Chapter 2432 Breaking Into The Eternal Void

“The Devil Emperor is now at a critical moment of breakthrough. If we force him to wake it up, I am afraid it will affect his practice…”

Mo Tianying frowned tightly.

Since the last demon emperor of the Void Demon Race was defeated by the Emperor Jiang Qingtian of the Emperor Deva of the Emperor of God’s Domain of the Mainlander Palace, there has been no existence of the posture of a demon emperor.

This life.

Their Void Demon Race finally has an existence who is qualified to succeed the Devil Emperor.

Thousands of years ago, that person had already reached the peak of the Ninth-order Void Demon God, and started Closed Door Training to attack the Demon Emperor’s realm!

Once that one can become a real Devil Emperor, he is comparable to the existence of the Martial Dao ruler of God’s Realm.

By the time.

Isn’t it easy for their Void Demon Race to conquer the Continent of God’s Domain?

“Now do we have another choice?”

The three-eyed demon said indifferently: “If you don’t wake it up, once the people of God’s Domain invade the eternal void, our Void Demon Race will probably be gone.”

“The Lord of the Moon God Palace is unfathomable in strength, and I cannot handle it alone. Only by awakening the one of your Void Demon Race can we stop God’s Domain one or two.”

“Give me some time, I will find a way to contact the Blood Fiend Cult of Xiu Xian Universe, and let Xiu Xian Universe return to the realm of God!”

At this moment, the ancestor of the blood sun also said directly.

With the perception of the ancestor of the blood sun, the existence of the heir of the demon emperor of the Void Demon Race can naturally be vaguely sensed.

The aura of that person is only stronger than he is now, even if he hasn’t entered the Mahayana period, he may not be far from that level.

There is only that one now, and perhaps he can barely deal with that Moon God Palace Master Mingyue Xin.

As long as it can be delayed until he contacts the Blood Fiend Cult and allows the Xiuxian Universe to return to the mainland of God’s Domain, everything will be solved.

Hearing this, Mo Tianying couldn’t help taking a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: “If this is the case, then prepare to awaken Lord Demon Emperor.”

Now the Void Demon Race has suffered unprecedented heavy losses, which can be said to be in a crisis of life and death.

God’s Domain Continent would definitely not let go of such an excellent opportunity to completely annihilate the Void Demon Race from the God’s Domain world.


Even if they do not awaken Lord Demon Emperor, once God’s Domain Continent attacks, Lord Demon Emperor’s breakthrough will still be affected, and may even suffer backlash.

While waiting for Lord Devil Emperor to be forced to wake up, it would be better for them to wake Lord Lord Devil in advance and get ready to welcome the God of War domain.

While the Eight Demon Kings of the Void Demon Race were terrified, the War Demon City not far from the Void Heavenly Demon Clan, the War Demon Alliance naturally received news from the Gods Domain Continent.

When they learned that God’s Domain Continent had defeated the Void Demon Race, there was an incredible shock in their eyes.

Even the seven most powerful god kings of Ninth Stage, seem a little unbelievable.

They guarded the War Demon City all the year round, and they knew the strength of the Void Demon Race better than ordinary people.

Although they held the Eight Demon King-level powerhouses of the Void Demon Race in this battle demon city, they did not dare to move lightly.

But even so.

The current strength of God’s Domain Continent is more than a star and a half worse than that of the Void Demon Race.

Rao, they didn’t expect that two peerless powerhouses would suddenly come out in God’s Domain Continent.

Wu Zhantian of the ancient family martial arts!

Moon God Palace Lord Mingyue Heart!

These two people turned out to be born, and they even helped God’s Domain Continent to hit the Void Demon Clan in one fell swoop!

“True Cangming, now the Void Demon Race has been greatly injured, and the existence of two more gods Ninth Stage Heaven on the Continent of God’s Domain is the perfect time to destroy the Void Demon Race!”

“It shouldn’t be too late. In the name of the seven of us, let the strong from God’s Domain come to fight the Demon City and fight the Void Demon Race to the death.”

A god king Ninth Stage, a strong man, couldn’t help looking at the Tsing Yi Daoist headed by him.

If Jiang Chen were here at this moment, he would naturally recognize him at a glance. This Tsing Yi Daoist was indeed a real person from the current myth of God’s Domain Continent, Cangming.

“Okay! Then gather the power of God’s Domain to completely destroy the Void Demon Race.”

Mortal Cangming’s eyes flickered slightly, and a sharp light flashed in his old eyes.

these years.

He led the powerhouse of God’s Domain to guard the War Demon City. His biggest wish was to eradicate the Void Demon Race. Now he finally waited for his chance.

God’s Domain Continent.

Jiang Chen did not take advantage of the victory after leading the powerhouse of God’s Domain Continent to defeat the Void Demon Race.

While he sent people to contact the seven god kings Ninth Stage who guarded the eternal void, he recuperated and waited for the birth of the Moon God Palace.

After half a month.

There are more than a dozen Elder-level experts in the Moon God Palace, who have successfully cultivated the secret technique brought back by Jiang Chen, and are no longer rejected by the Heavenly Dao law of God’s Domain.

Among the dozen or so strong, the weakest are all who have reached the Seventh Stage of the God King or above.

Even the strongest god king in Ninth Stage, there are two of them.

With the addition of Mingyuexin and Wu Zhantian, God’s Domain Continent is equivalent to the strongest God King with four God Kings Ninth Stage Heaven.

Counting the seven god kings Ninth Stage who guard the eternal void and the Ninth Stage god kings of God’s Domain Continent, there are a total of eleven!

With such power, even facing the Eight Demon Kings of the Void Demon Race, they are already in the absolute upper hand!

It is precisely because of this.

After the seven great Ninth Stage god kings, including Cang Ming, decided to fight the Void Demon Clan, Jiang Chen also took the power of the gods into the eternal void.

very quickly.

Jiang Chen took nearly a hundred experts from God’s Domain all the way to the War Demon City built by God’s Domain in the eternal void.

In the War Demon City.

The seven Ninth Stage god kings, headed by the real Cangming, also went out of the city to greet them personally.

“Little guy, we meet again.”

Looking at Jiang Chen walking in the forefront, the muddy old eyes of Real Cangming couldn’t help showing a complex look.

I remember that when he appeared in the Ji Clan of the Eastern Region, Jiang Chen was just a little boy who was still in the earthly respect.

Although the real person Cangming had already seen at that time, this son was unparalleled in talent and luck.

But he still didn’t expect that Jiang Chen could rise from heaven-defying in such a short time, become the emperor of the human emperor palace, and also lead the continent of God’s Domain to defeat the Void Demon Race.

Although the defeat of the Void Demon Race this time, it is mainly Mingyuexin and Wu Zhantian, the two god kings Ninth Stage, who have come out.

But the real person Cang Ming was also very clear in his heart.

These two people are able to come out, and almost all of them have an inseparable relationship with Jiang Chen.

“Cangming senior.”

Jiang Chen looked at the real Cangming in front of him, and could not help hurriedly stepping forward and saluting respectfully.

In the Eastern Region, when he hadn’t grown up, it was also the clone of True Man Cangming who came to help him out of trouble.

Jiang Chen was also grateful for the current legend of God’s Domain Continent, but he never had the opportunity to thank him in person.

Now in this War Devil City, he finally saw the true face of Real Cangming.

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