this scene before him, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but sink slightly.

It seems that after first entering the Mingyue Heart dominated by Martial Dao, it is still difficult to contend with the Mahayana cultivator of the Immortal Universe.

“Cangming senior, Wu senior, Brother Wu, let’s help Mingyue senior.”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and couldn’t help directly speaking to the three of Wu Xing.

Now in the entire God’s Domain, apart from Mingyuexin, only the four of them have half-step power to dominate the realm.

Now, only the four of them and Mingyuexin can work together to block the Mahayana cultivator of the Broken Universe.


Just when Jiang Chen and the others were about to help, Mingyuexin’s cold voice rang directly in their ears.

“You don’t need to take action. To deal with this guy, I am enough.”

Mingyuexin said, her eyes calmly looked towards the blood demon.

“Blood demon, if you have sent other Sect Mahayana cultivators from the Broken Universe, this palace may not be able to help you.”

“It’s a pity… they just sent you, the Mahayana cultivator of the Blood Fiend Sect.”

“No matter how strong you are, you are bound to die today!”

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