Chapter 2453 Extinguish the immortal sword, cut the immortal!

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, his hands suddenly sealed, and he directly displayed the ancient seal of Soul Destruction to suppress the Void Beast King.


A dark and deep black square seal suddenly burst into the void with a dark trace, and then quickly extended towards the Void Beast King.

“It’s nothing more than a little trick.”

Seeing Jiang Chen’s move, the Void Head King couldn’t help but sneered contemptuously.

I saw that the figure did not give the slightest retreat, and directly lifted the huge claws, bringing a burst of terrifying space power, and colliding with the black square.


The terrible energy turned into ripples of destruction and spread out from the void.

The huge body of the Void Beast King trembled slightly, even if Xuan quickly stabilized, then he directly penetrated the space like a ghost and appeared next to Jiang Chen. On the huge claw, it directly brought a space storm that ruined the sky and the earth. Attacked Jiang Chen again.

Facing the offensive of the Void Beast King, Jiang Chen’s pupils shrank slightly, the handprints between his palms changed, and the second seal of the Human Emperor Seal, the ancient seal of the God of Judgment, was directly condensed.


In the void, one person and one beast kept banging together.

Every time it collides, a storm that destroys the sky and the earth is set off in the void, causing the sky and the earth to collapse, as if the end is coming.


Feeling the terrifying storm of destruction in the void, Wu Mu’s expression changed, and he quickly led everyone into the Tongxian Valley.

Because the Longevity Immortal Mountain has Restrictions under the Longevity Immortal King, Wu Mu and the others were naturally not affected by the confrontation between the two of Jiang Chen.


The many void beasts on the opposite side were not so lucky.

Some of the void beasts with weak strength and no time to retreat, instantly turned into a mist of blood and scattered from mid-air under the impact of the devastating storm.

“Boom boom boom…”

In the void, the two figures are still constantly intertwined, and the terrifying energy directly burst the void into a huge black hole.

To the end.

The two figures also flew out from the black hole space in embarrassment.

“Human kid, I underestimated you. I didn’t expect you to have such a combat power in the Seventh Stage Cultivation Base of the God King.”

After the huge body of the Void Beastmaster smashed into the void, he finally slowly stabilized his figure.

The black armour shining with the cold rays of the forest all over it was covered with blood stains, and the gaze that looked at Jiang Chen was also a touch of solemnity that could not be concealed.

Jiang Chen was expressionless.

The Void Beastmaster in front of him is extremely powerful, and the ordinary God King Ninth Stage might not necessarily be his opponent.

With his current strength, although he is not afraid of the Void Beast King in front of him, it is not an easy task to defeat it.

“Human kid, although you are very strong, you may not be able to win me.”

The Void Beast King glanced at the Tongxian Valley below, and sneered: “But…what if you can hold me back? Even if this King doesn’t take action, you humans can’t stop the Void Beast’s pace.”

Even if Jiang Chen shot and killed a lot of Void Beasts before, their powerlessness was an absolute advantage in terms of quantity or quality.

“If you can do anything for me, I’ll know if I try.”

Jiang Chen’s indifferent voice fell, and the Northern Dipper star map gathered above his head. With the swing of the golden ancient sword in his hand, it directly turned into the Galaxy Cluster giant sword, and fell from the Nine Heavens to the Void Beast King.


Seeing that Jiang Chen shot again, the Void Beast King let out a terrifying roar, causing the dense Void Beast below to kill directly in the direction of Tongxian Valley.

at the same time.

I saw a big mouth open, a black energy, directly with terrible spatial fluctuations, turned into a space cage, cut down the Galaxy Cluster giant sword firmly imprisoned.

Immediately afterwards.

A terrible swallowing force erupted from the space cage, and the Galaxy Cluster giant sword swallowed into nothingness.

“Human kid, with this level of strength, it’s not enough to defeat me. You don’t want to be indecent, and you can try to pick me up.”

The Void Beast King sneered disdainfully, and immediately grabbed the lightning-like formation of the extremely complex handprints, and with the formation of the handprints, the energy of the heaven and the earth all around the world gathered in a sudden.

The vast energy gathered, and then under the control of the Void Beastmaster, it quickly condensed into a huge black claw.

The surface of this giant claw looks extremely rough, but it is filled with a terrible force of destruction.

From a distance, the giant claws were like the claws of the ancient demon gods, as if they were enough to destroy the entire world.

“Void Silence Claw, one claw destroys the world!”

The Void Beast King stared at Jiang Chen with a sneer, and immediately grabbed Jiang Chen and pressed it.


There was a sudden bang from the heavens and the earth, and the huge claws directly caused a wave of spatial fluctuations that ruined the heavens and the earth, and came towards Jiang Chen’s suppression.

that moment.

Wherever the giant claw passed, the entire space was continuously collapsing at this moment, and terrible space storms burst out from the black hole of emptiness, as if making the world return to chaos at this moment.

“This guy… actually masters such a magical power!”

Looking at the claw displayed by the Void Beast King, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Since leaving the ancient dragon world and contacting the eternal void, Jiang Chen has fought against the void beast-not many times.

As far as he knows.

Most of the void beasts in the eternal void can only attack with brute force or use some shallow space techniques.

Even the few heads he encountered in the Eternal Void were comparable to the God King Realm Void Beast King.

The Xeon Void Beastmaster in front of him was obviously different.

The claw it displayed was probably not inferior to the top supernatural powers in God’s Domain.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, daring not to neglect the movement in his hand.

I saw that on the golden ancient sword in his hand, the dazzling kendo supernatural power suddenly gathered, and a dazzling golden light burst out almost in an instant.

Just blink of an eye.

Jin Mang turned into a huge golden halo of thousands of feet, like a round of golden sun, with Sacred’s powerful power, setting off Jiang Chen like an immortal.

Jiang Chen’s face was indifferent, looking down at mortal dust like an immortal, his two fingers quickly pinched a sword fight, and a few cold words were suddenly spit out from his mouth.

“Exterminate the immortal sword, cut the immortal!”

With the sound of Jiang Chen falling, the golden sun turned into a golden giant sword in vain and slashed at the oncoming black giant claw.

With this sword cut out, the heavens and the earth paled, and everything was silent.

All the creatures in the radius of a radius could not help shivering at this moment.

Destroy the fairy sword!

This is the Peerless Sword Immortal Art passed down to him by the Immortal King of Longevity!

This sword, as if even the fairy in the sky, is enough to easily cut it down!

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