Chapter 2461 Support the Eastern Region

“Void beasts are coming, I’ll hold them, you immediately lead everyone to evacuate to the Central Region.”

Wu Zhantian took a deep breath, and finally ordered to evacuate.

The Void Beast is coming fiercely, and it’s just seeking a dead end.

If they withdrew to the Central Territory, they could use Jietianhe to block the Void Beast one or two, thus gaining a chance to breathe.

After Wu Zhantian finished speaking, he did not give these gods domain experts a chance to speak, and his figure appeared above the Qingluan clan in a flash.

He lifted his gaze slightly, and saw the Void Beast coming from thousands of miles away towards the Qingluan Clan.

“Wu Zhantian, you can’t stop this king’s pace, you can catch it quickly and obediently.”

Headed by the pitch-black Dapeng giant bird staring at Wu Zhantian, the cold voice resounded in this space.


Wu Zhantian was too lazy to talk nonsense, and he directly merged with the sword and turned into a sword light that penetrated the sky and the earth, and shot into the void beasts.

The bright and sharp blade pierced through the world, and a thousand miles of void in front of the sword, like a fragile thin paper, was easily torn in half.

Next second…

Wu Zhantian’s figure has already appeared in the void beasts.


The blade light cut across the void and directly cut into the void beast herd, instantly cutting out a huge vacuum area in the void beast herd.

There were thousands of Void Beasts, all of them were destroyed by Wu Zhantian’s sword.

“Wu Zhantian, you are looking for death!”

The Dapeng giant bird screamed, and its huge eyes burst into sharp bursts, extremely furious.

Wu Zhantian ignored the Dapeng Giant Bird at all, and the long knife in his hand shook slightly, and another shocking sword swept through the void beasts.


At that moment, an unimaginable, extremely gorgeous golden sword light spread rapidly among the void beasts, cutting the void beasts into an unimaginable huge black crack, which was magnificent without healing for a long time.

Under this strike, at least tens of thousands of virtual beasts fell into Wu Zhantian’s hands once again.

“Wu Zhantian, today this king will break your corpse into thousands of pieces and kill him for me!”

The Dapeng giant bird raised up to the sky and let out an angry roar. I saw its huge wings shook, and the terrible swallowing force turned the space around him into a black hole. A void world appeared in front of him, and then instantly destroyed, turning into a light of destruction, exploding towards Jiang Chen. Shot from here.

And beside the Dapeng Giant Bird, the other three Void Beast Kings, comparable to the God King Ninth Stage Sky, also exploded out of the sky-shaking power at the same time, and slew directly towards Wu Zhantian.

Facing the siege of the four void beasts including the Dapeng Giant Bird, Wu Zhantian did not flinch at all.

He directly activated the secret method and fought with the four void beasts.

“Boom boom boom…”

One person and four beasts kept touching each other in the void, turning the world into chaos in an instant.

Under the siege of the four-headed Void Beast King who is no less inferior to the god king Ninth Stage Tian, ​​even if it is as strong as Wu Zhantian, it is obviously a little overwhelming.

very quickly.

Wu Zhantian was defeated under the siege of the four giant beasts of the Dapeng Giant Bird, and his entire body was in danger.

“The King of Martial Sage is about to be unable to support it. Let’s get ready to help.”

Among the Qingluan clan, the ancient god king Ninth Stage of the ancient gods and phoenix clan looked at the battle thousands of miles away with a solemn expression on his face.

Ninth Stage, another god king of the Saint Sect of Ten Thousand Swords, hesitated slightly and said: “King Martial Sage asked us to lead everyone to evacuate. If we don’t leave, I’m afraid there will be no chance.”

“King Martial Sage is one of the strongest kings in the realm of Gods. If even he falls, even if we retreat to the middle realm, what can we use to stop the attack of the void beast?”

The ancient Shenfeng Clan snorted coldly: “You lead everyone to retreat, and I will help King Martial Sage!”

After finishing speaking, this ancient god-feng clan powerhouse will prepare to help.


Before this ancient God Phoenix clan expert had time to do it, a brilliant sword light pierced through the sky, bursting from the distant sky, and a sword smashed the destructive claws captured by the Tianpeng giant bird towards Wu Zhantian. Smashed.

Tianpeng Giant Bird’s huge eyes shrank suddenly, and his gaze couldn’t help looking towards the distant sky.

I saw two black shadows, one person, one beast, and two black shadows.

“Jiang Chen, why are you here?”

Looking at Jiang Chen who suddenly appeared, Wu Zhantian couldn’t help but froze slightly.

Within the Qingluan clan, the ancient god and phoenix clan powerhouse also showed a delighted look in his muddy old eyes.

The Palace of Human Emperor Jiang Chen, the emperor of the world, is a peerless arrogant capable of suppressing an era. Although the Cultivation Base is not high, it has a combat power comparable to that of the God King Ninth Stage.


He seems to have subdued a Void Beast King whose strength is not inferior to that of the God King Ninth Stage.

With the addition of Jiang Chen, a person and a beast, they can compete with the void beasts in front of them.

“I heard that your battle situation in the Eastern Region is not very good, so come and take a look.”

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said, “Wu senior, are you okay.”

“Don’t worry, you can’t die. Since you are here, let’s make a quick decision.”

Wu Zhantian said, his gaze was directly locked on one of the void beast kings, and then he urged the sword art with all his strength and slashed it over.

He can naturally feel that Jiang Chen’s departure this time, his strength has increased a lot, and the Cultivation Base has reached the Seventh Stage of the God King.

With Jiang Chen’s talented background, the combat power that he can display now is probably no better than him.

Coupled with the Void Beastmaster that it conquered, they already have the power of a battle.


The secret method that they had displayed could not last long, and they had to defeat the four Void Beast Kings in one fell swoop before their secret method was over.

“King Martial Sage, King of People, I will contain one for you.”

At this moment, Ninth Stage, the god king of the ancient gods and phoenix clan, burst out of the Qingluan clan in an instant, and directly slew one of the Void Beast Kings.

“Heilong, you go and contain that Dapeng bird.”

Jiang Chen gave an order to the Void Beast King beside him, and immediately killed the other Void Beast King.

Of the four Void Beast Kings in front of him, the strongest one is undoubtedly the Great Dapeng bird.

Jiang Chen intends to let the black dragon contain this big roc bird, and then use the momentum of thunder to eliminate the other three Void Beast Kings.

“Boom boom boom…”

With Jiang Chen and the others, almost all of the three and five beasts burst out in the void, and the terrible energy ripples caused the sky in a radius of thousands of miles to turn into chaos in an instant.

Jiang Chen fully urged the Sword Art of Destroying Immortality, and directly broke through the world with a sword, and slashed towards the wolf-shaped Void Beast King on the opposite side.

Although this wolf-shaped Void Beastmaster has the strength comparable to the god king Ninth Stage, it is only comparable to the god king Ninth Stage early stage.

With Jiang Chen’s current Cultivation Base fully displaying the Sword of Destruction Art, this Void Beast King was simply hard to resist, and Jiang Chen was slashed by a sword and flew thousands of feet away in the blink of an eye!

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