Chapter 2451 Void Beast Tide Erupts

The land of the gods, the land of the north, the martial arts.

Several experts from the Divine King Realm gathered together to discuss matters in the Great Hall, and the atmosphere in the Great Hall was solemn.

The one who sits in the first place is Wu Mu, the first day of the martial arts family.

Not long ago.

After Wu Mu separated from Jiang Chen in the Immortal Mountain of Everlasting Life, he finally found a good opportunity to break through the Divine King Realm and reach the Divine King Third Stage in one fell swoop.

After breaking through the Divine King Realm, Wu Mu left the Everlasting Immortal Mountain and returned to the Wu Family, where he was revered as the Young Master by many Elders of the Wu Family.


Not long after Wu Mu returned to the Wu family, the world suddenly changed drastically.

The eternal void further north in the Northern Territory suddenly disappeared, and suddenly there was a huge world that was closely connected with the Northern Territory.

The Void Beasts that were originally in the Eternal Void also poured into the Northern Territory from the Eternal Void, and a large-scale wave of Void Beasts erupted.

It took less than half a month.

To the north of the Everlasting Immortal Mountain, almost a general area fell and was occupied by a wave of void beasts.

“Everyone Elder, the world in the Northern Territory has changed drastically, and the Void Beasts in the Eternal Void suddenly attacked, causing an unimaginable wave of Void Beasts in the Northern Territory. Now the situation is in crisis, what can you do to deal with?”

Wu Mu took a deep breath and finally broke the silence in the Great Hall.

“Young Master, the tide of the Void Beasts is coming fiercely, and there is even a Void Beast King who is comparable to the God King Ninth Stage Sky. Compared with the previous realm of cultivation, I am afraid that it is only strong or not weak. Now that the ancestor is not there, we are afraid it will be difficult to resist. Invasion of the Void Beast.”

A martial artist Elder said worriedly.

Although the world has changed dramatically recently, their strength in the Martial Dao realm has increased a lot, and the Martial Family alone has added a number of powerhouses in the Divine King realm.

But it was obviously not enough to fight against the sudden outbreak of the void beast tide.

Wu Mu was silent for a while and said, “Let all Practitioners north of Changsheng Xianshan retreat to the south of Changsheng Xianshan.”

The Void Beast Tide is too terrifying, and it is impossible to fight against.

Now they can only abandon the territory north of the Everlasting Immortal Mountain, retreat into the Tongxian Valley, and then use the Everlasting Immortal Mountain as a barrier to resist the tide of void beasts.

not to mention……

Wu Mu knew very well that Jiang Chen was still in the Immortal Mountain of Longevity.

With Jiang Chen’s unfathomable strength, even facing the Void Beast King who is comparable to the God King Ninth Stage Sky, he is completely capable of fighting.

If they could find Jiang Chen in the Everlasting Immortal Mountain, they might be able to block the invasion of the Void Beast.

For Wu Mu’s decision, many martial artists Elder naturally has no meaning.

The Everlasting Immortal Mountain is a natural barrier, and there is only a road leading to the south like Tongxian Valley.

If you retreat into the Tongxian Valley and rely on the Immortal Mountain of Longevity to resist the Void Beast, it is undoubtedly much easier than to collide with the Void Beast head-on.

As the order to retreat came from the Wu family, many Martial Dao forces in the north naturally responded to the call and quickly retreated in the direction of the Everlasting Immortal Mountain.

After withdrawing Tongxiangu.

Wu Mu gathered his strength and laid a defense at the entrance to the north of Tongxian Valley, intending to resist the steps of the void beast.

at the same time.

Wu Mu sent several elite disciples into the Everlasting Immortal Mountain to search for Jiang Chen’s whereabouts.

Now that the ancestors are not in the Northern Territory, the crisis they are facing, I am afraid that only Jiang Chen can resolve them.

And when the outside world changed drastically, Jiang Chen also walked out of the Immortal Mountain of Longevity.

Because of the great changes in the world of God’s Domain, Jiang Chen did not have the mind to stay too much in the Northern Region, intending to return to the Central Region directly.


When he appeared in Tongxian Valley, he discovered that in Tongxian Valley, there was actually a Practitioner who was looking at it, heading south.

These Practitioners are in groups, and should be the Martial Dao forces in the north of Changsheng Xianshan.

It’s just that these Martial Dao forces seem to have encountered something terrible, and they are hurriedly migrating to the south.

A look of doubt suddenly appeared in Jiang Chen’s eyes.

Since the destruction of the Immortal Realm, there should be nothing in this Northern Territory that could threaten the Martial Dao Realm, but why did the Martial Dao forces in the north of the Everlasting Immortal Mountain suddenly migrate to the south?

Could it be…

The restoration of the heavens and the earth of God’s Domain has caused great changes in the heavens and the earth. Has the Northern Region changed?

This place in the Northern Territory was originally the place where Heavenly Dao of the Gods Territory was located. Maybe it was really possible that it was the first to be affected and a huge change occurred.

“Jiang… Mr. Jiang Chen!”

Just when Jiang Chen was about to find someone to ask about the specific situation, two panting figures flashed straight towards him.

“Are you from the Wu family?”

Jiang Chen raised his head to look at the two figures coming straight, and he couldn’t help but frown slightly.

Although he didn’t know the two people in front of him, he could feel the extremely familiar blood of the martial arts from the two of them.

One of the Wu family disciples quickly replied: “Mr. Jiang Chen, I and the two of you are here to look for you on the eternal mountain on the order of Young Master Wu Mu.”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and slowly said, “If I’m not mistaken, has the Northern Territory changed drastically?”

“Yes, the eternal void of the North suddenly disappeared, and a piece of the world merged with the North Territory.”

“Void beasts that originally lived in the eternal void have all come to the Northern Territory, and now a wave of void beasts has erupted north of the Everlasting Immortal Mountain.”

“Now Young Master Wu Mu leads many powerful men to guard the entrance of Tongxian Valley to the north, and the Martial Dao forces in the north are also evacuating toward the south.”

A disciple of the martial arts family said with a heavy expression.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but twist his brows together tightly.

With the opening of the main hall of the Longevity Immortal Palace, Heavenly Dao rapidly recovered. The integration of all worlds into one, as expected, has already begun.


After all worlds were merged and unified, the creatures in the eternal void appeared directly in the realm of God, just as the Immortal King of Longevity said.

Their God’s Domain, I am afraid that there will be a real chaos next.

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly, and he immediately raised his head and asked: “What is the strength of the void beast that appeared in the Northern Territory?”

“It’s very strong. Compared with the former realm of cultivating immortals, I am afraid it is even better.”

When the two martial arts disciples talked about this, their expressions were very solemn.

Jiang Chen’s pupils suddenly shrank suddenly.

The strength of the Northern Territory Cultivation Realm was very powerful at first.

Even if he joined forces with Wu Zhantian, he finally took advantage of the power of the immortal monument to destroy the world of immortality.

If the strength of the void beast is not inferior to the former realm of cultivation, it will undoubtedly be a very tricky existence.

“Let’s go, take me to meet the void beasts that appear in the Northern Territory.”

When Jiang Chen spoke, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Now that Wu Zhantian is not in the Northern Territory, if he doesn’t make a move, the power of these Martial Dao forces in the Northern Territory may not be able to compete with the Void Beast at all.

It seems that he can only solve the problem of the Void Beast in the Northern Territory first, and then return to the Central Territory.

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