Chapter 2422 you can get out

“Boy, I have to admit that I underestimated you earlier.”

Mo Wu Lin stands tall in Nine Heavens, with swords and knives in all directions, and his voice is as cold as ice: “No matter how evil you are, I will definitely let you die today.”

In the Palace of Human Emperors, each of the emperors of the past generations is a stunning generation, bringing endless disasters to their Void Demon Race.

The current emperor in front of him, although only the Cultivation Base of the Sixth Stage of the God King, already has a heaven-defying power comparable to the Ninth Stage of the God King.

Once let him grow up to the Ninth Stage, I am afraid it will be an invincible god king, even if they are the eight great demon kings of the Void Demon Race, no one can help him.


Even at all costs, he is determined to kill this human emperor palace as the emperor of the world today!

Mo Wulin’s sneer fell, and the power of the vast Demon God surged out of his body again.

that moment.

Everything between the heavens and the earth seemed to stop at this moment, and even the clouds above the void ceased to wriggle, and a breath of ruining the heavens and the earth permeated directly with Mo Wulin as the center.

And as the breath of Mo Wulin filled the void, all the creatures in the world around the world seemed to be affected involuntarily.

There was even a faintly decadent and uneasy negative emotion in everyone’s mind.

“This…what is this Fist Technique?”

Rao was Jiang Wuya and other experts in the realm of God, feeling the breath of Mo Wulin’s punch, he couldn’t help showing a look of astonishment.

Even if it is any of them, I am afraid it may not be able to stop Mo Wulin’s punch.


Jiang Chen faced Mo Wulin’s punch that was about to be brewed, and his face was also a little more solemn.

Mo Wulin’s punch was no less inferior to the full blow of the god king Ninth Stage. Even with his current strength, he felt a hint of danger from this punch.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, didn’t dare to neglect the movement of his hands, and directly urged the supernatural power of the sword in his body with all his strength, and then knocked open the heavenly gate with a sword.

“The Azure Emperor has a sword!”

Facing the destructive punch of Mo Wulin, Jiang Chen didn’t have the slightest reservation at all, and directly used the Qingdi Sword Technique’s last Qingdi sword with all his strength.


The gate of heaven opened wide, and a cyan phantom standing proud of the sword, like a peerless sword immortal, stepped from the gate of heaven.

This cyan phantom was much stronger than Jiang Chen’s previous use of the Qing Emperor’s sword.

He indifferently looked down at Mo Wulin, who was full of destructive aura, and his cold and proud voice resounded in the void.

“It’s mere ants with a trace of Heavenly Demon blood. They dare to attack the emperor’s people and die!”

Hearing the Cyan Void suddenly spoke, Jiang Chen, who had used the Azure Emperor’s sword countless times, couldn’t help showing an unprecedented horror at this moment.

If he guessed right, the Qing Emperor Sword Technique’s last stroke of the Azure Emperor’s sword, summoning a cyan phantom, should be the sword immortal Xu Qingdi who taught him the Azure Emperor Longevity Art.


Jiang Chen never thought of it anyway.

The cyan phantom summoned by him using this sword is still a conscious existence.


In the past, his Cultivation Base was not enough, and the cyan phantom summoned by using the Sword Technique of the Qing Emperor was just a rudimentary form.

Today he used his full force to use this sword, and finally it was the first time that this cyan phantom had a sense of consciousness.

Just when Jiang Chen was horrified, the cyan phantom in the void directly waved the long sword in his hand, and then slashed the Demon Wulin with an understatement.


The sword was drawn down, and the world died.

Mo Wulin only felt that his whole person was locked by a terrifying Sword Qi, and a shadow of Death also instantly enveloped his heart.


At this moment, Mo Wulin didn’t have time to think about it.

He had to suppress the horror in his heart, then shook his fist with all his strength, and blasted at the Sword Ray who had come across the world!

“Heavenly Demon Fist!”

With the blast of Mo Wulin’s punch, the void seemed to have completely solidified at this moment, a force of destruction that surged from the void, swept out like a hurricane!

This hurricane is filled with an aura of extreme horror and death, wherever it passes, it seems that all the vitality will instantly turn into powder.

“What a terrible confrontation!”

Looking at the terrifying battle in the void, whether it is the many powerful people of God’s Domain or the people of the Void Demon Race, a look of astonishment appeared in the eyes.

The horrible movement caused by the confrontation between the two is definitely no less inferior to the confrontation between the two god kings Ninth Stage.

Under those countless shocking gazes, Mo Wulin’s punch that destroyed the sky and the earth finally rushed up into the sky, and the sword that pierced the sky and the earth crashed together!


The terrifying impact, like a collision of meteorites, immediately erupted with a loud noise.

Thousands of miles of emptiness are constantly collapsing at this moment.

The energy ripples full of the smell of destruction continue to spread from the void.

that moment.

Whether it is the many powerhouses of God’s Domain or the powerhouse of the Void Demon Race, they are all forced to retreat by the spreading space storm.

Everyone’s eyes were staring at the void that had turned into chaos with amazement.

Almost no one could have imagined that the clash between the two young arrogances would have caused such a terrifying power.

Under the gaze of countless shocking eyes.

I don’t know how long it took. In the emptiness that had turned into a chaotic space, an embarrassed figure also flew out directly.

Everyone was horrified to discover that the figure flying upside down was not someone else, it was Mo Wulin of the Void Demon Race.

Mo Wulin lost?

Seeing this scene, Jiang Wuya and other experts in the realm of God couldn’t help but show a look of ecstasy on their faces.

But Mo Qianyu and others of the Void Demon Race, their expressions became extremely gloomy.

They thought.

Mo Wu Lin is a peerless arrogant of the Void Demon Cultivation Base that has reached the seventh rank of the Void Demon. Its combat power is comparable to the Ninth Stage Heavenly Powerhouse, the gods of the Kingdom of God, and is almost invincible in today’s Kingdom of God.

It is precisely because of this that they will send Mo Wulin to decide the victory with the young Tianjiao.

Unexpectedly, God’s Domain Continent suddenly appeared such an enchanting peerless arrogant, even Mo Wulin, who reached the seventh-order Void Demon God in Cultivation Base, was defeated!

Jiang Chen stood proudly in the void, looking down at this Void Demon indifferently, coldly

“Void Demon Race, according to the agreement, your Void Demon Race is defeated, and you can get out of the Continent of God’s Domain,”

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