Chapter 2441 Re-entry into the Immortal Mountain of Longevity

Renhuangdian is the emperor of the world!

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, the pupil of the Changshenggu Elder couldn’t help but shrank suddenly.

Although the Longevity Valley was hidden from the world after the Great Tribulation of the Ancients, it was almost isolated from the outside world. But as the Elder of the Longevity Valley, he still knows the Palace of Humans very well.

He obviously didn’t expect that the one in front of him turned out to be the Emperor of the Human Emperor.

In the Palace of Human Emperors, the emperors of all dynasties have stood on the peak powerhouse of God’s Domain.

Not to mention that it is the Longevity Valley that has long since fallen, I am afraid that even in the Longevity Valley at its peak, few people can compete with the Human Sovereign of the Human Sovereign Hall.

“I took Lu Xiaoqing away. In exchange, I will find a way to help you resolve the blood curse from Changshenggu.”

Jiang Chen said lightly, and immediately led Lu Xiaoqing to walk away.

Looking at the back of Jiang Chen and the two of them leaving, Changshenggu Elder didn’t say much, instead, there was a look of excitement in his eyes.

Ever since the bloodline curse of Changsheng Valley, the ancestors of Changsheng Valley have tried every means to resolve the bloodline curse of Changsheng Valley.


For so many years, Changshenggu is still helpless against this blood curse.

Jiang Chen is the emperor of the human emperor, and since he took Lu Xiaoqing with him, perhaps he can really solve the blood curse of Changshenggu.

If their blood curse can really be resolved, this would undoubtedly be great news for Changshenggu.

Jiang Chen took Lu Xiaoqing away from the world where Changsheng Valley was located, and returned to the nameless shop of the gray-robed old man.

Seeing that Jiang Chen actually brought out a little girl from the Longevity Valley, the old face of the gray-robed old man couldn’t help showing a look of uncertainty.

“Human Emperor, is this the person you are looking for?”

How overbearing the Bloodline Curse of Changsheng Valley is, the gray-robed old man naturally doesn’t have to be clear to anyone.

Even if the girl in front of her was really talented, she couldn’t cultivate at all.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said, “Yes, she is the person I am looking for. As for the blood curse on her, I will find a solution.”

“It is not an easy task to break the blood curse of Changshenggu.”

The gray-robed old man shook his head, and then said solemnly: “Even if the Martial Dao above the God King is in charge, I am afraid that he may not have that ability.”

Jiang Chen confidently said: “Don’t worry, since I brought her out, there will naturally be a solution.”

The rule of Martial Dao may be difficult to crack the supreme curse of the Longevity Valley, but what about the immortal realm above the rule?

And the immortal king of longevity, it is very likely that the existence above the immortal realm.

If even the Immortal King of Longevity can’t solve the blood curse of the Longevity Valley, who else in this world can solve it?

Hearing this, the gray-robed old man didn’t say much, and directly waved his hand and said, “If this is the case, you can take her out of here.”

“The old gentleman has extraordinary strength. It would be a bit too talented to live in seclusion here.”

Jiang Chen said sincerely to the gray-robed old man: “If God’s Domain encounters a crisis in the future, I also hope that the old man can come out and help.”

Although God’s Domain has resolved the troubles of the Void Demon Race, behind the Void Demon Race, there is still a Cultivation Universe that may make a comeback at any time, and the situation is still not optimistic.

The old man in front of him is a god king Ninth Stage who is not inferior to the real Cangming.

If possible, Jiang Chen naturally hopes that the gray-robed old man can come out of the mountain and help God’s Domain.

“The mission of the old in this life is to protect the valley of longevity. Unintentionally participate in other things.”

The gray-robed old man raised his head and glanced at Jiang Chen, and said indifferently, “Of course, if you can resolve the blood curse for the Changshenggu, if it makes me wish, the old man might not give you his life!”

“The old gentleman is serious. When you bring me next time, it will definitely bring a way to resolve the blood curse for Changsheng Valley.”

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he hugged the cupped fist to the gray-robed old man, and then led Lu Xiaoqing to quickly turn around and leave.

After leaving the buried city.

Jiang Chen directly led Lu Xiaoqing all the way north to the far north of the Central Territory, and then crossed the inanimate world through the space channel, and returned to the land of the northern region again.

Since the destruction of the immortal world, the Northern Territory has once again been controlled by the Martial Dao forces headed by the martial arts.

The atmosphere of the entire Northern Territory is also peaceful.

After Jiang Chen returned to the Northern Territory this time, he didn’t alarm anyone, and directly led Lu Xiaoqing toward the Everlasting Immortal Mountain.

“Jiang Chen Big Brother, where are we going? What kind of place is this? I feel like I am about to like this place, and I feel a little bit reluctant to leave.”

Lu Xiaoqing’s big smart eyes looked at the environment around Changsheng Xianshan, and a look of infatuation appeared on her small face.

As the owner of the Eternal Evergreen Body, the environment of the Everlasting Immortal Mountain is undoubtedly a fatal attraction to Lu Xiaoqing.

Jiang Chen patted Lu Xiaoqing’s head and said with a smile: “Big Brother will take you to a better place. Once there, you can start cultivation.”


Lu Xiaoqing couldn’t help but cheered for a while, like a lark, twittering in front of Jiang Chen.

Having entered the Everlasting Immortal Mountain last time, Jiang Chen is relatively familiar with the situation of the Everlasting Immortal Mountain.

Along the way.

The two Jiang Chen were hardly hindered, and soon came to the area where the Immortal Cultivator Alliance was located.

Jiang Chen did not intend to go to the Immortal Cultivator Alliance, but directly followed the route in his memory and headed towards the direction of the Longevity Immortal Palace.

And while Jiang Chen was chatting with Lu Xiaoqing while rushing on the road, there was a sudden violent energy fluctuation not far ahead, breaking the tranquility of the mountains and forests.

Immediately afterwards.

A cold stern shout also instantly passed into Jiang Chen’s ears.

“Wu Mu, you have nowhere to escape, and you won’t be obedient, just get caught, kneel down and lead to death!”

Someone seems to have a conflict before?

Jiang Chen frowned slightly, and Xuan even strode towards the direction of the sound.

Jiang Chen is no stranger to the name Wu Mu.

As far as Jiang Chen knows.

Wu Zhantian’s martial arts family had a young genius named Wu Mu, and Wu Zhantian brought this martial arts genius to let him meet.

I don’t know if this Wu Mu is that Wu Family genius.

If it was Wu Zhantian’s back, since he happened to meet him today, how could he just sit idly by?

Jiang Chen walked along the direction of the sound source.

Not long.

Jiang Chen appeared outside a relatively open forest.

A hundred meters away from the front, on a slightly protruding big rock, a black-clothed young man was covered in blood and disheveled, looking extremely embarrassed.


On the face of the black-clothed youth, there was a permanent indifference.

His eyes were calm and condensed like a rock, and his body was still standing upright like a javelin!

This young man in black is surprisingly the young genius Wu Mu of the Wu family who Jiang Chen had a relationship with!

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